Sunday, May 31, 2009
French feminism

French feminism refers to a branch of feminist thought from a group of feminists in France from the 1970s to the 1990s. French feminism, compared to Anglophone feminism, is distinguished by an approach which is more philosophical and literary. Its writings tend to be effusive and metaphorical, being less concerned with political doctrine and generally focused on theories of "the body." The term includes writers who are not French, but who have worked substantially in France and the French tradition such as Julia Kristeva and Bracha Ettinger.
The French author and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir wrote novels; monographs on philosophy, politics, and social issues; essays; biographies; and an autobiography. She is now best known for her metaphysical novels, including She Came to Stay and The Mandarins, and for her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism. It sets out a feminist existentialism which prescribes a moral revolution. As an existentialist, she accepted Jean-Paul Sartre's precept existence precedes essence; hence "one is not born a woman, but becomes one." Her analysis focuses on the social construction of Woman as the Other. This de Beauvoir identifies as fundamental to women's oppression. She argues women have historically been considered deviant and abnormal and contends that even Mary Wollstonecraft considered men to be the ideal toward which women should aspire. De Beauvoir argues that for feminism to move forward, this attitude must be set aside.
In the 1970s French feminists approached feminism with the concept of écriture féminine, which translates as female, or feminine writing.Helene Cixous argues that writing and philosophy are phallocentric and along with other French feminists such as Luce Irigaray emphasizes "writing from the body" as a subversive exercise.The work of the feminist psychoanalyst and philosopher, Julia Kristeva, has influenced feminist theory in general and feminist literary criticism in particular. From the 1980s onwards the work of artist and psychoanalyst Bracha Ettinger has influenced literary criticism, art history and film theory. However, as the scholar Elizabeth Wright pointed out, "none of these French feminists align themselves with the feminist movement as it appeared in the Anglophone world."
The French author and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir wrote novels; monographs on philosophy, politics, and social issues; essays; biographies; and an autobiography. She is now best known for her metaphysical novels, including She Came to Stay and The Mandarins, and for her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism. It sets out a feminist existentialism which prescribes a moral revolution. As an existentialist, she accepted Jean-Paul Sartre's precept existence precedes essence; hence "one is not born a woman, but becomes one." Her analysis focuses on the social construction of Woman as the Other. This de Beauvoir identifies as fundamental to women's oppression. She argues women have historically been considered deviant and abnormal and contends that even Mary Wollstonecraft considered men to be the ideal toward which women should aspire. De Beauvoir argues that for feminism to move forward, this attitude must be set aside.
In the 1970s French feminists approached feminism with the concept of écriture féminine, which translates as female, or feminine writing.Helene Cixous argues that writing and philosophy are phallocentric and along with other French feminists such as Luce Irigaray emphasizes "writing from the body" as a subversive exercise.The work of the feminist psychoanalyst and philosopher, Julia Kristeva, has influenced feminist theory in general and feminist literary criticism in particular. From the 1980s onwards the work of artist and psychoanalyst Bracha Ettinger has influenced literary criticism, art history and film theory. However, as the scholar Elizabeth Wright pointed out, "none of these French feminists align themselves with the feminist movement as it appeared in the Anglophone world."

Drugu godinu zaredom Žizel Bundšen nalazi se na prvom mestu Forbsove liste najplaćenijih modela na svetu.Brazilka je u protekloj godini zaradila 25 miliona dolara, što je i dalje čini najplaćenijim modelom na svetu.Na drugom mestu se nalazi Hajdi Klum za zaradom od 16 miliona, dok je na trećem mestu prošlogodišnja drugoplasirana Kejt Mos sa godišnjim prihodom od osam i po miliona dolara.Na četvrtom mestu nalazi se Adriana Lima, zaštitno lice kuće "Victoria's secret" sa zaradom od osam miliona dolara. Slede Doucen Kraus (šest miliona), Alesandra Ambrosio (šest miliona), ovogodišnja voditeljka takmičenja Eurosong Ruskinja Natalija Vodijanova (pet i po miliona), Darija Verbovoj (četiri i po miliona) i verenica Orlando Bluma Miranda Ker sa tri miliona.
Poslovna zena
Tanya grande

