The new issue of Pageantry magazine is out and IMTA is featured in a fantastic article! Their special coverage of IMTA's Los Angeles 2008 is available to read online on their official site!
Here's a quote from the article: "If you have any serious Hollywood aspirations towards acting, dancing, modeling, singing or performing in the entertainment or fashion industry, this event is a must and offers an enormous opportunity that you absolutely cannot afford to pass up."
Pageantry featured IMTA alum Eva Longoria on the cover of the November 2007 issue. In the accompanying article, Eva recounted her pageant experience and how it led to her competing at an IMTA Convention. IMTA's week long conference is not a pageant but it is a showcase for aspiring models, actors, singers and dancers who want to show their potential to major market agents and scouts who are looking for new faces to represent. To read an article about crossover success (using pageant experience to launch a modeling or acting career at IMTA), please read Eve Matheson's excellent article from Pageantry's official site.
La actriz estadounidense Eva Longoria afirmó que le gustaría encarnar en una película a la famosa intérprete mexicana María Félix (1914-2002), en unas declaraciones realizadas durante una visita al país y reproducidas el lunes por la prensa local. "Quiero hacer algo sobre María (Félix), sobre su vida, sobre Dolores (del Río), sobre Lupita (Tovar), quien hizo la primera película de Drácula en un estudio", reveló la protagonista de la teleserie 'Mujeres desesperadas' ('Desperate Housewives').
El veterano actor Jack Nicholson se confesó hoy un hombre 'muy feliz y afortunado' con su vida, durante la presentación en Tokio de su última película, 'The Bucket List', en la que comparte protagonismo con Morgan Freeman.'En mi vida he sido tremendamente afortunado porque he trabajado con grandes directores, he conocido a mujeres estupendas y tengo buena salud', dijo el actor, quien explicó que su última película se basa en 'las cosas que pensamos hacer en la vida, pero de las que nunca se habla'.
Apenas en marzo pasado se supo que la millonaria Paris Hilton tenía un nuevo novio, Benji Madden, y a mes y medio de distancia, un amigo de la pareja declaró que ya están planeando su boda. Y para confirmar el rumor, Paris luce desde hace unos días un gran anillo de diamantes, informó la página de internet “Paris y Benji están inseparables y en algún punto hasta dan náuseas”, aseguró una persona cercana a la pareja, que fue vista el pasado fin de semana en una fiesta para celebrar el Festival de Coachella.
Gary Dourdan, el actor que encarna el personaje de Warrick Brown en la serie de televisión CSI: Las Vegas ha sido arrestado el pasado domingo por posesión de drogas, según informa el portal de noticias TMZ. Al parecer, la policía encontró en su poder heroína, cocaína, extasis y diversos medicamentos que sólo pueden ser adquiridos con receta médica. El actor fue encontrado por los agentes medio dormido en su coche a las cinco de la mañana.
La veterana cantante Cher, confesó, a modo de travesura, haber vivido un apasionado romance con Tom Cruise, cuando el actor a penas tenía 23 años y ella 39. En una reveladora entrevista presentada en el programa de Oprah, la excéntrica artista contó que la relación secreta entre ambos duró varios meses, pues ella 'estaba loca de amor'. "Pudo ser un gran romance porque yo estaba loca por él", contó sin pudor la cantante de 61 años, desconcertando al público reunido en el set.
Michelle Pfeiffer, considerada una de las mujeres más bellas y delicadas de Hollywood, parece resurgir, pese a cumplir hoy 50 años de edad. En el 2007 apareció en ‘Hairspray (Sueltate El Pelo)’ y ‘El Misterio de la Estrella’, y tiene varios proyectos entre manos, unos de ellos con Stephen Frears, director de ‘Las Amistades Peligrosas’. En ‘Cheri’, que se estrenará en el 2008, Pfeiffer entablará un romance con un hombre más joven que ella, encarnado por el actor Rupert Friend (el Fitzwilliam Darcy de ‘Orgullo y Prejuicio’).
El adolescente Connor Cruise, hijo de los actores Nicole Kidman y Tom Cruise, hará su debut cinematográfico en la cinta que protagonizará Will Smith 'Seven Pounds', informó este martes la revista People. Connor, de 13 años, es uno de los dos hijos adoptados por la pareja de estrellas de Hollywood mientras estuvieron casados entre 1990 y 2001. El adolescente encarnará la versión joven de Smith en una aparición bastante breve en la próxima producción hollywoodense, precisó la revista especializada en la vida de los famosos de la meca del cine estadounidense.
