Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Breaking Benjamin
Is an American rock band from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, formed in 1998.
Benjamin Burnley - lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1998-present)
Aaron Fink - lead guitar, backing vocals (2001-present)
Mark Klepaski - bass guitar, backing vocals (2001-present)
Chad Szeliga - drums, percussion (2005-present)
Saturate (2002)
We Are Not Alone (2004)
Phobia (2006)
Dear Agony (2009)
Polyamorous (Saturate 02) /
Skin (Saturate 02) /
Medicate (Saturate 02) /
So cold (We Are Not Alone 04) /
Sooner or later (We Are Not Alone 04) /
Rain (We Are Not Alone 04) /
The diary of Jane (Phobia 06) /
Breath (Phobia 06) /
Until the end (Phobia 06) /
I will not bow (Dear Agony 09) /
Give me a sign (Dear Agony 09) /
Breaking Benjamin Live:
Breath [Live 2007]
So Cold (The Jimmy Kimmel Show Live)
The Diary of Jane [live]
Official Website:
Kada žene biraju muževnije partnere?

Muževnije crte lica, poput jačih vilica i gušćih obrva, povezuju se sa zdravljem muškaraca i potomstva, smatraju naučnici, pa zato u društvima sa lošijim zdravstvenim stanjem stanovnika, žene više privlače muškarci grubljeg izgleda.
Istraživanje je pokazalo i to da žene ne biraju uvek partnere muževnijeg izgleda jer strahuju da bi mogle da dožive neprijatnosti u vezi ili da ih partner ostavi zbog druge žene.
Naučnici su otkrili da žene doživljavaju muževne muškarce kao neiskrene, nespremne na saradnju, više zainteresovane za afere kratkog daha, nego za dugotrajne veze, a čak ih smatraju i lošim roditeljima.
Ipak, ako žive u sredinama u kojima ima više zabrinutosti za zdravlje, žene nesvesno "praštaju" rizik od mogućih neprijatnosti zbog koristi koju veća muževnost donosi, pa se tako radije opredeljuju za muževnije muškarce.
Da bi istražili ovu pretpostavku, naučnici su uporedili statističke podatke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije iz 30 zemalja.
U istraživanju je učestvovalo više od 4.500 žena starosti od 16 do 40 godina. Njima je preko Interneta ponuđeno da na trenutak pogledaju po 20 parova muških lica, i da izaberu između muževnije ili nežnije verzije istog lika.
"Ženama iz zemalja u kojima je veća stopa smrtnosti i povećan procenat zaraznih bolesti, više su se svideli muževniji muškarci", rekla je Lisa De Bruin (DeBruine), psiholog sa Univerziteta u Aberdinu u Škotskoj.
Pet zemalja u kojima su žene u najvećem broju birale grublja lica su Brazil, Meksiko, Bugarska, SAD i Argentina, a sve te zemlje su na prvih deset mesta na listi s lošim zdravstvenim stanjem stanovnika, iz kojih su naučnicima stigli podaci.
Pet "najzdravijih" zemalja u kojima je sprovedeno istraživanje, jesu Island, Švedska, Italija, Švajcarska i Španija, a pet zemalja u kojima su žene pokazale najmanju zainteresovanost za muževnije muškarce su Švedska, Belgija, Rumunija, Danska i Novi Zeland.
Činjenica da se žene u zemljama sa dobrim zdravljem stanovnika nisu uvek odlučivale za muškarce sa nežnijim crtama lica, mogla bi da ukazuje na to da i drugi faktori iz okruženja utiču na odabir partnera.
"Na primer, jednakost žena i kontrola finansijskih sredstava takođe može da utiče na to za koji će se tip muškarca one odlučiti", rekla je De Brun.
Naučnica je zapazila da se rezultati novih istraživanja poklapaju sa podacima do kojih je ona došla ranije, a koji su pokazali da se na osnovu toga da li žena oseća gađenje kada mora da sedi pored nekog obolelog, može predvideti njena sklonost prema grubljim licima.
"Žene koje su gadljive, što pokazuje koliko ih zabrinjava pitanje zdravlja, takođe više vole grublja lica", rekla je De Brun.
Why model agencies hated THE SEXY RAQUEL?