Tanya, la interprete, la compositora, la arreglista, nace un 4 de agosto en la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Desde muy joven comienza a dar muestra de su gran talento.
A los 15 años comienza como vocalista del grupo Arte Vivo y después continúa con “Monte de Espuma, con el que lanza su primer disco que llevo por titulo: LATINO. Ya a principio de los 90’ se lanza como solista con el disco “ACORRALADA” que definitivamente la convierte en la máxima expresión femenina de pop rock en su tierra natal.
Leer MÁS en FUENTE :
TANYAMUSIC.COM - © 2008 Producciones Đ₤$ắ$T®₤
- Amigos, se que estuve "Perdida en el Tiempo", pero una vez mas estoy de regreso "En este Pueblo"; espero les llegue al corazon. "Gracias por..." estar ahi. Los quiere siempre, TANYA
Shoe fascinacija!

Poslovna zena
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Todos quieren ser Steve McQueen

Que todos estén interesados, en Hollywood, por hacer el rol de Steve McQueen, es lógico.
Pero en la actualidad ningún actor le llega a la suela del zapato al gran Steve McQueen. Tenía clase, categoría, duro y tierno, sin llegar a sensiblero.
Ahora los actores parecen buscar más la sensiblería que la ternura masculina. Hablando claro, imitan a los gays.
Y eso no era lo que transmitía Steve.
Daniel Craig y Ewan McGregor, suenan para ese papel.
La película estará basada en "Steve McQueen: Retrato de un rebelde americano", novela biográfica.
FUENTE:Brad Pitt será Steve McQueen
Nicole Kidman quizá embarazada

Y no me extrañaría, es muy raro que una actriz deje un papel en una película de Woody Allen.
Mira, si Nicole está embarazada, me alegro.
Parece que con este marido se lleva bien.
Fuente LeeR :Nicole Kidman podría está embarazada
What do you do with these?
I mean on a single, individual level. When you have an idea, what is the best thing to do with it?
Generally speaking, through years of hard experience, I'd say wait. Greater damage has been done to people, relationships, poems, novels, games of cricket, politics and indeed the entire world, by ideas that someone somewhere thinks are just amazing but is not prepared to stop and think about than anything else.
The same applies to sentences. If I'd stopped and really thought about that last but one sentence, rather than blurting it out while half looking out of the window at the really nice trees on this side of the Chilterns, I'd have reworded it and punctuated it properly.
The guys and gals who invented fire. Or discovered it. I bet they looked at it for a bit, scratched their heads and then used it in small, controllable ways. I'm prepared to bet that they did not, as soon as they could manipulate a flame, go and burn down all the forests.
On the other hand, MPs, given wadges of public money, did indeed take wheelbarrows full of it to the bank as soon as they possibly could. If only they'd stopped to think whether it was a good idea to toss themselves off on publicly funded porn.
Alas, they did not.
Also, it was not really all that long between the discovery of the neutron and the destruction of Hiroshima. Einstein did try to persuade Roosevelt to think about it, and look what happened. Mind you, lots of other people were thinking about it too.
But they just couldn't wait.
Now. It's a fair bet that many people, enraged by our government's unique mix of corruption, incompetence and authoritarianism spiced with just a little sexual libertinism, might be tempted not to vote Labour next week. You know, out of knee jerk rage or opportunism or whatever the buzz word is this week among Labour lickspittle lobby hacks who still have their tongues up Gordon Brown's increasingly sweaty arse.
But if they waited -
No, fuck it. Don't waste any time rethinking this idea, you'll only paralyse yourself by realising that they're all a bunch of bastards. So vote non-Labour (and non-BNP). Hey, good idea, eh?
But generally speaking, if you have any other ideas, like riding your bike without a shirt on, do think it through first, eh? Wobbly guts look best inside T shirts or better still inside shirts, jumpers and coats, which is where I keep mine. Not that I'm accusing Britain of being a nation of lardbuckets like myself, or anything.
I mean on a single, individual level. When you have an idea, what is the best thing to do with it?
Generally speaking, through years of hard experience, I'd say wait. Greater damage has been done to people, relationships, poems, novels, games of cricket, politics and indeed the entire world, by ideas that someone somewhere thinks are just amazing but is not prepared to stop and think about than anything else.
The same applies to sentences. If I'd stopped and really thought about that last but one sentence, rather than blurting it out while half looking out of the window at the really nice trees on this side of the Chilterns, I'd have reworded it and punctuated it properly.
The guys and gals who invented fire. Or discovered it. I bet they looked at it for a bit, scratched their heads and then used it in small, controllable ways. I'm prepared to bet that they did not, as soon as they could manipulate a flame, go and burn down all the forests.
On the other hand, MPs, given wadges of public money, did indeed take wheelbarrows full of it to the bank as soon as they possibly could. If only they'd stopped to think whether it was a good idea to toss themselves off on publicly funded porn.
Alas, they did not.
Also, it was not really all that long between the discovery of the neutron and the destruction of Hiroshima. Einstein did try to persuade Roosevelt to think about it, and look what happened. Mind you, lots of other people were thinking about it too.
But they just couldn't wait.
Now. It's a fair bet that many people, enraged by our government's unique mix of corruption, incompetence and authoritarianism spiced with just a little sexual libertinism, might be tempted not to vote Labour next week. You know, out of knee jerk rage or opportunism or whatever the buzz word is this week among Labour lickspittle lobby hacks who still have their tongues up Gordon Brown's increasingly sweaty arse.
But if they waited -
No, fuck it. Don't waste any time rethinking this idea, you'll only paralyse yourself by realising that they're all a bunch of bastards. So vote non-Labour (and non-BNP). Hey, good idea, eh?
But generally speaking, if you have any other ideas, like riding your bike without a shirt on, do think it through first, eh? Wobbly guts look best inside T shirts or better still inside shirts, jumpers and coats, which is where I keep mine. Not that I'm accusing Britain of being a nation of lardbuckets like myself, or anything.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hugh Jackman y Daniel Craig juntos en Broadway