La actriz Kirsten Dunst, famosa por su actuación en filmes como "María Antonieta" y "Spiderman", festeja 26 años de vida con su nuevo amor, el actor Ryan Gosling, a quien encontró al mudarse recientemente a la ciudad de Nueva York.La estrella de "Spiderman", que hasta hace tres semanas residía en Los Angeles, California, se mudó a la ciudad neoyorquina con el fin de alejarse de las malas compañías, que la llevaron a estar varias veces internada en clínicas de desintoxicación por sus adicciones.Apenas unos días después de irse a Nueva York (donde compró un apartamento de tres millones de dólares), Dunst se enamoró de Gosling.
FHM just announced their annual list of the 100 sexiest women in the world and three IMTA alumni were named! The 14th annual list is voted on by FHM readers. FHM's editor-in-chief Anthony Noguera said, "FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World delivers the original and most famous list of the planet's most beautiful women. And this year, after 9.7 million votes from around the world, it's never been more authoritative."
Earning a spot on the list was Jessica Biel, Eva Longoria, and Katie Holmes! Jessica Biel competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 1994 where she won a scholarship to The Young Actor's Space and met her first manager and agent. Eva Longoria is an alum of the 1998 Los Angeles IMTA where she garnered 38 callbacks from agents and managers who wanted to represent her. Katie Holmes competed at IMTA in New York in 1993 and 1995 where she won Talent of the Year for her age division and shot her first screen test!
Desde esta semana el actor Hugh Laurie invadirá las pantallas de televisión españolas como nueva imagen de Tónica Schweppes, un papel que, como reza el propio spot, "le pega". "Hugh Laurie refleja la singularidad y el carácter de la Tónica Schweppes, por lo que no dudamos en ningún momento en elegirle como abanderado de la campaña de este año", explica la empresa.
El actor de Son de Fierro ha tenido amoríos con bellas como Luisana Lopilato y Marcela Kloosterboer.
Su cara es la de un ángel, su rostro el de un gladiador. Puede encarnar los personajes más dulces y simpáticos, pero también a un extravagante héroe de acción, a un ciego o a un boxeador.
Tom Hanks ya tiene compañera de reparto en 'Ángeles y Demonios'
Será la actriz israelí Ayelet Zurer y, según varios medios de comunicación, protagonizará la precuela de "El código Da Vinci", que llevará por nombre el mismo que tiene su novela "Ángeles y Demonios".
Una de las parejas más espectaculares de Hollywood, sin duda alguna, es la que forman Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt. Ya con sus nombres llevan algo de excentricidad, con la cual viven todos los días de sus vidas. Angelina y Brad se casarán en un lujoso yate en la riviera francesa, informa la revista OK!. Un amigo cercano a la pareja informó que la ceremonia se llevará a cabo en el yate ‘Octopus’, propiedad de Paul Allen, quien es uno de los fundadores de la empresa Microsoft.
Alyson Stoner and Moises Arias are starting to compete and film the Disney Channel Games today! The games will be going on all day from April 28 to May 2 at Disney's Wide World of Sports at the Walt Disney World Resort. There will be Disney Channel stars from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and Japan. The young stars will be playing for the Boys & Girls Club, UNICEF, Make-A-Wish and Starlight Starbright charities. These games will air in late July as five half hour shows.
Moises competed at IMTA in 2005 and started booking roles right away. He has appeared on the big screen in the Jack Black comedy Nacho Libre. He guest-starred on the television shows Everybody Hates Chris, and The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. He recently finished filming The Perfect Game, a movie about a poor Mexican Baseball team who work together to win the Little League World Championship. You can catch Moises on Hannah Montana now on the Disney Channel and soon on the big screen when The Perfect Game is released on August 15.
IMTA alum Alyson Stoner is starring in the upcoming Disney movie Camp Rock with The Jonas Brothers! Alyson competed at IMTA in New York City in 2000 and has been a working actress ever since. She is an extremely talented dancer and appeared in several Missy Elliot videos as well as toured with her. She starred in Alice Upside Down, the Cheaper by the Dozen movies, is the voice of Holly Hobbie in the dvd's Holly Hobbie and Friends, of KidRat in the Garfield movie, of Victoria in Lilo and Stitch: The Series, and co-hosted Disney's Mike's Supershort Show for four years. She has also guest-starred on Drake and Josh, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and That's So Raven. Alyson voices the character of Isabella in the Disney animated show Phineas and Ferb which Disney recently announced renewed for another season.
