Just because you're a women there's no excuse to be in debt. Follow our fail-safe plan for fabulous finances.
Remember the Sex And The City episode where Carrie realises that she's spent $40,000 on shoes and can't afford the downpayment on her apartment? 'I literally will be the old woman who lived in her shoes,' she laments. Sheconomics is a new book co-written by psychologist Professor Karen Pine and financial adviser Simonne Gnessen. The idea behind the book is obviously to help women master money - but it's more than just a practical guide because it also addresses the complex feelings that can stand in your way.
Karen and Simonne have devised seven laws of 'Sheconomics' that will help you change your attitude to personal finance, get your money madness under control and secure a financial future that doesn't depend on Prince Charming.
Be aware of how your emotions affect the way you behave with money. Women's attitude to money is shaped by emotion. But instead of acting when in an emotional state, stop and think for a minute about how it is you're feeling.
Identify what's causing it. Is it a reaction to something real that you're facing now, or has it been sparked off by an old memory or previous experience?
Work out if the emotion is relevant. If it is warning you of real danger, heed it. But if it's reinforcing bad habits, feel free to ditch it. Think about what you're aiming for, not your feelings right now, and act in a way that will help you achieve your goal.
Know that your financial beliefs can become reality. Our beliefs influence the way we behave, and, in turn, what we do or do not achieve.
If you believe that you're bad with money, you probably will be. But if you believe that riches will be yours, then more than likely you will be rich.
First, you need to identify the things that are stopping you being rich. Maybe you don't ask for a pay rise because you're secretly scared you're not worth it. Once you've worked out what's standing in your way, you can start to change your behaviour and attitude towards money.
Make sure all your spending decisions are made for the right reasons. To spend with power, you need to understand why you shop and resist the compulsion to spend to cover up emotions.
Start by working out where your money goes by keeping track of exactly what you spend your cash on in a month. Then you can work out where you need to cut back and how to control your spending.
For example, always order tap water in restaurants, and don't buy a coffee on the way to work. Use internet comparison sites before making a purchase, avoid cards and pay cash so you know what you're spending. Eventually you'll learn that you can cut down on your spending without feeling deprived
Make your money fit your life plan. Work out what you want to achieve in life. Peace and security? Escape from city life? Setting up a business?
A dream is vague and relies on chance - 'I wish I could be mega-rich'. A goal is specific and realistic - 'My savings plan means I'll have £30,000 by the time I'm 40.' Goals take the pain out of resisting temptation.
Saying no to a ski trip sits much easier if you're giddily excited about buying your first flat and are saving for the deposit. It's tougher when the goal is long-term, like saving for retirement. But think of it as 'achieving financial freedom' and you're more likely to stick with it.
Face up to what you owe and decide how to pay it back. Start by listing your debts and working out the priorities. They should be your mortgage, secured loans, rent, council tax, utility bills, tax etc. These have to be dealt with before credit or store cards, overdrafts and unsecured loans.
Pay off whatever you can and then work out a how much debt you can afford to repay each month and who needs to be paid the most (usually the debt with the highest interest rate, so you pay it off sooner). Set yourself a goal date for being debt-free.
Talk openly and honestly about money. In most relationships, money is still taboo. But money secrets are the kiss of death to any close relationship - whether it's with a partner, spouse, business partner or close friend.
Sharing financial intimacies is about building trusting, honest relationships with others, and with yourself in relation to money. This requires that you communicate in order to understand and come to terms with your own and your other people's money mindset. Agree to accept any differences and you'll be headed for financial bliss.
Take action now for a secure future. The future of the State pension in the UK is uncertain. Frankly, it's deluded to think the State will provide for you when you retire.
So, boring as it may seem, you need to plan for your future in a way that balances your current needs against your future ones. Future needs tend to get drowned out when we're hedonistically indulging our current desires.
But by saving now, starting a pension and making your money work hard for you, you can safeguard your future without feeling that you're missing out on your present. Extracted from Sheconomics by Karen Pine and Simonne Gnessen, £7.99, published by Headline.
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