08-01 05:54 PM
Count me in guys.
wallpaper Anime Tattoos
March 14th, 2004, 09:36 PM
So we can conclude that resolution and focus are a little shakey?
So we can conclude that resolution and focus are a little shakey?
Blog Feeds
02-01 08:30 AM
Congress created the H-1B program in 1990 to enable U.S. employers to hire temporary, foreign workers in specialty occupations. The law capped the number of H-1B visas issued per fiscal year at 65,000. Since then, the cap has fluctuated with legislative changes. Congress asked GAO to assess the impact of the cap on the ability of domestic companies to innovate, while ensuring that U.S. workers are not disadvantaged. In response, GAO examined what is known about (1) employer demand for H-1B workers; (2) how the cap affects employer costs and decisions to move operations overseas; (3) H-1B worker characteristics and the potential impact of raising the cap; and (4) how well requirements of the H-1B program protect U.S. workers. GAO analyzed data from 4 federal agencies; interviewed agency officials, experts, and H-1B employers; and reviewed agency documents and literature.
In most years, demand for new H-1B workers exceeded the cap: From 2000 to 2009, demand for new H-1B workers tended to exceed the cap, as measured by the numbers of initial petitions submitted by employers who are subject to the cap. There is no way to precisely determine the level of any unmet demand among employers, since they tend to stop submitting (and the Department of Homeland Security stops tracking) petitions once the cap is reached each year. When we consider all initial petitions, including those from universities and research institutions that are not subject to the cap, we find that demand for new H-1B workers is largely driven by a small number of employers. Over the decade, over 14 percent of all initial petitions were submitted by cap-exempt employers, and only a few employers (fewer than 1 percent) garnered over one-quarter of all H-1B approvals. Most interviewed companies said the H-1B cap and program created costs, but were not factors in their decisions to move R&D overseas: The 34 H-1B employers GAO interviewed reported that the cap has created some additional costs, though the cap's impact depended on the size and maturity of the company. For example, in years when visas were denied by the cap, most large firms reported finding other (sometimes more costly) ways to hire their preferred job candidates. On the other hand, small firms were more likely to fill their positions with different candidates, which they said resulted in delays and sometimes economic losses, particularly for firms in rapidly changing technology fields. Limitations in agency data and systems hinder tracking the cap and H-1B workers over time: The total number of H-1B workers in the U.S. at any one time--and information about the length of their stay--is unknown, because (1) data systems among the various agencies that process such individuals are not linked so individuals cannot be readily tracked, and (2) H-1B workers are not assigned a unique identifier that would allow for tracking them over time--particularly if and when their visa status changes. Restricted agency oversight and statutory changes weaken protections for U.S. workers: Elements of the H-1B program that could serve as worker protections--such as the requirement to pay prevailing wages, the visa's temporary status, and the cap itself--are weakened by several factors. First, program oversight is fragmented and restricted. Second, the H-1B program lacks a legal provision for holding employers accountable to program requirements when they obtain H-1B workers through a staffing company. Third, statutory changes made to the H-1B program have, in combination and in effect, increased the pool of H-1B workers beyond the cap and lowered the bar for eligibility. Taken together, the multifaceted challenges identified in this report show that the H-1B program, as currently structured, may not be used to its full potential and may be detrimental in some cases. This report offers several matters for congressional consideration, including that Congress re-examine key H-1B program provisions and make appropriate changes as needed. GAO also recommends that the Departments of Homeland Security and Labor take steps to improve efficiency, flexibility, and monitoring of the H-1B program. Homeland Security disagreed with two recommendations and one matter, citing logistical and other challenges; however, we believe such challenges can be overcome. Labor did not respond to our recommendations.
Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
Director:Andrew SherrillTeam:Government Accountability Office: Education, Workforce, and Income SecurityPhone:(202) 512-7252
Matters for Congressional Consideration
Recommendation: To ensure that the H-1B program continues to meet the needs of businesses in a global economy while maintaining a balance of protections for U.S. workers, Congress may wish to consider reviewing the merits and shortcomings of key program provisions and making appropriate changes as needed. Such a review may include, but would not necessarily be limited to (1) the qualifications required for workers eligible under the H-1B program, (2) exemptions from the cap, (3) the appropriateness of H-1B hiring by staffing companies, (4) the level of the cap, and (5) the role the program should play in the U.S. immigration system in relationship to permanent residency.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To reduce duplication and fragmentation in the administration and oversight of the H-1B application process, consistent with past GAO matters for congressional consideration, Congress may wish to consider eliminating the requirement that employers first submit a Labor Condition Application (LCA) to the Department of Labor for certification, and require instead that employers submit this application along with the I-129 application to the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for review.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the Department of Labor's ability to investigate and enforce employer compliance with H-1B program requirements, Congress may wish to consider granting the department subpoena power to obtain employer records during investigations under the H-1B program.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To help ensure the full protection of H-1B workers employed through staffing companies, Congress may wish to consider holding the employer where an H-1B visa holder performs work accountable for meeting program requirements to the same extent as the employer that submitted the LCA form.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Recommendation: To help ensure that the number of new H-1B workers who are subject to the cap--both entering the United States and changing to H-1B status within the United States--does not exceed the cap each year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should take steps to improve its tracking of the number of approved H-1B applications and the number of issued visas under the cap by fully leveraging the transformation effort currently under way, which involves the adoption of an electronic petition processing system that will be linked to the Department of State's tracking system. Such steps should ensure that linkages to the Department of State's tracking system will provide Homeland Security with timely access to data on visa issuances, and that mechanisms for tracking petitions and visas against the cap are incorporated into U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' business rules to be developed for the new electronic petition system.
Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To address business concerns without undermining program integrity, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should, to the extent permitted by its existing statutory authority, explore options for increasing the flexibility of the application process for H-1B employers, such as (1) allowing employers to rank their applications for visa candidates so that they can hire the best qualified worker for the jobs in highest need; (2) distributing the applications granted under the annual cap in allotments throughout the year (e.g. quarterly); and (3) establishing a system whereby businesses with a strong track-record of compliance with H-1B regulations may use a streamlined application process.
Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the transparency and oversight of the posting requirement on the Labor Condition Application (LCA), as part of its current oversight role, the Employment and Training Administration should develop and maintain a centralized Web site, accessible to the public, where businesses must post notice of the intent to hire H-1B workers. Such notices should continue to specify the job category and worksite location noted on the LCA and required by statute on current noncentralized postings.
Agency Affected: Department of Labor
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its investigations of employer compliance with H-1B requirements, the Employment and Training Administration should provide Labor's Wage and Hour Division searchable access to the LCA database.
Agency Affected: Department of Labor
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
VIEW FULL REPORT (http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d1126.pdf)
More... (http://ashwinsharma.com/2011/01/25/h-1b-visa-program-reforms-are-needed-to-minimize-the-risks-and-costs-of-current-program.aspx?ref=rss)
Congress created the H-1B program in 1990 to enable U.S. employers to hire temporary, foreign workers in specialty occupations. The law capped the number of H-1B visas issued per fiscal year at 65,000. Since then, the cap has fluctuated with legislative changes. Congress asked GAO to assess the impact of the cap on the ability of domestic companies to innovate, while ensuring that U.S. workers are not disadvantaged. In response, GAO examined what is known about (1) employer demand for H-1B workers; (2) how the cap affects employer costs and decisions to move operations overseas; (3) H-1B worker characteristics and the potential impact of raising the cap; and (4) how well requirements of the H-1B program protect U.S. workers. GAO analyzed data from 4 federal agencies; interviewed agency officials, experts, and H-1B employers; and reviewed agency documents and literature.
