Monday, August 31, 2009

A Beckham le vuelven a querer los aficcionados

Que cosa el mundo del fútbol. Los forofos tienen celos de lo que hacen sus jugadores.
Parecía que en Los Ángeles Galaxy, no le perdonaban a David que prefiera la liga europea para jugar.
Cosa normal, porque la Major League Soccer, no tiene mucha categoría.
Hasta al fútbol le llaman soccer.
Pero bueno, un gol de David ha cambiado el odio a amor.
Un gol inesperado y una victoria importante le dieron al Galaxy y a su estrella David Beckham una razón de peso para estar sonrientes luego de vencer a Chivas USA por la mínima diferencia y quedarse con el título de campeón del Honda Superclásico 2009.

Leer Más :

Let's start with basic jazz pattern

Jazz drumming is kind of triplet
Let's start with very good lesson !!

Moja Madonna

News: Madonin koncert na Uscu mi je bio poklon za rodjendan. Madona je dosla u Srbiju. Madona se razvela. Madona je usvojila drugu dete iz Afrike. Mrsi Dzejms je prvi put sa Madonom na decijem igralistu. Madonina Lurd nije ocupala obrve. Gaj je uhvacen ponovo sa nekom ekstra zenskom i izgleda da ga bas briga za bivsu zenu. Madona mazi i ljubi svog klinca – pratioca za 51. rodjendan. I tako, Madona, neka druga, priznajem je dosla i u Srbiju na par sati.
Nisam pisala o tome, jer nisam mogla da shvatim sta se dogodilo… Ona je za mene Like a Virgin, Papa don’t preach, Like A Prayer, Holiday, Everybody, La Isla Bonita…Madona je za mene detinjstvo, vrckanje uz hitove, svezi Bravo posteri. Madonin muz je Son Pen, a ona je sva smesna i apsolutni hit! Madona nije kraljica, ona je bila nas trend, nas svet, ona je bila nasa Madona!
Na Uscu je bila Madona iz 2000ih. Neka druga, zgodna, misicava, na rukama zile, lepo lice, duga kosa, dobar stajling, naravno savrsena za zenu `58 godista. Madona nije stala, imala je ona osmeh, malo sramezljiv, nikada nisam znala da li je to ili nije gluma ili je to njeno face off lice koje mi ne znamo. Nastup u godini M. J. smrti, Madona je glatko uradila. Tribute je spreman, deo je programa i zivot ide dalje. . I dalje nemam utisak da sam bila na koncertu Madone, da je ona pevala tu na 15 metara od mene, da je bila u trenerici, bez sminke, sa kapom na probi, kao, jednostavno, normalna, kao jedna od nas…
Moja Madona je ipak ona kaseta koju negde sigurno imam u stanu kod roditelja.
Moja licna Madona je MADONNA I NEDOSTIZNA JE.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lady G. strips

Her personal style is famously eccentric - but Lady GaGa's latest photo shoot is probably her most outrageous to date, but this time, because of what she's NOT wearing.
Sporting nothing but a fluffy pink wig and copious amounts of fake tan, the singer flaunted an enviable figure for legendary fashion photographer Mario Testino.
The series of images, which appear in the latest issue of U.S. magazine V, push the boundaries of acceptability, and like many of her ensembles, are unlikely to appeal to everyone's tastes. She poses in another photograph wearing the same bizarre ensemble, this time holding a cigarette - a risky move, perhaps, for a star with so many impressionable young fans.
In a third image, the Poker Face singer swaps the pink afro for a more familiar blonde, fringed style.
Daily News

IMTA Alum Moises Arias to be an ESPN Reporter!

IMTA Alum Moises Arias will be covering the Little League World Series for ESPN! He will work with the announcers Brent Musburger and Orel Hershiser on at least 15 games. The coordinating producer Tom McNeeley said he saw some of Moises work on Hannah Montana and decided Moises was perfect! McNeeley says Arias, rather than explaining any intricacies of on-field play, will look for color — "like who ate the most hot dogs on a team. His personality is what will drive this. I'm not looking for him to analyze double plays."