Miss Welch, now 69, said people branded her figure far from perfect after she moved to Los Angeles, California, in the early 1960s to try to make it as a movie star.
'When I tried to do some modelling after I first came to LA - just to get a job - they hated my body. Everything was wrong,' she told US talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
But the One Million Years B.C. star, who has penned a new autobiography entitled Beyond The Cleavage, said their view rapidly changed when she was thrust - somewhat reluctantly - into sex symbol status.
'I had no idea that was the path I was going to be going in when I started my career, because I wanted to be an actress,' she said.
'When I came to Hollywood I was actually the mother of two small children already and I wanted to be taken seriously.
'It wasn't common knowledge, it wasn't something I paraded around a lot.'
In fact, at the age of 18, she had married her high school sweetheart James Welch in 1959 - whom she would divorce five years later.
And the couple's two children she kept quiet about as she tried to launch her career were Damon (born in 1960) and Tahnee (born in 1961).

Arriving in LA during the 'beach party craze' of the early 60s, she landed minor roles in films such as Elvis Presley's Roustabout (1964) and A Swingin' Summer (1965) before being catapulted to stardom with One Million Years B.C. in 1966.
Despite her good looks, Miss Welch told Oprah she did not feel like a sex symbol on a daily basis.
Asked if she felt as good as she looked, she laughed: 'Barely. I'll have my mornings when I really like myself, but 90 per cent of the time it's "Oh my God".
'One of the reasons I look so good is that it takes me about three hours to get ready.'
Far from perfect: When Welch first moved to Hollywood modelling agencies rejected her, until she found fame in films like 1967's Bedazzled
But the film star, who was linked to a string of men in her heyday - including Elvis Presley, Dean Martin and Burt Bacharach - said she would urge women to feel comfortable with growing old.
'I want them to stop being scared of it, because it's just another chapter in life,' she said.
'I want to encourage them not to be disturbed and to really embrace it and go with it.'
Daily Mail
Before She Was Famous....IMTA Alum Ashley Greene!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Madonna`s Lola

“I just stand in the background and go, ‘That’s cool. That’s not cool,’” Madonna, 51, insists to the Associated Press.
“If Lola wasn’t so completely involved in the line, designing, consulting, whatever you want to call it, I wouldn’t do it. Really she does most of the work, honestly.”
Promoting the launch has fallen on Madonna’s shoulders, however, because of Lola’s busy school schedule. “She has a lot of work to do,” the singer explains. “I don’t want her to be distracted.”
Promising that her daughter “will eventually be able to talk about [Material Girl],” Madonna says it can’t happen soon enough!
“I am going to be happy when she does because she can speak much more clearly … and in a more informed way than I can about a line she is ultimately designing.”
Working side-by-side was an eye-opening experience for Madonna, who admits she came to view Lola differently as a result.
“I see her more as a creative person, as an artist and less as my daughter as we are working,” she explains, “and then every once and a while I remembered she is my daughter.”
By Madonna’s own account, Lola has been interested in fashion design for quite some time, and good friend Stella McCartney deserves the bulk of the credit.
“She got her mind thinking when Lola was a little girl, about 8-years-old,” Madonna recalls. “She started giving Lola fabrics and inviting her into her showroom and asking her opinion on things, giving her sketch books and stuff like that.”
While McCartney is singled out as someone who “pushed” Lola, Madonna notes that she has numerous other friends who are clothing designers, and that as a result, her daughter is no stranger to the industry.

“She has been around all of the shoots I have done and all of the campaigns I have done,” Madonna says.
Life on the road with mom has also provided ample opportunities for Lola to hone in on her craft. Madonna adds,
“She is always hanging out backstage. The last two tours I have done, she has been working in the wardrobe department. On this last tour she dressed all of the dancers.”
Lola’s love of her English upbringing is evident in the designs.
“According to her, she thinks people have more style in London, especially the boys,” Madonna shares. “French boys in particular have very good style, according to Lola.”
Music and dance class have also ignited Lola’s creative spark, but sometimes she finds inspiration closer to home!
Madonna adds, “Of course she is inspired by my closet. My Christian Dior shoes will go missing and then some fabulous bag I won’t be able to find or my skinny jeans, the only pair that fit me are gone.”
When asked which fashion lessons she’s learned from her daughter, Madonna says she has learned just one. “I am boring basically,” she jokes.
Noting that Lola “just goes for it and tries different things,” Madonna admits, “She reminds me of me when I was younger.” People
Dijamantski VIBRATOR od 40.000 evra