In most years, demand for new H-1B workers exceeded the cap: From 2000 to 2009, demand for new H-1B workers tended to exceed the cap, as measured by the numbers of initial petitions submitted by employers who are subject to the cap. There is no way to precisely determine the level of any unmet demand among employers, since they tend to stop submitting (and the Department of Homeland Security stops tracking) petitions once the cap is reached each year. When we consider all initial petitions, including those from universities and research institutions that are not subject to the cap, we find that demand for new H-1B workers is largely driven by a small number of employers. Over the decade, over 14 percent of all initial petitions were submitted by cap-exempt employers, and only a few employers (fewer than 1 percent) garnered over one-quarter of all H-1B approvals. Most interviewed companies said the H-1B cap and program created costs, but were not factors in their decisions to move R&D overseas: The 34 H-1B employers GAO interviewed reported that the cap has created some additional costs, though the cap's impact depended on the size and maturity of the company. For example, in years when visas were denied by the cap, most large firms reported finding other (sometimes more costly) ways to hire their preferred job candidates. On the other hand, small firms were more likely to fill their positions with different candidates, which they said resulted in delays and sometimes economic losses, particularly for firms in rapidly changing technology fields. Limitations in agency data and systems hinder tracking the cap and H-1B workers over time: The total number of H-1B workers in the U.S. at any one time--and information about the length of their stay--is unknown, because (1) data systems among the various agencies that process such individuals are not linked so individuals cannot be readily tracked, and (2) H-1B workers are not assigned a unique identifier that would allow for tracking them over time--particularly if and when their visa status changes. Restricted agency oversight and statutory changes weaken protections for U.S. workers: Elements of the H-1B program that could serve as worker protections--such as the requirement to pay prevailing wages, the visa's temporary status, and the cap itself--are weakened by several factors. First, program oversight is fragmented and restricted. Second, the H-1B program lacks a legal provision for holding employers accountable to program requirements when they obtain H-1B workers through a staffing company. Third, statutory changes made to the H-1B program have, in combination and in effect, increased the pool of H-1B workers beyond the cap and lowered the bar for eligibility. Taken together, the multifaceted challenges identified in this report show that the H-1B program, as currently structured, may not be used to its full potential and may be detrimental in some cases. This report offers several matters for congressional consideration, including that Congress re-examine key H-1B program provisions and make appropriate changes as needed. GAO also recommends that the Departments of Homeland Security and Labor take steps to improve efficiency, flexibility, and monitoring of the H-1B program. Homeland Security disagreed with two recommendations and one matter, citing logistical and other challenges; however, we believe such challenges can be overcome. Labor did not respond to our recommendations.
Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
Director:Andrew SherrillTeam:Government Accountability Office: Education, Workforce, and Income SecurityPhone:(202) 512-7252
Matters for Congressional Consideration
Recommendation: To ensure that the H-1B program continues to meet the needs of businesses in a global economy while maintaining a balance of protections for U.S. workers, Congress may wish to consider reviewing the merits and shortcomings of key program provisions and making appropriate changes as needed. Such a review may include, but would not necessarily be limited to (1) the qualifications required for workers eligible under the H-1B program, (2) exemptions from the cap, (3) the appropriateness of H-1B hiring by staffing companies, (4) the level of the cap, and (5) the role the program should play in the U.S. immigration system in relationship to permanent residency.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To reduce duplication and fragmentation in the administration and oversight of the H-1B application process, consistent with past GAO matters for congressional consideration, Congress may wish to consider eliminating the requirement that employers first submit a Labor Condition Application (LCA) to the Department of Labor for certification, and require instead that employers submit this application along with the I-129 application to the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for review.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the Department of Labor's ability to investigate and enforce employer compliance with H-1B program requirements, Congress may wish to consider granting the department subpoena power to obtain employer records during investigations under the H-1B program.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To help ensure the full protection of H-1B workers employed through staffing companies, Congress may wish to consider holding the employer where an H-1B visa holder performs work accountable for meeting program requirements to the same extent as the employer that submitted the LCA form.
Status: In process
Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Recommendation: To help ensure that the number of new H-1B workers who are subject to the cap--both entering the United States and changing to H-1B status within the United States--does not exceed the cap each year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should take steps to improve its tracking of the number of approved H-1B applications and the number of issued visas under the cap by fully leveraging the transformation effort currently under way, which involves the adoption of an electronic petition processing system that will be linked to the Department of State's tracking system. Such steps should ensure that linkages to the Department of State's tracking system will provide Homeland Security with timely access to data on visa issuances, and that mechanisms for tracking petitions and visas against the cap are incorporated into U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' business rules to be developed for the new electronic petition system.
Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To address business concerns without undermining program integrity, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should, to the extent permitted by its existing statutory authority, explore options for increasing the flexibility of the application process for H-1B employers, such as (1) allowing employers to rank their applications for visa candidates so that they can hire the best qualified worker for the jobs in highest need; (2) distributing the applications granted under the annual cap in allotments throughout the year (e.g. quarterly); and (3) establishing a system whereby businesses with a strong track-record of compliance with H-1B regulations may use a streamlined application process.
Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the transparency and oversight of the posting requirement on the Labor Condition Application (LCA), as part of its current oversight role, the Employment and Training Administration should develop and maintain a centralized Web site, accessible to the public, where businesses must post notice of the intent to hire H-1B workers. Such notices should continue to specify the job category and worksite location noted on the LCA and required by statute on current noncentralized postings.
Agency Affected: Department of Labor
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Recommendation: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its investigations of employer compliance with H-1B requirements, the Employment and Training Administration should provide Labor's Wage and Hour Division searchable access to the LCA database.
Agency Affected: Department of Labor
Status: In process
Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
VIEW FULL REPORT (http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d1126.pdf)
More... (http://ashwinsharma.com/2011/01/25/h-1b-visa-program-reforms-are-needed-to-minimize-the-risks-and-costs-of-current-program.aspx?ref=rss)
2011 Re: Original iPhone Screenshot
07-17 07:15 PM
is it official that we can file till August 17th? i didn't see that in august bulletin. please let me know as you know how important is that..... Well its timing...
10-15 02:49 PM
I saw the suggestion of asking lawyer to send AP while you travel to India without it. Although it sounds like a good idea but could be dangerous. I had a situation last year when I travelled to India with AP applied for but not approved. Unfortunately i had my old passport and visa damaged in India. When my lawyer wanted to expedite AP so that i can travel back as my old Visa was damaged and the only way to travel back was to use AP, they found out USCIS has issued an RFE on AP. Though RFP was trivial and they only wanted a clear copy of first page of passport and AP was approved immediately when it was submitted.
09-13 11:40 AM
There is NO Eb1/Eb2/Eb3 divide for our cause... the issue is unfair country based quota for highly skilled immigrants. I have many friends who are rotting in EB3 even though they qualify for EB2 (due to company policies).. one of Ivy League PhD graduates I know is rotting in EB2 (C).. so these are thin lines..
Only solution is to convince lawmakers about our genuine issues using correct, democratic, non fear-mongering ways.
Healthcare debate is a good indicator of what is coming next... fasten your seat belts and be ready!
one more thing i want to add: let's not worry about ppl using wrong ways to get this GC, they will fail in long run or get caught somewhere else. They will have to pay for this during their lifetime only. And BTW, this also includes L1 managers. Our lives is not only GC, it is much more than that. Easier said than done.. but that's how we convince ourselves.
Only solution is to convince lawmakers about our genuine issues using correct, democratic, non fear-mongering ways.
Healthcare debate is a good indicator of what is coming next... fasten your seat belts and be ready!
one more thing i want to add: let's not worry about ppl using wrong ways to get this GC, they will fail in long run or get caught somewhere else. They will have to pay for this during their lifetime only. And BTW, this also includes L1 managers. Our lives is not only GC, it is much more than that. Easier said than done.. but that's how we convince ourselves.
12-08 08:58 AM
Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) 3rd-term Republican from New Hampshire.
Contact Information
Web Site: gregg.senate.gov
Washington Office:
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2904
Phone: (202) 224-3324
Fax: (202) 224-4952
Main District Office:
125 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 225-7115
Senator John E. Sununu (R-NH) 1st-term Republican from New Hampshire.
Contact Information
Web Site: sununu.senate.gov
E-mail: mailbox@sununu.senate.gov
Washington Office:
111 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2903
Phone: (202) 224-2841
Fax: (202) 228-4131
Main District Office:
1589 Elm St., Ste. 3
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: (603) 647-7500
Fax: (603) 647-9352
Representative Charles Bass (R-NH 2nd) 6th-term Republican from New Hampshire.
