Kako to izgleda kada Scully uradi intervju sa svojim Molderom :)
Anderson: Are you nervous about being interviewed by me?
Duchovny: I'm not nervous. I can't wait to see your questions: "What's it like to work with Gillian Anderson? Are you two friends? Do you hang out after work?"
Anderson: Did it jar you to act out a romance where you actually do go to the next level?Duchovny: I remember the work I did before "The X-Files." There were plenty of love scenes. I didn't feel the need to show that I could simulate coitus onscreen. [Anderson laughs.]
Anderson: Here's one for you. How do you perceive our relationship?
Duchovny: It's like the roots of a tree. It's very twisted, but it's growing. You know the tree is alive, and it works in its own treelike way, yet you couldn't untangle it. You could, but you'd need the help of a gifted professional.
Anderson: Ever hate Mulder?
Duchovny: No. I hate that people think I'm Mulder. It's very odd. I hate being called Mulder. I don't like being called Scully, either. Do you ever get called Mulder?
Anderson: Yes. It's very weird.
Duchovny: People say to me, "I'm a big, big fan, Scully! É I love your show, Scully." [Both laugh uproariously.] Or they say, "Where's Scully?"
Anderson: Is your public persona at all close to your private persona?
Duchovny: You don't want to be exposed, give away things that are meaningful to you, on a silly situation like a talk show. You want to do your job as an actor, which is to feed this [publicity] machine, yet you also want to go home at the end of the day and not have to scrub six layers of skin off to feel clean. So I appear not to take things seriously. I joke. But I take it all very seriously.
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