Vibrator je napravljen od belog zlata, ukrašen sa 117 dijamanata, a u sredini se nalazi dijamantski prsten, koji se može skinuti i nositi na ruci.
- Ovo je igračka namenjena bogatašima koji svoju ljubav žele da izraze na specifičan način - kaže Žan Fransoa Tokar, dizajner ovog luksuznog seksualnog pomagala.
On je objasnio da vibrator postoji u nekoliko veličina, cena je 40.000 evra, a već su poručena četiri primerka. Lepota i zdravlje
Kakav ideal muškarca nam serviraju u ljubavnim romanima?

Junaci za kojima žene žude čitajući savremene ljubavne romane daleko su od onih na kakve smo navikli u knjigama kao što su „Prohujalo sa vihorom“. Moderni heroji su svedeni na mlakonje koji nemaju baš previše veze sa realnim muškarcima, a heroine su zaboravile da se ženska privlačnost krije u njenoj snazi da posle ljubavnog brodoloma kao mačka brzo ponovo stanu na svoje noge.
Žene se danas okreću osetljivim romantičnim herojima, nasuprot snažnim mačo junacima kojima su nekad bile naklonjenije, kad je reč o ljubavnim romanimaNešto nije u redu sa junacima savremenih romantičnih romana. Gde li je nestao Ret Batler koji se borio da kroz Atlantu u plamenu spasi Skarlet O’Haru, pita se kolumnistkinja magazina „Dailymail“ Danuta Kean, koja primećuje da su moderni heroji današnjih čitateljki sladunjavi do ivice neprivlačnosti.
Moderne heroine su, s druge strane, toliko iscrpljene bolešću, stresom, razvodom ili nefunkcionisanjem porodice da su i zaboravile šta znači istinska strast za nečim ili nekim.
Sa toliko depresivne romantične fikcije u ponudi, ne čudi što raste i broj onih koji su počeli da gaje tajnu strast prema čitanju žanra za koji smo mislili da izumire.
Istovremeno raste i broj onih koji te knjige radije čitaju u digitalnom izdanju nego što ih kupuju. Savremeni čitaoci kao da žele da sakriju interesovanje za pomenutu romantičnu literaturu, zbog čijeg kvaliteta bi i sama Džejn Ostin danas verovatno pocrvenela.
Iznurene junakinje u savremenim romanima čeznu za muškarcem, kog nema u njihovom životu. Možda problem leži u tome što se slične priče mogu čuti i u redovima u supermarketu. Savremene junakinje žive bez ljubavi ili tuguju bar šest godina za izgubljenim muškarcem kao u knjizi Mirande Dickinson „Fairytale Of New York“, iako bi bilo normalno da se već posle druge obrate stručnjaku za pomoć, ukoliko već ne mogu u sebi da pronađu snagu da nastave život. Šta se dogodilo sa onim: „Sutra je novi dan!“ i junakinjama koje su bile pune stoicizma pred važnim životnim odlukama, heroinama koje su svojom životnom energijom izazivale divljenje. Gde su nestale natprosečne žene, koje ne žele da budu žrtve, i ne predstavljaju sebe takvima, jer žrtva ste, ako to sebi dozvolite.
Šta junakinje koje ne uspevaju da funkcionišu bez muškaraca ili da se oporave od raskida mogu dati nekom mladom čitaocu?
Pisci i izdavači u svetu brane ovakve ljubavne knjige tvrdeći da su plod realnosti savremenog doba. Žene, navodno, gravitiraju prema osetljivijim herojima jer im je potrebna podrška, posebno u vreme kad pokušavaju da se ostvare u svim ulogama koje im društvo nameće − u kući, jednako kao i u poslu. Ali, da li zaista sada čeznemo za muškarcima koji nisu muževni i mišićavi? Da li nam je to doneo feminizam? Treba li muškarci, kako su predstavljeni u savremenim romanima, da budu svojom prenaglašenom osetljivošću dostojni prezira? Ima li takvih heteroseksualnih muškaraca uopšte, osim u ženskoj mašti.
Realne muške vrline, kao što su snaga, integritet, sposobnost da se deluje u teškim i kriznim situacijama, ignorišu se u novoj literaturi.
Ovakav pogled žena na previše osetljive junake, preti da razori odnos žene sa muškarcima u njenom životu − kako sa sinovima, tako i sa ljubavnicima. Poređenja sa muškarcima iz romana, često dovode do razdora u vezama. Kako najčešće komentarišu muški čitaoci na raznim forumima, žene imaju nerealna očekivanja od muškaraca. A da li je savremeni muškarac baš toliko očajan? Ako ima dobar posao, uredan je i negovan − reklo bi se da bi ga svaka majka poželela u kući svoje ćerke. Međutim, prema pravilima savremene romantične literature, on je daleko od „poželjnog junaka“ jer voli pivo, fudbal i izlaske u muškom društvu. Jednom rečju − on je čovek. U svetu ove literature, muškarci sa neprijatnim mirisima i razmišljanjima na način muškaraca, uklonjeni su i zamenjeni onima koji uživaju u tome da razgovaraju o muško-ženskim odnosima. Takvo portretisanje može dovesti do stvaranja beznadežno idealizovanih očekivanja kod žena. Ovi likovi su zasnovani na savremenim arhetipovima o kojim žene sanjare, ali toga baš i nema u životu. Blic
Robert Pattinson en "Bel Ami"