A eso lo llamo yo una gran idea. Contra la crisis unir a Hugh y Daniel en una obra de teatro en Broadway. Seguro que la gente paga la entrada sin preguntarse ni título ni calidad de la obra.
Yo ya tengo la reserva hecha, por si las moscas, que no están los tiempos para los "reventas".
Según publicó en exclusiva el diario The New York Post, la productora Barbara Broccoli es quien llevará adelante el proyecto que subirá el telón antes de que termine el año.
"A Steady Rain" es un drama protagonizado por dos policías de Chicago que se ven involucrados en una disputa doméstica en un barrio pobre que pondrá en crisis su amistad. La pieza fue escrita por Keith Huff y se anticipa como dura y desgarradora.
Leer más en FUENTE: Hugh Jackman y Daniel Craig compartirán escenario en Broadway...
Katie O'Grady in Management in Theaters now!

Catch IMTA alum Katy O'Grady in theaters this weekend in the humorous romantic comedy Management. The film stars Jennifer Aniston, Steve Zahn and is directed by Stephen Belber. Katy plays the part of the Corporate Bliss Receptionist in this film about a traveling art sales woman and a goofy but sweet hotel clerk who falls for her.

Katie competed at IMTA in 2005 where she won Talent of the Year. Talent of the Year is awarded to the actor who has the highest composite score from five of the IMTA acting Competitions including Monologue, Soaps, Sitcoms, TV Real People Commercial and Cold Read. Katie also won a scholarship when she competed at IMTA. Katie was recently in the film Untraceable and has appeared in the independent film Some Will Fall and Sasquatch Dumpling Gang which starred another IMTA alum Jeremy Sumpter!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Adriana Lima trazi srpski pasos!