Moises competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 2005 with his brother Mateo. Shortly after IMTA, Moises got his break with appearances on Everybody Hates Chris and The Suite Life of Zack and Cody before landing the role of Rico on the hit show Hannah Montana! He made his feature film debut in 2006 starring in Nacho Libre opposite Jack Black. He competed at the 2008 Disney Channel Games with fellow IMTA alumni, Alyson Stoner and Kunal Sharma. He also starred in the film The Perfect Game, a baseball movie, Beethoven's Big Break and Dadnapped!

Watch ESPN to see Moises' interviews and coverage!

Heidi Klum is always naked

Heidi Klum takes the September 2009 cover of Los Angeles Confidential, on stands September 4.
Seal may be married to the 36-year-old Project Runway host but he isn’t the only man who can get her naked.
The pregnant supermodel tells LAC her long time friend and photographer, Rankin “always gets me to take my clothes off for some reason. We’ll do some job…and I’ll wind up without anything on.” The duo’s new coffee-table book “Rankin Heidilicious” which Klum admits is “very naughty” comes out in October.

Just Jared

Angelina y Shiloh Jolie en Córcega

Mamá Angelina Jolie, y su hija Shiloh.
Juntitas como dos buenas amigas, disfrutaron de una excursión por Córcega.
El padre, Brad Pitt, y el resto de la prole, seguramente por no pasar calor, se quedaron en el pedazo de castillo que tienen por residencia, en Francia.
Ambas son una maravilla de la naturaleza.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to be a jazz drummer

So you have decided that you want to be a drummer but is at a loss as to which genre of playing style you want to master. Have you considered learning how to be a jazz drummer?

As you probably know, jazz is one of the most artistic and intriguing genre of music and especially so for the jazz drummer. Playing jazz music gives the drummer the opportunity to exhibit his amazing technical drumming skills and capabilities. However, most drummers choose not to take the time to learn how to play jazz drums properly which is partly due to its wide range of technicalities unlike most other forms of music.

Although jazz drumming seem to look very complicated, in reality, it is not that difficult to learn. The main difference is that most drummers are used to the 4/4 tempo of drumming where jazz is played with plenty of triplets and has a different feel from most other types of music. So the drummer may have to relearn some drumming techniques. Furthermore, most jazz pieces are relatively fast in tempo and thus most drummers also need to make improvements on their stick speed.

The first thing a new drummer needs to learn when playing jazz pieces is the basic jazz swing tempo or sometimes called the "swing groove". A jazz drummer's main role is to keep time for the rest of the band just like in any genre of music. The drummer should never overpower the rest of the band unlike when playing rock songs. To do this, simply use your hi hat and ride cymbal.

Ok. Let's start with your hi-hat stepping on the 2 and 4 count to a piece of swing music. It is critical to keep this count over top of everything else that you play. Next, add ride the cymbal with a triplet tempo and feel. Practice these moves to perfection before going further with your drum lessons.

Now that you have mastered how to keep the swing tempo with the hi-hat and ride cymbal, let's move on to the bass drum or sometimes called the kick-drum. Jazz drumming techniques are sometimes very subtle and because of this, the bass drum should not be too dominant. So do make sure that you do not play the bass drum too loudly. This again is unlike most other form of drumming. A good technique for this is keep your heel down when playing the bass drum. In this way, you are more in position control the strength of the kick more easily. A technique jazz drummers often use is the feathering the bass drum. This is done by lightly tapping the bass drum on the quarter or eighth notes.

You will probably know that is highly common for the bass drum to follow the bass guitar player. So you may need to know what kind of rhythm progression the bass player is playing and try to follow him. The bass drum should be played with more of a feel rather than powerful thumping like those in rock music.

The snare drum can be used to help as an accent for the band or can be used to play straight quarter notes.

Another common rhythm in jazz music is the shuffle and every jazz drummer must also master this form of drumming. Furthermore, since jazz music usually have musicians doing solo runs, the jazz drummer must also learn how to play drum solos. By developing these common jazz drumming styles, you will be playing jazz drums like a pro pretty soon!