Robert Pattinson se encuentra en Hungria, (allí los costes de producción deben ser más baratos que en Hollywood), filmando "Bel Ami", veremos como queda a mi no me convence demasiado, he leído la novela, pero en fin.
Y encima dicen que no puede ser James Bond por su aspectos sucio.
Y es verdad, ves algunas fotos suyas y parece que cuando ve el agua del baño sale corriendo, o cuando un peine mira su grasoso pelo huye despavorido.
Hay fotos que hasta parece que huelen a sobaquillo.
Kyle Lowder on The Bold and The Beautiful!

Monday, March 29, 2010
IMTA alum Lyndsy Fonseca in Hot Tub Time Machine in Theaters Now

Check out Lyndsy Fonseca IMTA'03 in this hysterical new movie Hot Tub Time Machine! This film is a comedy about time traveling and Lyndsy plays Jennie. Lyndsy has another movie, Kick Ass coming out in theaters nationwide on April 10, 2010.

Painted Lady
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ace of Base
Was a pop band from Gothenburg, Sweden, formed in 1987.
Jonas "Joker" Berggren
Ulf "Buddha" Ekberg
Jenny Berggren
Malin "Linn" Berggren
Happy Nation / The Sign (1993)
The Bridge (1995)
Flowers / Cruel Summer (1998)
Da Capo (2002)
All that she wants (Happy Nation / The Sign 93) /
The sign (Happy Nation / The Sign 93) /
Don't turn around (Happy Nation / The Sign 93) /
Living in danger (The Sign 93) /
Lucky love (The Bridge 95) /
Beautiful life (The Bridge 95) /
Life is a flower (Flowers 98) /
Unspeakable (Da Capo 02) /
Beautiful morning (Da Capo 02) /
Ace of Base Live:
Beautiful Life (Live @ the World Music Awards)
Lucky Love @ DanceFloor France 1996
Official Website:
Spotify to hit US by Fall of 2010
The popular music streaming service, Spotify, plans to finally launch in America in the third quarter of this year, according to an interview with its Senior Vice President, Paul Brown. It had originally planned to hit the US in the third or fourth quarter of last year but reportedly ran into further licensing issues.
Spotify has 7 million users across Europe in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Norway and Finland, and provides a legal and free ad-supported music streaming service of nearly 8 million tracks from both major and independent record labels. Simply download the software - which looks unashamedly similar to iTunes - type in what you're looking for, and you're away.
Over 300,000 subscribers currently pay for its premium service, which offers ad-free streaming, the ability to listen on your iPhone, Android phone or Nokia Symbian phone, and cached offline playing - all for around £10 or €10 a month (about $15). Users can also buy a "day pass" of ad-free music for only £0.99 or €0.99, and the service provides links to legal download sites where you can purchase single tracks or albums with Spotify receiving a cut of the profits.
"We’re buying server space in random parts of the states and there are licensing discussions too," Brown told Bloomberg, "But they are going fine because we’re in a long-term partnership with the labels and publishers." It all sounds encouraging that Spotify will finally be ready to hit the big time later this year.
Spotify is also apparently in talks to partner with "unidentified U.S. Internet and mobile-phone service providers" for the launch, and plans to create further mobile applications, this time for BlackBerry and Palm devices. The company's commitment to the mobile platform was reinforced this week with the news of an updated iPhone app coming soon.
So far in Europe, Spotify seems to be helping to reduce music piracy by providing a free and easy way for people to get the music they want, with most users willing to put up with the occasional advertisement interruptions to their music or pay for the ad-free premium service. Either way the music industry and record labels make money (even if it is not as much as from traditional sales it is still better than the nothing they receive from illegal downloads) and hopefully this model can be successfully carried across the pond.
Lady Gaga, antes muerta que sencilla