Marko Jarić u društvu supruge Adrijane Lime posetio je juče potpredsednika Vlade i ministra unutrašnjih poslova Ivicu Dačića kako bi se dogovorili o zajedničkom humanitarnom radu. Prelepa Lima je tom prilikom zatražila i državljanstvo Srbije, što će joj biti omogućeno po ubrzanom postupku. jednočasovnom razgovoru u kancelariji Vlade, Marko Jarić i Adrijana Lima obavestili su ministra Dačića o svojim planovima i nameri da se uključe u humanitarni rad i promociju Srbije u svetu. - Adrijana je poželela da dobije državljanstvo Srbije i da bude naš promoter u svetu. Ubrzo ćemo početi proceduru i što pre joj omogućiti da dobije naš pasoš - kaže za „Blic” ministar Ivica Dačić i dodaje: „Poželeo sam im puno sreće u braku i mnogo dece”. Na naše pitanje kakav je utisak na njega ostavila jedna od najlepših žena na svetu, Dačić kaže: - Adrijana je jako prijatna osoba, lepa naravno. Rekao sam joj da mi je drago što je jedan Srbin osvojio njeno srce - priča Dačić i dodaje da je očito „da se njih dvoje jako vole”. Podsetimo, lepa Brazilka je trenutno u svojoj prvoj poseti Srbiji, a stigla je kako bi prisustvovala svadbi Darka Miličića u Novom Sadu. Nakon iznenadnog venčanja za Dan zaljubljenih, 14. februara, Marko i Adrijana rešili su da naprave još dva svadbena veselja, i to jedno u Srbiji i jedno u Brazilu. Već na jesen očekuje ih novo slavlje jer će tada dočekati prinovu.
Beba na jesen Adrijana i Marko ispričali su za „People” da će uskoro postati roditelji, čime je potvrđeno pisanje „Blica” koji je 12. maja prvi otkrio da čekaju prinovu. - Adrijana i Marko su presrećni jer očekuju prvo zajedničko dete, veoma su uzbuđeni što će imati svoju porodicu - stoji u njihovom saopštenju.
Beba na jesen Adrijana i Marko ispričali su za „People” da će uskoro postati roditelji, čime je potvrđeno pisanje „Blica” koji je 12. maja prvi otkrio da čekaju prinovu. - Adrijana i Marko su presrećni jer očekuju prvo zajedničko dete, veoma su uzbuđeni što će imati svoju porodicu - stoji u njihovom saopštenju.
Blic, danas
Eva Mendes será Maria Callas

Eva Mendes hará de María Callas, en un biopic, "Greek Fire", que se exibirá en las pantallas.
Menuda sorpresa, yo no les veo nada en común, quizá el blanco de los ojos.
María aparte de poco agraciada, o sea fea, no tenía curvas que yo sepa. Eso si, en un principio era gorda, me refiero a la Callas, pero al parecer adelgazó por amor ...a Onassis. Que era feo y enano, pero estaba forrado.
Leer La Noticia Aquí:Eva Mendes se convertirá en Maria Callas
Death Metal Tattoos: part 2
I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out.

I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
awful tattoos,
bad tattoos,
worst ever,
wtf is this,
Ashton Kutcher and Susan Boyle!

Ashton competed at IMTA at the New York, 1997 Convention Ashton won Most Sought After Male Model, signed with Next Models and went straight to the designer runways for Men's Fashion Week ! He was soon cast on That 70's Show as the lovable Kelso! He started producing shows, such as Punk'd, Beauty and the Geek and Miss Guided. His movie roles include The Guardian, Dude, Where's My Car? which also stars fellow IMTA alum Seann William Scott, The Butterfly Effect, A Lot Like Love, Guess Who and What Happens in Vegas. Ashton is the spokesman for Nikon in a huge international advertising campaign! He was also the first person in the world to have a million followers on Twitter, the social phenomenon and micro-blogging site.
Patricia Conde y Dani Martín en NY

El cantante de "El Canto Del Loco", y la presentadora de la tele, parecen haber vuelto, con la primavera neoyorkina de fondo, al amor.
Que les dure...lo que tenga que durar. Y que lo pasen muy bien.
A mi Dani Martín me cae simpático, pero Patricia no.
Es bella y con buen tipo, pero parece tener malas pulgas.
Aunque a lo mejor en persona es un encanto. Yo hablo de la imágen que a mi me da.
FUENTE:Patricia Conde y Dani Martín confirman s ...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Scarlett Johansson sustituye a PE