Contact Information
Web Site: www.house.gov/bass
E-mail: cbass@mail.house.gov
Washington Office:
2421 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2902
Phone: (202) 225-5206
Fax: (202) 225-2946
Main District Office:
142 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 226-0249
Fax: (603) 226-0476
Just called all 3 senators and asked to Support the High-Skilled Immigrant Interim Relief Act of 2006
Very EASY.
Contact Information
Web Site: gregg.senate.gov
Washington Office:
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2904
Phone: (202) 224-3324
Fax: (202) 224-4952
Main District Office:
125 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 225-7115
Senator John E. Sununu (R-NH) 1st-term Republican from New Hampshire.
Contact Information
Web Site: sununu.senate.gov
E-mail: mailbox@sununu.senate.gov
Washington Office:
111 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2903
Phone: (202) 224-2841
Fax: (202) 228-4131
Main District Office:
1589 Elm St., Ste. 3
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: (603) 647-7500
Fax: (603) 647-9352
Representative Charles Bass (R-NH 2nd) 6th-term Republican from New Hampshire.
Contact Information
Web Site: www.house.gov/bass
E-mail: cbass@mail.house.gov
Washington Office:
2421 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2902
Phone: (202) 225-5206
Fax: (202) 225-2946
Main District Office:
142 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 226-0249
Fax: (603) 226-0476
Just called all 3 senators and asked to Support the High-Skilled Immigrant Interim Relief Act of 2006
Very EASY.
2010 Normal (3g, 3gs)HD (iPhone 4)
03-30 05:08 PM
Thanks guys for your support. Its not that I didn't want to contribute and I will definetely do it once I get my H1 visa stamped.
Status Update -
Manager is working actively on getting all the documents ready including detailed job description, requriements that were posted when I joined, vendor letter stating they cannot provide the master agreement with detailed duties. My client lawyers have asked the vendor not to share the master agreeement otherwise it will be a breach of contract, so there is nothing much my manager can do.
My company has already prepared a letter to show work schedule if I get out of work with current client.
So now I have almost all the letters that I have been asked for but I'm still not sure if I will get the visa without the master agreement. Do I have a choice?
What do you guys think?
How about your client directly sending the agreement to the cosulate through fax or whatever your client's attorney is saying (breach of contract) get it in writing or print out the email and submit as evidence with other supporting documents.
This is the exact reason we want to work more aggressively for 'Filing for I-485 when PD is not current'. You wouldnt have to be in this mess if you have EAD.
Status Update -
Manager is working actively on getting all the documents ready including detailed job description, requriements that were posted when I joined, vendor letter stating they cannot provide the master agreement with detailed duties. My client lawyers have asked the vendor not to share the master agreeement otherwise it will be a breach of contract, so there is nothing much my manager can do.
My company has already prepared a letter to show work schedule if I get out of work with current client.
So now I have almost all the letters that I have been asked for but I'm still not sure if I will get the visa without the master agreement. Do I have a choice?
What do you guys think?
How about your client directly sending the agreement to the cosulate through fax or whatever your client's attorney is saying (breach of contract) get it in writing or print out the email and submit as evidence with other supporting documents.
This is the exact reason we want to work more aggressively for 'Filing for I-485 when PD is not current'. You wouldnt have to be in this mess if you have EAD.
04-13 10:12 AM
Thanks a lot, people!
hair iPhone Wallpapers with similar
02-17 03:40 AM
There's nothing new in that website. EB-2 India for entire FY is GONE.. FINIS.. KHATAM... KHALLAS.
That forum posting by Attorney says " ...Charles Oppenheim spoke. Mr. Oppenheim is the officer within the Visa Office tasked with calculating visa bulletin cutoff dates each month. He offered the following thoughts as to cutoff date movement in the upcoming months:
In April, India and China EB2 will be set at 12/01/2003
So ?
That forum posting by Attorney says " ...Charles Oppenheim spoke. Mr. Oppenheim is the officer within the Visa Office tasked with calculating visa bulletin cutoff dates each month. He offered the following thoughts as to cutoff date movement in the upcoming months:
In April, India and China EB2 will be set at 12/01/2003
So ?