Hoy cumple Lady Gaga, la Lady más famosa desde Lady Di, 24 añitos, pensaba que tenía más.
Parece una señora al lado de chicas como Taylor Swift, y si Gaga nació en 1986, Taylor lo hizo en el 89, tres años no es nada.
Y ves a una al lado de la otra y parecen madre e hija. Que cosas.
Ahora Lady Gaga se dedicará, también, a diseñar gafas de sol.
A mi más que icono de moda me parece un esperpento, o un ninot de falla.
Aunque, en cierta manera, me recuerda a nuestra "Martirio".
FUENTE:Lady Gaga, diseñadora de gafas de sol
Zac Efron ¿será? Flash Gordon

Dicen que está de conversaciones por el papel.
Fuente:Zac Efron podría ser Flash Gordon
Y mientras se distrae andando de shopping con Vanessa Hudgens.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The White Stripes
Is an American rock duo, formed in 1997 in Detroit, Michigan. The musical and stylistic elements of The White Stripes are grounded and rooted in blues and early punk. Meg is the Jack's ex-wife.
Jack White (vocals, guitar, piano, and once bass)
Meg White (drums and occasional vocals)
The White Stripes (1999)
De Stijl (2000)
White Blood Cells (2001)
Elephant (2003)
Get Behind Me Satan (2005)
Icky Thump (2007)
Walking with a Ghost (2005)
Under Great White Northern Lights (2010)
Let's shake hands (Non Album 98) /
Laffayete blues (Non Album 98) /
The big tree killed my baby (The White Stripes 99) /
Hands spring (Non Album 99) /
Hello operator (De Stijl 00) /
Lord, send me an angel (Non Album 00) /
Party of special things to do (Non Album 00) /
Hotel yorba (White Blood Cells 01) /
Fell in love with a girl (White Blood Cells 01) /
Dead leaves and the dirty ground (White Blood Cells 01) /
We're going to be friends (White Blood Cells 01) /
Red death at 6:14 (Sympathetic Sounds of Detroit 02) /
Candy cane children (Non Album 02) /
Seven nation army (Elephant 03) /
I just don't know what to do with myself (Elephant 03) /
The hardest button to button (Elephant 03) /
There's no home for you here (Elephant 03) /
Jolene (Under Blackpool Lights 04) /
Blue orchid (Get Behind Me Satan 05) /
My doorbell (Get Behind Me Satan 05) /
The denial twist (Get Behind Me Satan 05) /
Top special (Non Album 05) /
Icky thump (Icky Thump 07) /
Rag and bone (Icky Thump 07) /
You don't know what love is (Icky Thump 07) /
Conquest (Icky Thump 07) /
The White Stripes Live:
Seven Nation Army LIVE MTV AWARDS 2003
Let's Build A Home (Live)
Icky Thump live Later with Jools Holland, june 2 2007
Fell in Love with a Girl live Letterman
Official Website:
Channing Tatum, para recordar

Channing Tatum, actor, productor y modelo. Lo tiene todo, ni le sobra ni le falta.
Tiene 29 añitos, toda una carrera por delante.
Nació Cullman, (Alabama), encima es sureño el chaval como Rett Butler.
Gloria Bendita de Hombre. Le nombro el cuerpo del mes.

