Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
To Autumn, Keats
Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lydnsy Fonseca on Desperate Housewives with Eva Longoria!!

In the ongoing

Author Comments - Different Styles
Friday, September 28, 2007
Lauren Storm Stars in The Game Plan in Theaters Today!

Lauren competed at IMTA in New York in 1999 and describes her IMTA experience, saying, “I ended up getting a lot of response from theatrical agencies and was asked to relocate to LA for pilot season. I tried it out for 6 months and got my first job, so I stayed a little longer and booked again.”
Lauren has guest starred in many television shows such as; Grounded for Life, 7th Heaven with IMTA alum Jessica Biel, CSI:Miami, 24, Malcolm in the Middle and Boston Public. She is best known for her continuing role as Taylor Hagan in the NBC's Discovery Channel hit series Flight 29 Down, which also stars another IMTA alum Jeremey Kissner.
For more information or to see a video clip visit The Game Plan and don't forget to go to theaters this weekend to see the talented Lauren Storm in this entertaining film!

Frau Einstein
Mileva se naročito zanimala za oblasti nebeske fizike, astronomije i nebeske mehanike - kod profesora dr Alfreda Volfera. Rado je proučavala i čitala Kantovu filozofiju i Štadlerovu teoriju naučnog mišljenja. Našla se, kao jedina studentkinja ciriškog Politehnikuma - rame uz rame sa Marselom Grosmanom iz Budimpešte, Jakobom Eratom iz Šafhauzena, Albertom Ajnštajnom rodom iz Ulma i mnogim drugim na grupi kod uvaženog profesora Fridriha Vebera. Strah i trepet za studente, nije želeo da ima ženske kandidate. Ubeđivao je Milevu da pređe na neku lakšu grupu prirodnih nauka koja bi bila srodna ovoj. Ali, uzalud, ova mlada srpska devojka bila je uporna.Kolege joj ukazuju pažnju, imaju respekta više zbog njenog umeća nego zbog toga što je bila najstarija među njima. Već se upadljivo izdvajala u radu na proračunima. Njeni rezultati su uvek brzi i tačni.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Josh Duhamel's Star is Shining Bright in the Premiere of Las Vegas!!

Josh dazzled the judges with his star qualities as well, winning Male Model of the Year at IMTA in 1997. He competed against another very high profile IMTA alumn that year, Ashton Kutcher!
After IMTA, Duhamel landed his first acting job playing the title character in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, and he soon began acting on All My Children playing a role that won him a Daytime Emmy in 2002. Josh left daytime tv for his breakthrough role on the hit series Las Vegas. He starred in Michael Bay's Transformers: The Movie which was the 2007 summer movie of the year! This exciting action-packed movie has Josh playing the part of Captain John Lennox and in it he helped save the world! For a sneak peak at the upcoming show or to catch a missed episode visit Las Vegas' official website and remember to tune in this Friday night to see what happens to Josh and his team!
Flash Music Player and Music Playlists
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Dobro jutro decaci :))

Brooklyn Rules Starring Jerry Ferrara Released on DVD!

Helmut Newton

Helmut Newton, born Helmut Neustädter (1920, Berlin, Germany – 2004, California, USA) was a German-Australian fashion photographer noted for his nude studies of women.
In many ways Helmut mocks the fashion industry as he strengthens it. He blatantly exposes a side of it that is difficult to detect or absent in other fashion photography. Take for example one of his better known works 'Sie kommen!' ('Here They Come!'), which copies are sold for more than $55,000. It is a two part image, one image depicts the models clothed and the other they are in the exact same position, but nude. In a strange way the nude depiction lacks much of the sexuality you'd expect, due to aggressive posturing. Their nudity has become dress, they are in essence fashion warriors. They say, 'Look, but don't touch. Look, we are coming... but not for you.' They send the message, as with fashion, 'Look and die with desire.' While this may not be the desire of the beholder, it is definitely that of the fashion wearer.
As with many of his photos,Helmut exposes the discomfort women endure to be alluring. The dark side of fashion, depicted in 'Pension Dorian', shows model Jenny Kapitan in a leg cast and neck brace. "That was a real cast! I had twisted my knee dancing rock-and-roll and when I appeared, abashed, before Helmut for the shooting, he said: 'That fits me perfectly, I've been doing all these pictures with braces.'" He was attracted to her injury, her deficiency. The two casts, the cane by means of which she stands - they are signifiers of her pain. But notice how straight she stands, how she thrusts her hips forward and holds her head aloft. It is a poignant image, delivered in the codes of sexuality, but also that of the cure. She is in a vulnerable state, which triggers a basic male instinct to respond. The cast and brace are worn as sexual fashion accessories; sex, the cure for death. Another side of this image reads, 'Style robs you of life, it is violent - even to others.'