Article by Chris Chew

Angelina Jolie en Wanted 2

Aunque en "Wanted" el personaje de Angelina, (fría y calculadora asesina), murió.
Para el director Timur Bekmambetov , no significa ningún problema que resucite para la segunda entrega.
Lo veo normal, "Wanted" sin Angelina es como un campo de trigo sin amapolas.
Quiero decir, que lo único que llama la atención de ese vulgarcito film de acción, es la señorita Jolie.

Los efectos especiales los pone ella con su presencia.
Que chica tan linda esta mujer tan llena de hijos. Y que bien cotizada.
Y de paso, culpa a Jennifer Aniston de todo lo que se le ocurre.
Leer más :Angelina Jolie culpa a Jennifer Aniston de la adicción de Pitt a ...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Eva Mendes con la ruleta rusa

Eva, aparte de salir fresquita en las revistas, tambien hace cine.
Ahora es La Ruleta Rusa, y en México.
FUENTE:Regresa Eva Mendes a los cines de México con "La ruleta rusa en ...

? Is this the same?

Najbolji bikini ever:

Bondova devojka Ursula Andres, najpoznatija po nezaboravnoj bikini sceni u filmu "Dr No", našla se u vrhu liste boginje bikinija, koju, između ostalih, krase imena poput Helen Miren, Brižit Bardo i Keli Bruk.
Oko hiljadu žena bilo je uključeno u glasanje sprovedeno povodom proslave 60 godina bikinija, od njegove pojave na modnoj sceni u SAD, a rezultati su pokazali samo jedno - žene više cene zaobljeni izgled nego tanušne figure današnjih mršavih modela.
Nastao 1946.
Andres je dobila prvo mesto za svoj izgled u prvom filmu o Džejmsu Bondu, i to zahvaljujući sceni u kojoj u belom bikiniju izranja iz mora u prvom filmu o velikom špijunu i plejboju Džejmsu Bondu "Dr No". I sam bikini koji je Ursula nosila u tom filmu proglašen je najboljim bikinijem svih vremena.
Top 10 bikini boginja svih vremena:
1. Ursula Andres u "Dr No"
2. Keli Bruk
3. Brižit Bardo
4. Helen Miren
5. Hale Beri
6. Majlin Klas
7. El Mekfirson
8. Megan Foks
9. Žizel Bundšen
10. Džesika Alba

Ucite od NAJBOLJE:

- Mlade glumice, zvezde i zvezdice ne vode dovoljno brige o svom izgledu kada su u pitanju neke manje formalne prilike. Naravno, stil se dramatično promenio. Niko više ne želi da izgleda poput diva kao što su bile Pola Negri ili Glorija Svanson. Njihova prenaglašena šminka, frizure i odeća bile su nešto čemu su se naše majke i bake divile, ali danas bi one izgledale smešno. Zapravo, one bi bile osvežavajuća promena od nedovoljno doteranog izgleda kakav neguju današnje zvezde koje viđamo u magazinima - rekla je 76-godišnja Džoan Kolins, koja je oduvek bila na glasu zbog svog besprekornog smisla za lepo i dobro promišljenog stila.
Ipak, u nizu "zapuštenih" savremenih zvezda, Džoan Kolins izdvojila je nekoliko njih koje odskaču iz mase "bezličnih". Ditu fon Tiz izdvojila je zbog njene predivne crne kose, ženstvene figure i crvenih usana, a svojim stilom oduševile su je i Bijonse Nouls, Nikol Kidman i Anđelina Džoli.
- Možda su danas istinske dive tako retke zbog paparaco snimaka koje ih razotkrivaju kako na aerodromu bez šminke izgledaju dan nakon izlaska na crveni tepih. Lepotice zlatnog doba Holivuda bile su, za razliku od njih, potpuno zaštićene i nikada nisu morale da se suoče s paparaco slikama i neprestanim napadom na privatnost - zaključila je Kolins.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kako su srpske sponzoruse PUKLE!

