Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shiver me timbers -- Toy Fair wraps up today.

Finally, a good look at the Frost Giants from Thor, foremost enemies of the Gods of Asgard.

Not bad, a little similar to the Twiligh Ringwraith -- just not how I'd pictured them...

I was holding out hope that they'd resemble the Norse berserkers of old, a bit more like these chaps...

Here's another Thor denizen, Destroyer, wearing the enchanted armor forged by Odin, presumably unleashed by Loki to give Thor a really bad hair day.

And while it's too soon to know if there'll be an arctic scene in Captain America, that's not stopping Hasbro. Here's Cap' in his cold weather duds, just in case he has to get a little frosty.

Virtually no Star Trek at Toy Fair this year -- guess we'll be waiting until the next movie in 2012. Come on, Diamond Select Toys! Anything?!?

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