Stay tuned for more on both Moises and Alyson from us at ThatIMTAblog!
La actriz Miley Cirus, estrella quinceañera de la música y de la televisión, que encarna a la popular Hannah Montana, ha tenido que pedir perdón a sus "fans" después de la publicación de una serie de "fotos atrevidas", que ha indignado a muchos padres.
El filme "Burn after Reading", de los hermanos Ethan y Joel Coen, inaugurará en la noche del 27 de agosto el Festival de Venecia de este año, según informaron los organizadores.
Los principales protagonistas de esta comedia de espionaje son George Clooney, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton y Brad Pitt. Ethan y Joel Coen escribieron no sólo el guión, sino que también produjeron la película. Tras la proyección de la cinta en la gran sala del Palacio del Cine comenzará la 65ª edición del festival, que durará hasta el 6 de septiembre.
La actriz Megan Fox es la mujer más sexy del mundo, al menos según la revista “FHM”.La coprotagonista de la película "Transformers" encabeza la lista anual de “FHM” de las 100 Mujeres Más Sexies del Mundo según los lectores de la revista.La modelo y actriz de 21 años superó a beldades de la talla de Angelina Jolie (12 lugar), la cantante Rihana (14), Kim Kardashian (17), Paris Hilton (77) y la campeona del año pasado, Jessica Alba (3).
La escena más famosa de la mentada película, de Tom Cruise, es su baile en calzoncillos. Por lo cual, asistirá al programa “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, ( es una presentadora negra y gorda muy famosa por USA, y forrada). Pues mira que bien, oiga. Por cierto, la peli infumable.
"The proposal", con guión del debutante Peter Chiarelli, es una comedia romántica producida por Todd Lieberman ("Wild hogs", "Eight below") y financiada por Disney que plantea una original situación: una editora de libros de Nueva York, nacida en Canadá (Bullock) está a pocas semanas de expirarle su visado de residencia. Para ahorrarse todos los trámites administrativos, donde deberá justificar ante las autoridades porqué quiere seguir en Estados Unidos, escogerá la vía rápida y obligará a su ayudante (Reynolds) a casarse con ella. Sin embargo, lo que empieza como una imposición, que incluye también compartir casa, terminará como una relación.
Amy Winehouse Alex Haynes Blake Fielder-Civil , la cantante y protagonista de escándalos favorita del momento en el Reino Unido, le es infiel a su marido. Al parecer, la rica intérprete británica mantiene una relación con la mano derecha de su manager, un apuesto joven llamado que no parece tener las adicciones de su todavía marido, , que se encuentra en una prisión londinense cumpliendo varias condenas. La noticia coincide con la salida de Winehouse de la cárcel, después de que la cantante fuese amonestada por la Policía por asestar una bofetada a un hombre en un bar de la zona de Candem Town de Londres la madrugada del pasado miércoles.
The Easter Bunny is a mythologicalrabbit who brings eggs and candy to children on the Easter holiday. The Easter bunny possibly has its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore. The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the Spring season.