Na prve vesti o svetskoj ekonomskoj krizi u oktobru i novembru 2008. domaći bogataši i njihove ljubimice nisu se naročito obazirali. Po principu „daleko je to od nas“, džipovi i luksuzni automobili su jednako kao i ranijih godina zujali po beogradskoj Ulici Strahinjića Bana (Silikonska dolina) i kraj splavova pored nekadašnjeg Hotela Jugoslavija na Dunavskom keju, a namontirane sponzoruše troškarile po buticima u centru grada i povremeno letele do Rima i Milana da nabave preko potrebne krpice. Onda je svetski virus zahvatio i Srbiju, i ovde je moralo negde da se „uštine“ na troškovima. Kriza se na srpske devojke za zabavu odrazila dvostruko. Njihovi patroni su im posvećivali znatno manje pažnje i manje vremena provodili s njima, a počela je i tiha seča finansija koja je unela nelagode u odnose na ovom parčetu srpskog asfalta.

Marko J., jedan od top-menadžera banke koja se u 2008. godini ubrajala u tri najuspešnije po ostvarenom prihodu, objašnjava šta se promenilo u odnosu sponzoruša i njihovih sponzora od dolaska krize na naše prostore: „Meni lično nije smanjena plata i ja i dalje mogu da finansiram svoju devojku, ali radim u proseku 10-12 sati dnevno, jer je sada mnogo teže i treba uložiti više napora nego pre krize. Nemam vremena da se viđam s mojom devojkom i sve više razmišljam da je batalim. Plaćam joj stan u centru Beograda 700 evra mesečno i dobija još 1.000 za svoje troškove, kupovine i druga ludila. Ja mogu da je vidim svega dva-tri dana mesečno i sve više mislim da bacam lovu uzalud.“ Marko dalje objašnjava da su i mnogi drugi sponzori u takvoj situaciji, ne zbog toga što imaju mnogo finansijskih poteškoća, već zbog toga što je besmisleno rasipati se ni za šta. „Većina mojih poznanika iz sveta biznisa bi otkačila svoje devojke, ali to ipak ne čine zato što je u određenim krugovima u Srbiji imati sponzorušu statusni simbol. Kada neko otkači dobru ribu, pogotovu onu koja se dopada i drugima, glasine se odmah šire i svi će reći da je puk’o, a to je loše za biznis jer vam onda svi okreću leđa i smatraju da više niste moćni kao ranije.“
Ovu neobičnu situaciju u kojoj do juče imućni sponzori vagaju da li da se reše svojih ljubimica bliže opisuje i Viktorija, sponzoruša najvišeg ranga, sa 16 godina iskustva na vrućem asfaltu. „Meni je moj tipus došao pre mesec dana i rekao da moramo ozbiljno da pričamo. On ima tri firme, a dve su trenutno u blokadi. Skroz je s*eban i kaže da mu nije ni do seksa ni do zezanja. Ipak, hoće da me ispoštuje, ali je tražio da se iz kuće u Cvijićevoj preselim na Novi Beograd ili u neki jeftiniji stan jer mora da plati sinu i ćerki stipendije za faks u Londonu i hoće da smanji troškove. Dao mi je tri dana vremena da razmislim i da donesem odluku. Popi*dela sam nakon toga i htela da otfuram s nekim drugim, ali kada sam se konsultovala s koleginicama savetovale su me da pristanem jer je jedna od njih, koja važi za vrh u našem poslu, dobila nogu od jednog od direktora najveće domaće kompanije. Našli smo stan i selim se na Novi Beograd početkom jula.“ Još jedna među sponzorušama poznata na Monci, Akapulku i Amsterdamu kao kraljica splavova, Diksi, takođe je osetila ekonomsku krizu na svojim leđima, ali iz sasvim drugih razloga. „Sponzor mi je zabranio da izlazim na ona mesta gde smo zajedno izlazili ranije. Neće da me vide drugi kako tamo izlazim sama pošto on, otkako je počelo ovo sranje s krizom, uopšte više nema vremena. Tako da sada imam restrikciju na neke restorane i moje omiljene splavove. Lovu mi još nije uskratio, mada sam čula da njegova žena, koja zna za mene, laje kao besan ker na njega zbog toga. Mislim da mi neće uzimati pare, jer zna da mi pričamo s koleginicama i tako bi se pročulo da je stipsara, a on nosi satove od hiljadu evra i najskuplja odela u gradu. Ne da on na sebe, ne zato što sam mu ja važna, nego zato što voli svoje du*e...“
B 92