06-04 11:02 AM
You have a decent amount of money in your account(s) and the bank should be obliging you. If I were you I would take my money out of the account and deposit it in a bank close to where I live (BOA has branches all over the US so that might be a good option) and then get a letter from that bank. You can then send this letter along with the statements for the last six months from the previous bank. Don't let this stupid bank treat you like this; if they are not giving you the letter then they don't deserve your business. Go to the local branch of a bank and tell them that you want to open and account and move $12000 from the other bank; there is a good chance they will give you a letter for free.
hot iPhone Wallpapers / Anime
06-11 10:35 PM
One of my friends got fired from a company and the company made him to sign a document that he was resigning. This guy somehow signed it so that he could get his salary. The employer eventually paid him the salary after signing the resignation document.
Few questions about his H1B visa.
1. How many days can he legally stay in the US before he finds one more job gets new H1B.
2. Can he transfer his H1B visa to a new company or does he need to apply for a new H1B visa (which is within the cap)?
3. Incase if he doesn't find a job within the legally permitted time, what are his options apart from going back?
4. Will he have any problem when he tries to transfer his H1B after the legally permitted time?
I would really appreciate if anyone can please help me with this questions.
Thank you very much!
One of my friends got fired from a company and the company made him to sign a document that he was resigning. This guy somehow signed it so that he could get his salary. The employer eventually paid him the salary after signing the resignation document.
Few questions about his H1B visa.
1. How many days can he legally stay in the US before he finds one more job gets new H1B.
2. Can he transfer his H1B visa to a new company or does he need to apply for a new H1B visa (which is within the cap)?
3. Incase if he doesn't find a job within the legally permitted time, what are his options apart from going back?
4. Will he have any problem when he tries to transfer his H1B after the legally permitted time?
I would really appreciate if anyone can please help me with this questions.
Thank you very much!
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03-24 01:31 PM
Excellent Job, Mark.
U'r response was crisp. Thanks to caller Andy for clarifying few things
U'r response was crisp. Thanks to caller Andy for clarifying few things
tattoo iPhone Wallpapers / Anime
04-26 01:54 PM
I have a appointment for H1B Visa stamping at Matamoros on May 27th. Just checking to see if anybody went for H1B Visa stamping at Matamoros lately and would like to share the experiences.
I have a appointment for H1B Visa stamping at Matamoros on May 27th. Just checking to see if anybody went for H1B Visa stamping at Matamoros lately and would like to share the experiences.
pictures Anime Girls for iPhone 4
09-04 09:39 AM
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before.
My case:
Currently working on H1 with Company CURR, on 8th year of H1,
H1 validity Dec 2009.
I-140 approved > 180 days,
I-485 filed > 180 days
Currently have 2 year validity EAD.
Getting offer from NEWEMP. NEWEMP ready to "transfer" H1B. (Job duties and title same/similar)
Question : If I get H1 "transferred" to NEWEMP (basically work on H1 and NOT EAD), and CURREMP revokes I-140, will this effect my GC process. I intend to work on H1 and keep on renewing EAD based on i-485 filed. NEWEMP will be providing AC21 letter which will be send to USCIS after I join them.
1. Will there be any effect to my GC process in case CURR Company revokes I-140?
2. Can I keep on renewing EAD even though I would work on H1 with NewEMP?
I would appreciate any input on this matter. I need to take some decision very soon.
Thank you all.
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before.
My case:
Currently working on H1 with Company CURR, on 8th year of H1,
H1 validity Dec 2009.
I-140 approved > 180 days,
I-485 filed > 180 days
Currently have 2 year validity EAD.
Getting offer from NEWEMP. NEWEMP ready to "transfer" H1B. (Job duties and title same/similar)
Question : If I get H1 "transferred" to NEWEMP (basically work on H1 and NOT EAD), and CURREMP revokes I-140, will this effect my GC process. I intend to work on H1 and keep on renewing EAD based on i-485 filed. NEWEMP will be providing AC21 letter which will be send to USCIS after I join them.