La firma de moda española que contaba como imagen con Penélope Cruz, apuesta ahora por Scarlett Johansson.
Cambian a una morena de treinta y pico, por una rubia de veintitantos. Igual de bajitas y poquita cosa ambas dos, no nos engañemos.
Sus cuerpos no causan envidia a las posibles clientas de la firma.
Cualquiera es más alta o guapa que ellas. Quizá eso es lo que se busca.
¿O será más barata Scarlett que Pe post Oscar?.
Johansson sustituye a Penélope Cruz
Death Metal Tattoos: part 1
I went to the Maryland Deathfest this past weekend and OH BOY did I see so many amazing metal tattoos! One million distorted zombies! Ten thousand blurry black and white messes of somethingorother! A good handful of band logos! I have a LOT to share with you guys, but let me start with this gem (perhaps the best of the bunch):

THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.
Tune in soon for more!
THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.
Tune in soon for more!
awful tattoos,
bad tattoos,
good execution bad idea,
text tattoos
Premiere of Jill Wagner's Wipeout!
Be sure to tune into ABC tonight for the premiere of IMTA alum Jill Wagner's second season of the hilarious show Wipeout! The show will be the same format as the first season with each episode starting with 24 contestants navigating their way through various obstacles designed to knock them out of the competition. There are four rounds of eliminations, and the last remaining contestant wins a $50,000 prize.
Jill competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 2001 where she won Female Model of the Year! Many people know Jill as the Lincoln Mercury car girl as she has done many ad campaigns for the auto giant! She also starred in Blade: The Series which was about the adventures of a half-human half-vampire and was based on a Marvel comic book and movie of the same name. She played an operative on fellow IMTA alum Ashton Kutcher's hilarious show Punk'd and while on the show she punk'd Katie Holmes, yet another IMTA alum! Her television roles include Bones, Monk, Dr. Vegas, starring as Larrin in Stargate Atlantis, Blade: The Series, and she starred in the independent films Junebug and Shifted.
Karla, Karla...

Intimne fotografije četrdesetjednogodišnje supruge predsednika Francuske Nikola Sarkozija Karle Bruni biće ponuđene na aukciju u Berlinu, piše Telegraf. Fotografije je uslikala Pamela Henson, profesionalni fotograf iz SAD-a. Na njima se Karla, inače bivši supermodel, nalazi naga na krevetu, delimično pokrivena belim čaršavom.
Postoji samo deset ovih fotografija i to u crno-beloj varijanti. Uslikane su 1994. godine, na vrhu njene karijere kao fotomodela kada je imala 26 godina. Predsednik Sarkozi je izjavio da nema "nikakvih problema" sa izlaskom "ukusno urađenih" fotografija njegove supruge u javnost. Izvor iz Jelisejske palate izjavio je za francuski "Post" da je "predsednik jasno istakao da mu nimalo ne smeta ovaj potez, jer zna da su sve slike njegove supruge koje postoje urađene sa ukusom. Neke su možda nage, ali ona je lepa žena koja je bila model i pozirala je samo u umetničke svrhe." Fotografija će biti prodata 04. juna u "Vili Grizbah" u Berlinu kao deo prodajne aukcije Moderne i savremene fotografije. Početna cena biće 3.500 evra.
Postoji samo deset ovih fotografija i to u crno-beloj varijanti. Uslikane su 1994. godine, na vrhu njene karijere kao fotomodela kada je imala 26 godina. Predsednik Sarkozi je izjavio da nema "nikakvih problema" sa izlaskom "ukusno urađenih" fotografija njegove supruge u javnost. Izvor iz Jelisejske palate izjavio je za francuski "Post" da je "predsednik jasno istakao da mu nimalo ne smeta ovaj potez, jer zna da su sve slike njegove supruge koje postoje urađene sa ukusom. Neke su možda nage, ali ona je lepa žena koja je bila model i pozirala je samo u umetničke svrhe." Fotografija će biti prodata 04. juna u "Vili Grizbah" u Berlinu kao deo prodajne aukcije Moderne i savremene fotografije. Početna cena biće 3.500 evra.
Adriana Lima embarazada

La bella Adriana Lima, y el bello Marko Jaric, su marido. Esperan ya su primer hijo.
Oye, enhorabuena.
La supermodelo brasileña será mama el próximo invierno, si Dios quiere.
Otra que se casó el 14 de febrero, San Valentín, y a mi que me parece una chuminada casarse ese día oiga.
Pero cada cual es muy libre.
Adriana Lima espera su primer hijo
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mel Gibson espera octavo hijo