Salma Hayek Premio Anthony Quinn

La gala de este año, de los Premios Alma, cuenta con un buena lista de actores y famosos que ayudaran a dar más relevancia al evento.
Salma Hayek recibirá el Premio Anthony Quinn a la Excelencia en la Industria de la Comunicación en una gala en la que también se premiará a Javier Bardem y Penélope Cruz.
Fuente :Salma Hayek recogerá el galardón especial en los Premios ALMA
El próximo 17 de septiembre en el auditorio Royce Hall de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles.

Los Premios ALMA son : Premios Alma
Los American Latino Media Arts, conocidos como Los Premios ALMA, han sido entregados a los artistas hispanos que han destacado en Estados Unidos en las áreas de cine, televisión y música, que entrega el Consejo Nacional de la Raza, en Los Ángeles.

O LA LA femme

Zbog čega se muškarci okreću za o-la-la damama? Saznajte u čemu je tajna njihove lepote i seksepila.

One ne preteruju s šminkom
Kompletna šminka sa puderom, ajlajnerom i rumenilom? Nema šanse! Francuskinje postižu prirodno seksi efekat naglašavanjem jedne crte lica, poput Leticije Kaste, manekenke koja u svakoj prilici voli da istakne svoje plave oči. Čak i kada žele da izgledaju glamurozno, opet će se opredeliti za nešto jednostavno, recimo crveni ruž za usne. A šta nikad neće zaboraviti? Naravno, parfem.

One posebno neguju kosu
Galske devojke nikada ne škrtare kada je kosa u pitanju. Nećete ih videti s jeftinom frizurom, koja se ukrutila od količine natrpanog laka. One više vole da plate savršeno šišanje, jer se takva kosa kasnije jakše oblikuje i neguje.

One znaju da je tajna u detaljima
Francuskinja će uvek da dopuni svoju garderobu nekim suptilnim modnim detaljem, šik maramom ili upadljivim minđušama, a ipak ne odaju utisak kao da se previše trude. One bez ikakvog napora spajaju stilove i trendove i uvek izgledaju fenomenalno.
One imaju savršeno držanje
Francuskinje uvek deluju samouvereno. Nikad ne hodaju pogrbljeno, pa zato deluju mnogo više od, recimo, Amerikanki. Takođe koračaju s visoko uzdignutom bradom, što daje notu aristokratskog njihovom izgledu.

Jessica Biel in Valentine's Day!

Jessica Biel is starring in the new film Valentines Day! She will star along side a group of mega stars including: Julia Roberts, Ashton Kutcher ( IMTA 1997), Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Garner, Shirley MacLaine, Bradley Cooper, Topher Grace, Emma Roberts, Hector Elizondo, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, Taylor Lautner, Carter Jenkins, Taylor Swift, Jamie Foxx and Queen Latifah. This romantic comedy is set to be released February 12, 2010 and is directed by Garry Marshall.
Jessica amazed all of us at IMTA in 1994 when she sang a charming rendition of The Lullabye of Broadway complete with a top hat and cane! Her beauty, acting potential and singing and dancing abilities caught the attention of the agents, managers and casting directors who attend every IMTA Convention looking for new faces to represent. Jessica gave an exclusive interview to us in 1998 after starring in the hit WB television series 7th Heaven. You can read the entire archived interview here!

Here's an excerpt from that interview:
How has your life changed since you attended the IMTA Convention?
Jessica: I went from amateur to professional actress thanks to my personal manager Diane Hardin and my agent Jeff Morrone who I met at the IMTA Convention.

Would you recommend attending an IMTA Convention to other aspiring young actors and models?
Jessica: Definitely! You will meet people who can change your life and make your dreams come true!