The rabbit as an Easter symbol seems to have its origins in Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1500s. The first edible Easter bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s, and were made of pastry and sugar. The Easter bunny was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. The arrival of the "Oschter Haws" was considered "childhood's greatest pleasure" next to a visit from Christ-Kindel on Christmas Eve. The children believed that if they were good the "Oschter Haws" would lay a nest of colored eggs. The children would build their nest in a secluded place in the home, the barn or the garden. Boys would use their caps and girls their bonnets to make the nests. The use of elaborate Easter baskets would come later as the tradition of the Easter bunny spread through out the country. Rabbits and hares Eggs, like rabbits and hares, are fertility symbols of extreme antiquity. Since birds lay eggs and rabbits and hares give birth to large litters in the early spring, these became symbols of the rising fertility of the earth at the Vernal Equinox. The saying "mad as a March hare" refers to the wild caperings of hares as the males fight over the females in the early spring, then attempt to mate with them. Since the females often rebuff the males' advances before finally succumbing, the mating behavior often looks like a crazy dance; these fights led early observers to believe that the advent of spring made the hares "mad.`This bold behavior makes the hares, normally timid and retiring animals, much more conspicuous to human observation in the spring. Rabbits and hares are both prolific breeders. The females can conceive a second litter of offspring while still pregnant with the first. The two litters are born separately[citation needed]. This phenomenon is known as superfetation. Lagomorphs mature sexually at an early age and can give birth to several litters a year (hence the sayings, "to breed like bunnies" or "multiply like rabbits"). It is therefore not surprising that rabbits and hares should become fertility symbols, or that their springtime mating antics should enter into Easter folklore. Eggs Eggs are, by their nature, obvious fertility symbols. As for rabbits laying eggs, several explanations have been proposed. According to Bede of Jarrow, the etymology of the English word "Easter" comes from the Germanic month "Eostur-monath" which was the month of the year in which it was celebrated. Bede also said that the month was named for a goddess whose cult had died out named "Eostre." However, that statement from Bede is the only ancient mention of any goddess named Eostre, and the sum total of information about her. Because of the lack of any corroboration, many scholars believe that Bede was simply mistaken, and that no cult of any such goddess ever existed. The precise origin of the ancient custom of coloring eggs is not known. Greeks to this day typically dye their Easter eggs red, the color of blood, in recognition of the renewal of life in springtime (and, later, the blood of the sacrificed Christ). Some also use the color green, in honor of the new foliage emerging after the long dead time of winter. German Protestants wanted to retain the Catholic custom of eating colored eggs for Easter, but did not want to introduce their children to the Catholic rite of fasting. Eggs were forbidden to Catholics during the fast of Lent, which was the reason for the abundance of eggs at Easter time. The idea of an egg-laying bunny came to the United States in the 18th century. German immigrants in the Pennsylvania Dutch area told their children about the "Osterhas," sometimes spelled "Oschter Haws." "Hase" means "hare," not rabbit, and in Northwest European folklore the "Easter Bunny" indeed is a hare, not a rabbit. According to the legend, only good children received gifts of colored eggs in the nests that they made in their caps and bonnets before Easter In 1883, Jakob Grimm wrote of long-standing similar myths in Germany itself. Noting many related landmarks and customs, Grimm suggested that these derived from legends of Ostara. The German and Amish legends were most likely rooted in European folklore about hares' eggs which seems to have been a confusion between hares raising their young at ground level and the finding of plovers' nests nearby, abandoned by the adult birds to distract predators. Hares use a hollow called a form rather than a burrow. Lapwings nest on the same sort of ground, and their nests look very similar to hare forms. So in the Spring, eggs would be found in what looked like hare forms, giving rise to the belief that the hare laid eggs in the spring. Easter Bilby In Australia, the fecundity of introduced rabbits made them a major environmental pest, and feral rabbits are still a problem. There have been moves in recent years to popularize the endangered native bilby as an alternative to the Easter Bunny through the promotion of chocolate Easter Bilbies.
Plavooka lepotica, zvezda filma „Transformers“, Megan Foks proglašena je za najseksepilniju ženu na svetu po izboru magazina za muškarce FHM. Dvadesetjednogodišnja glumica ostavila je iza sebe Skarlet Johanson, Džesiku Albu i Evu Longoriju u izboru 100 najpoželjnijih žena u 2008. godini. Skandalozna Britni Spirs je na poslednjem mestu. - Megan je zasluženo dobila FHM titulu. Ona je mlada, zgodna, zvezda u usponu i njen seksepil je definitivno uneo promene u ovogodišnju listu. Budućnost je pred njom - izjavio je urednik američkog FHM-a Dž. R. Futrel.
