Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fox News keeps Palin on payroll

Fox News is not taking contributor Sarah Palin off its payroll despite moves that suggest she may be gearing up for a presidential run.

"We are not changing Sarah Palin's status," Bill Shine, Executive Vice President of programming for Fox News Channel, told CBS News in a statement. Palin earns $1 million per year as a commentator on Fox News.

In March, Fox News suspended contracts with a pair of contributors, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, because they were gearing up for presidential runs. The network said the contracts would be terminated after 60 days unless they declared they were not running for president. Gingrich has since announced his run, and Santorum will do so June 6.

Palin has recently added to her staff and is believed to be moving to Arizona, where it would be easier to run a presidential campaign than in her home state of Alaska.  There is also a celebratory documentary about Palin planned for release over the summer.

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