1. Will there be any effect to my GC process in case CURR Company revokes I-140?
2. Can I keep on renewing EAD even though I would work on H1 with NewEMP?
I would appreciate any input on this matter. I need to take some decision very soon.
Thank you all.
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08-07 10:54 AM
Though its not mentioned it is good file I-134. You are not eligible for I-864.
makeup Shoot em up Anime
04-11 03:08 PM
Sure moonlighting should definitely be ok.
Will being a fellow be ok too? Its open only to internists, but is a training program in oncology. Its only 2 years, and looking at to current rate of processing, I should be done by the time my PD (sept 2006) is current.
Will being a fellow be ok too? Its open only to internists, but is a training program in oncology. Its only 2 years, and looking at to current rate of processing, I should be done by the time my PD (sept 2006) is current.
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09-16 03:03 PM
Pray God!!!
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It Is More Important!!!!!!
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10-24 01:33 PM
You are 100% correct. They look for PD while accepting I-485 and then they see it only at the time of approval. There is no FIFO. It all depends on luck.
What FIFO Pappu was talking about is related with 485 processing between Receipt and final conslusion. That processing is done on "Receipt date" based FIFO in theory. For practical matter, most of the time, end visual effect is 485 is not done through receipt based FIFO but it is done through that.
Example: Assuming both same catgory and same PD, your 485 file reached on July 2nd. My file is reached on August 2nd. Your file will be processed first.. But say you stuck in name check and I am not then down the road after 1 year, if our PDs become current, And If by that time processing is over on my file then I will get GC first although your file reached first but because you will be still stuck in name check.
What FIFO Pappu was talking about is related with 485 processing between Receipt and final conslusion. That processing is done on "Receipt date" based FIFO in theory. For practical matter, most of the time, end visual effect is 485 is not done through receipt based FIFO but it is done through that.
Example: Assuming both same catgory and same PD, your 485 file reached on July 2nd. My file is reached on August 2nd. Your file will be processed first.. But say you stuck in name check and I am not then down the road after 1 year, if our PDs become current, And If by that time processing is over on my file then I will get GC first although your file reached first but because you will be still stuck in name check.
07-05 04:41 PM
I have got my canadian PR approval for me and my wife and have sent the passports to the Canadian Consulate in NYC for immigrant visa stamping. To get my PR card I have to land in Canada before Dec 19, 2007 when the visa expires.
I have not traveled outside the US after I got my H1B and am planning to go to Canada for stamping H1B for me H4 for my wife.
Would there be any problem for me to land in Canada since I will not be landing there with the intention to settle but will return after getting my H1B stamped in a couple of days.
Anyone gone through my kind of situation before. Please send me a PM.
I am concerend about being denied entry in Canada and then I will be nowhere because I cannot return to US without a vaid H1B stamp.
there is a Automatic VISA reavalidation Rule that allows u to visit Canada or Mexico and return within30 days only w/o valid US VISA...google it. or search on these forums...
I have not traveled outside the US after I got my H1B and am planning to go to Canada for stamping H1B for me H4 for my wife.
Would there be any problem for me to land in Canada since I will not be landing there with the intention to settle but will return after getting my H1B stamped in a couple of days.
Anyone gone through my kind of situation before. Please send me a PM.
I am concerend about being denied entry in Canada and then I will be nowhere because I cannot return to US without a vaid H1B stamp.
there is a Automatic VISA reavalidation Rule that allows u to visit Canada or Mexico and return within30 days only w/o valid US VISA...google it. or search on these forums...
09-23 10:16 AM
To answer your question the Priority date column is NULL ( i mean blank) for most of us in 485 Receipt Notice.
But the "Section : " is showing UNKNOWN for some of us and showing something else for others...
I'm wondering if that could be an issue - shall we call USCIS to fix this ?
what does the priority date column on the recipt notice say?
Does it show the actual priority date or is it blank or something else?
But the "Section : " is showing UNKNOWN for some of us and showing something else for others...
I'm wondering if that could be an issue - shall we call USCIS to fix this ?
what does the priority date column on the recipt notice say?
Does it show the actual priority date or is it blank or something else?
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