U protekle dve godine Megan je polako napredovala na ovoj listi; 2006. zauzela je 68. poziciju, a naredne godine bila je 65. Megan svoj iznenadni uspon duguje seksi ulozi u filmu o robotima „Transformers“. Crnokosa lepotica misterioznog pogleda poreklom iz Tenesija započela je karijeru modela sa 13 godina, a američkoj publici najpoznatija je iz TV serije „Hope and Faith“. Za svoju neobičnu lepotu mlada glumica može da zahvali mešavini irske, francuske i indijanske krvi, pa se zbog toga često nalazila na naslovnim stranama magazina „GQ“, „Arena“, „Maxim“... Megan obožava tetovaže i ima ih čak pet, jedna od njih je i slika Merilin Monro na desnoj ruci. Druga na ovogodišnjoj listi najseksipilnijih žena sveta takođe je glumica Džesika Bil, a odmah iza nje i buduća mama Džesika Alba. Četvrto mesto zauzela je Eliša Katbert, kanadska glumica koja se proslavila u američkoj seriji „24“, u kojoj glumi pored Kifera Saterlenda, a peta je Skarlet Johanson. Od ostalih holivudskih zvezda koje se redovno nalaze na ovakvim listama našle su se Lindzi Lohan kao 16, Kameron Dijaz na 18. mestu, pevačica Bijonse je 20, „očajna domaćica“ Eva Longorija je tek 59. a razmažena bogatašica Paris Hilton 77, dok je kraljica skandala Britni Spirs na poslednjem, stotom mestu. Blic
Brittany Curran with Lucas Grabeel The Adventures of Food Boy
Brandon Routh in a scene from Lie To Me
Several IMTA alumni are starring in movies which showcase their talents this week at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California. The acclaimed Festival will host premieres, events and galas in beautiful Newport Beach, CA. Among the prestigious offerings will be six movies that star seven IMTA alumni!
Lie to Me stars two IMTA alumni, Steve Sandvoss and Brandon Routh. This movie is a romantic comedy about best friends, love and marriage. Brandon competed at IMTA in 1999 in New York City and is best known as Superman/Clark Kent in Superman Returns. Steve competed at the L.A. 2003 IMTA Convention where he caught the eye of Al Onorato, the same manager who started Elijah Wood and Katie Holmes' careers. The Festival will be the world-premiere for this film! You can watch the trailer here:
Alyson Stoner stars as the 11 year old Alice McKinley in Alice Upside Down, a coming of age drama about a teenage girl who is mourning the death of her mother. To cope with her grief, she escapes into a vivid fantasy life which sometimes gets her into trouble. Alyson competed at IMTA in New York City in 2000 and is one of young Hollywood's most popular actresses. Her new Disney movie Camp Rock will air on June 20. Alyson will be at the Newport Film Festival signing autographs at the premiere of Alice Upside Down. Alyson recorded a video invitation to invite her fans and filmgoers to the screening that you can watch here:
Brittany Curran has two films appearing in this festival: Adventures of Food Boy and Diamond Dog Caper. Brittany competed at IMTA and signed with industry greats Diane Hardin and Judy Savage. In her movie Diamond Dog Caper, Brittany plays the main character's self-involved older sister Lilly in this hilarious comedy about diamond thieves and their dog. In Adventures of Food Boy Brittany plays Shelby in this comedy which is about a boy who can make food magically appear. Watch the trailer for Adventures of Food Boy here:
IMTA Alum Kunal Sharma is also part of the cast of Adventures of Food Boy! He plays the role of Joel in the movie. Kunal recently did an interview promoting the film and he mentions his IMTA experience:
Check it out! Hi Kunal. It’s great to see you again, and thanks for spending some time with us today. To start, can you tell us how you got into acting? Though I always had an interest in the performing arts, I began to actively pursue it after participating in IMTA. This is a nationwide talent competition held in Los Angeles where kids are able to showcase their acting prowess as well as get a chance to meet people from the industry. Thereafter, I began to take some acting classes in LA and this solidified my passion. You can read the entire interview and see photos of Kunal on the set here on the official Adventures of Food Boy blog!
The Art of Travel is also playing and stars IMTA alum from 1994 Los Angeles Brooke Burns. The film tells the story about a young man who goes to South America on his honeymoon alone after his wedding falls apart. Brooke is starring as Darlene Loren in this adventure movie.You can catch Brooke on TV now in the hilarious comedy produced by fellow IMTA alum Ashton Kutcher, in Miss Guided. You can watch The Art of Travel trailer here (the trailer is for mature audiences only):
Jessica Biel is starring in the short film Hole in the Paper Sky. This film revolves around the self discovery a young doctoral student learns when he saves a laboratory dog and finds love. Jessica has made an impact in Hollywood ever since she competed at IMTA in 1994. After competing at IMTA, her breakthrough role was as Mary Camden on the very popular WB series 7th Heaven. Hole in the Paper Sky is garnering rave reviews. Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel said, "Bill Purple's Hole in the Sky is 33 minutes of exquisitely observed loneliness and is easily the saddest film in this year's Florida Film Festival. It's a simple story, handsomely mounted and told with pathos by a terrific cast that includes Jessica Biel, Steven Collins and Garry Marshall."