Dashboard Confessional
Is an American alternative rock band from Boca Raton, Florida, formed in 1999.
Chris Carrabba (Vocals, Guitar)
John Lefler (Bass)
Scott Schoenbeck (Guitar)
Mike Marsh (Drums)
The Swiss Army Romance (2000)
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most (2001)
A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar (2003)
Dusk and Summer (2006)
The Shade of Poison Trees (2007)
Alter the Ending (2009)
Screaming infidelities (The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most 01) /
Saints and sailors (The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most 01) /
Hands down (A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar 03) /
Rapid hope loss (A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar 03) /
Vindicated (Spider-Man 2 OST 04) /
Don't wait (Dusk and Summer 06) /
Rooftops and invitations (Dusk and Summer 06) /
Stolen (Dusk and Summer 06) /
Thick as thieves (The Shade of Poison Trees 07) /
These bones (The Shade of Poison Trees 07) /
Belle of the boulevard (Alter the Ending 09) /
Dashboard Confessional Live:
live spider-man 2 OST - vindicated
Rooftops & Invitations + Don't Wait - Austin Texas
Official Website:
Sexiest Grid Girls Collection- Unbelievable

Angles for 2010

Tim povodom manekenke Miranda Ker (Australija), Alesandra Ambrosio (Brazil) i Kendis Svonepul (Južnoafrička Republika) prošetale su u bazenu u vrućim pantalonicama i bikiniju.
Miranda Ker, koja se već tri godine zabavlja sa glumcem Orlandom Blumom rekla je da je ključ njenog dobrog izgleda zdrava ishrana. "Jedem organsku hranu kad god mogu, jer kada se hranim zdravo imam više energije".
Osim spanaća, avokada, zelja i brokolija ona povremeno pojede i porciju pomfrita. ''Ja se 80 odsto hranim zdravo ali 20 odsto zgrešim, zato što ne želim sebi bilo sta da uskraćujem''.
Miranda redovno vežba jogu i pilates, a ako je u hotelu često ode na "steper" mašinu.
Mada je početkom godine kritikovana zbog svoje tanane figure, ona naglašava da ozbiljno shvata ulogu uzora za devojčice te da nikada ne bi ugrozila svoje zdravlje. "Čim iskoračite u sferu javnog života morate da preuzmete odgovornost za ljude na koje utičete.
Veliki broj devojaka ima problem da prihvati svoje telo i mislim da je zato važno da manekenke izgledaju zdravo i da ne budu premršave".
Kakvu šminku muškarci ne podnose da vide na ženi

Evo šta najviše mrze:
- lažne trepavice,
- krejone kakve nosi Ejmi Vajnhaus,
- tamne olovke za usne,
- svetle karmine i
- tamno iscrtanu unutrašnjost očnih kapaka.
Ne sviđa im se ni previše rumenila na obrazima, a pogotovo ne vole da ujutru na ženi vide razmazane tragove šminke zaostale od prethodne noći.
Problem je, međutim, u tome što se tek nešto više od polovine ispitanika usudilo da to saopšti svojoj partnerki, te da su, zbog toga što su pred njom bili iskreni, neslavno prošli. Jer – nijedna žena ne voli takve prigovore. Osim nabrojanih, evo još nekih stvari vezanih za kozmetiku koje odbijaju muškarce: karmin na zubima, maskara sa grudvicama, svetloplava senka, ocrtavanje linije pudera ispod obraza i brade...
Tom Cruise hará de vaquero

Lo dicen como novedad, y nada de eso. Tom ya trabajó en una película del Oeste cuando era marido de Nicole Kidman.
Se llamaba algo así como "Horizontes lejanos". Iba de un, creo, irlandés pobre que se va a USA con la chica rica, y al final se enamoran. La chica de buena familia era Nicole Kidman.
Ahora parece que su co-prota será Reese Witherspoon, cada vez las tiene que escoger con mayor diferencia de edad. No olvidemos que el "chico de oro" ronda los cincuenta y sin Tuna que le cante "clavelitos".
Este nuevo film iría de rodeos, me parece que con lo cortas que tiene las piernas, no puede subir ni a los caballitos del tiovivo.
Pero mira que es guapo el j..
FUENTE:Tom Cruise hará un western