Pues si, Mel Gibson ha confirmado que espera un hijo de Oksana Pochepa o Grigorieva, que vete a buscar quien será.
A Mel le ha entrado la pitopausia y se ha buscado una más joven que su mujer. Y es que todos los hombres son cortados por el mismo patrón.
No son de fiar, y menos si están en los cincuenta y tienen pasta.
Los pobres piensan, (me refiero a los hombres en general, no señalo a nadie), que la juventud se pega.
En cambio los que no tienen dólares, aunque tienen sus altibajos, con buscar para la cervecita se conforman.
A Mel le ha entrado envidia de Julio Iglesias. También con ocho,de momento.
Viejos verdes!!! Por Dios, si yo fuera su santa ex esposa, le sacaría "La pasión" con "Braveheart", y acabaría con el "Apocalypto".
Hugh Jackman en México

Hugh Jackman está de turne con su "Wolverine", y demuestra su solidaridad con México, al ir hasta allí para presentar su película en persona.
Cosa de agradecer en estos tiempos de gripe A. Aunque hay más casos en USA que en México.
Llega Hugh Jackman al DF de buen humor
Recibe Calderón a Wolverine en Los Pinos
'White Ribbon' dobio Palme d'Or

Austrijski film The White Ribbon reditelja Michaela Hanekea osvojio je glavnu nagradu kanskog festivala Zlatnu palmu na 62. izdanju ove manifestacije.Za najboljeg glumca proglašen je Austrijanac Christoph Waltz koji igra SS oficira u Hankeovom filmu, dok je Charlotte Gainsbourg za ulogu u filmu Antichrist Lars Von Triera imenovana za najbolju glumicu.Nagrada za najboljeg režisera pripala je Briliiante Mendoza sa Filipina za mračnu komediju Kintay.Britanska rediteljka Andrea Arnold i Južnokoreanac Park Chan-Wook podelili su nagradu žirija za filmove Fish Tank, odnosno Thirst.Kineski pisac Feng Mei nagrađen je za najbolji scenario za film Spring Fever reditelja Lou Yea.Kanski festival je počeo 13. maja, a danas je bio sposlednji dan.
Poslovna zena
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hotel by Sharon, Paris and Mariah in Antalya

Sharon Stone strides confidently onto the stage a few feet in front of me, and you can hear an appreciative murmur pass through the well-heeled crowd. Dressed in Roberto Cavalli couture, the 51-year-old star looks thinner than ever and with not a blonde hair out of place.
She is here in Antalya, Turkey, for the launch of what's being billed as the grandest and most expensive hotel in Europe - the Mardan Palace.
As the normally articulate actress begins her hosting duties, she stumbles over a word on the teleprompter. Champagne costs £25 a glass, toilets are remote-controlled, guests select linen and pillow firmness from a 'pillow menu' alongside each bed and the private beach has been created from 9,000 tons of the silkiest white sand imported from Egypt.
The hotel itself - where suites cost up to £11,500 a night - is a temple to bling, fitted out with 2,500 tons of gold, 500,000 crystals and 23,000 square metres of Italian marble.
The pool is a full five acres of sparkling blue water, across which guests can take gondola rides that take 30 minutes.
In the middle of the pool sits a sunken aquarium with 2,400 fish, so you can literally 'swim with the fishes' (including sharks) - albeit on the other side of a thick wall of glass.
Meanwhile, the waterside Italian restaurant (one of 11 on site) is stocked with Hermés crockery worth £1.35million. In a room full of the international press, I find the singer Seal, Italian actress Monica Bellucci, Gere, Stone and Tom Jones. Not exactly natural bedfellows, if you'll excuse the phrase...
Home Mail
Brad Pitt enamorado de Angelina

Pues estupendo. Son guapos y me gusta verlos juntos, y con su tropa a cuestas.
En una entrevista al 'Daily Mirror' , Pitt hace una declaración de amor en toda regla, a su Angelina. Y dice que no le importaría tener otro hijo, en Londres.
Yo , a la Jolie, la vi demacrada y con barriguita en Cannes.
Brad Pitt se declara de nuevo a Angelina Jolie
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