For more information on any of these films starring the amazing IMTA alums, please visit the Newport Beach Film Festival's official site!
IMTA alum Amy Acker is joining the cast of Dollhouse, a new secret agent sci-fi series airing this Fall on Fox! The series is a much-anticipated production by Buffy the Vampire and Angel writer-producer Joss Whedon who has already been given a seven-episode committment by Fox! Amy will play Dr. Claire Saunders in a recurring role. The Dollhouse has a great premise; the idea is those with money or connections can access a secret highly illegal facility where they can fulfill their greatest fantasies.
Amy Acker starred in Joss Whedon's hit series Angel for four seasons as Winifred Burkle. You may also have seen Amy as a series regular on Alias or Drive. She has also guest-starred on Ghost Whisperer, How I Met Your Mother, October Road and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Amy competed at IMTA in the nineties and industry great Patrick Baca was integral in scouting and launching Amy at IMTA.
Mada je mrtav već više od pedeset godina, još uvek ima hrpu pristalica širom Evrope, Amerike, u Rusiji, Indiji, Africi, Aziji, Latinskoj Americi i na Dalekom istoku... Ali, da su njegovi sledbenici znali kako je njegov seksualni život bio patetičan, perverzan i dostojan žaljenja, teško bi održali to strahopoštovanje. Ovo čitamo u poglavlju "Hitler se zabavlja", u knjizi engleskog pisca Najdžela Kotorna "Ljubavni život velikih diktatora".Kotorn zaključuje da je teško imati bilo kakvo poštovanje prema čoveku koji voli da puzi po podu nag, dok ga žena šutira, ili doživljava vrhunsko seksualno zadovoljstvo u tome da neko po njemu vrši malu ili veliku nuždu. Nekoliko njegovih ljubavnica izvršilo je samoubistvo - toliko su bile šokirane njegovom izopačenošću.Hitlerovi urlatorski, hipnotički govori često su dovodili žene do orgazma. Neki čovek, koji je u Minhenu radio kao čistač, kaže da su ponekad gubile kontrolu nad bešikom, te bi tlo ispod celog prvog reda slušalaca bilo natopljeno urinom. Hitleru bi se to dopalo...Homoseksualci su bili uvereni da je Hitler homoseksualac, otkriva Kotorn. U starim filmskim žurnalima može se videti kako su njegove kretnje i hod prilično feminizirani - sve dok Leni Rifenštal, velika filmska glumica, reditelj i, moguće, Hitlerova ljubavnica, nije počela da ga snima iz donjeg rakursa, kako bi naglasila njegovu moć i ukazala na mitski status ovog čoveka.Posle rata, Rifenštalova je govorila da nije bila njegov tip: "Ja sam previše jaka, previše pozitivna. On je voleo meke žene, kravljih lica, poput Eve Braun."Hitler je upoznao Evu Braun 1929. godine, a postali su ljubavnici u proleće, tri godine kasnije. Evini dnevnici pokazuju da ga je obožavala, ali da ju je istovremeno i mučio. Njihove seksualne odnose ne opisuje detaljno, osim: "Potrebna sam mu, iz posebnih razloga. Drugačije ne može da bude." Šta god da su radili, nju to nije činilo srećnom. Prvog novembra 1932, izvela je prvi od nekoliko pokušaja samoubistva...
The Disney Television Channel formally announced a third season of Hannah Montana starring IMTA alum and series regular Moises Arias. Moises plays Rico on the popular Disney's kid's show which recently got a nod for an Emmy. Moises just wrapped Dadnapped a movie about sibling rivalry, kidnapping and spies. Moises plays the part of Andre in this family-friendly film. He is currently filming Beethoven: The Reel Story about an animal trainer whose famous dog gets kidnapped. Moises competed at IMTA in 2005 and started working immediately. He has appeared in the feature film Nacho Libre. He guest-starred on the television shows Everybody Hates Chris, Everybody loves Raymond, and The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. He recently finished filming The Perfect Game, a movie about a poor Mexican Baseball team who work together to win the Little League World Championship. You can catch Moises on Hannah Montana now on the Disney Channel and soon on the big screen when this movie is released on August 15.