If you are interested in showing your talents at IMTA, please visit our official site!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kupaci kostim i ja (mi, one)

Kupaći kostim, posebno onaj namenjen ženama, zavisno od modnih kretanja, kroz istoriju je menjao oblik, materijale i izgled, pa ima veoma zanimljivu prošlost.
Doduše, naši daleki preci bili su zakleti nudisti, počev, kažu, od Adama i Eve. U staroj Grčkoj i Rimu i žene i muškarci kupali su se goli ali, kao što je to nalagala moda tog doba, pokrivene glave. U srednjem veku golotinja je postala nezamisliva, a budući da nije postojala posebna odeća za kupanje, ljudi su u vodu ulazili uobičajeno odeveni. Prva posebna odeća za kupanje pojavila se istovremeno s otkrivanjem mora i morske obale kao idealnog mesta za odmor, krajem 18. veka, i nalikovala je odeći u kojoj se u to vreme spavalo. Prvi ženski kupaći kostim lansiran je 1825. Za manje od dva veka taj deo odeće koji je prvobitno prekrivao celo telo, pretvorio se u nekoliko "krpica" na "kritičnim tačkama". Cilj prvog ženskog kupaćeg kostima je bio da sakrije suluetu tela. Uz dugu haljinu, ispod koje se nosio korset, komplet su činile i posebne cipele i duge crne čarape, kao i šešir. Kupanje bez čarapa smatralo se egzibicijom. Ova "odela" su bila luksuz sve dok Francuzi i Amerikanci nisu počeli da ih masovno proizvode. Međutim, ti kupaći kostimi su pravljeni od vune pa kupanje u njima nije bilo baš lagodno jer bi, natopljeni vodom, bili teški i po više kilograma. Vremenom je moda za kupanje ipak postajala udobnija. Ženski kupaći kostimi su počeli da se šiju od čvrste pamučne tkanine, a sastojali su se od tunike kratkih rukava u mornarskom stilu koja je dosezala ispod kolena. Ispod nje su se nosili korset i duge pantalone do članaka. Žene su tako u korsetima, obmotane metrima tkanine, ulazile u vodu samo do bokova, sve dok američka plivačica i glumica Anet Kelerman nije napravila revolucionarni korak. Anet se 1907. pojavila na plaži u Bostonu u jednodelnom kupaćem kostimu, sašivenom po uzoru na muški kostim za kupanje. Iako je bio napravljen od čvrstog pamuka, imao duge nogavice i bio zakopčan do grla, kostim je izazvao veliki skandal jer je, posebno mokar, nepristojno prianjao uz telo. Jednodelni kostimi za kupanje bez rukava i s nogavicama do kolena koji su, umesto od čvrstog platna, bili pravljeni od mnogo primerenijeg pletiva, na plažama su se odomaćili tek nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Tridesetih godina prošlog veka "otkriva" se sunčanje, koje lekari u to doba svesrdno preporučuju. Odeća za kupanje postaje sve otvorenija, da bi se, nakon vrlo smelih jednodelnih kostima koji otkrivaju ramena, gornji deo leda, dekolte i noge, 40-ih pojavili i prvi, još izazovniji, dvodelni kupaći kostimi. Tek što su se oni odomaćili, stvaraju se uslovi za novu revoluciju u modi za kupanje. Inspirisani američkim atomskim eksperimentima na atolima Bikini u južnom Pacifiku, francuski modni kreatori stvorili su najoskudnije dotad viđene dvodelne kupaće kostime. Prezentacija bikinija na modnoj reviji u Parizu 1946, gde ga je nosila erotska plesačica Miselin Bernardi, izazvala je pravi skandal. Jedan američki modni novinar napisao je da bikini otkriva o ženi koja ga nosi sve osim devojačkog prezimena njene majke. Krajem 60-ih pripadnici mlade generacije započinju borbu za oslobađanje od ustaljenih društvenih normi, za seksualne slobode i slobode u odevanju koje donose mini suknje i providnu odeću. Sedamdesetih bikini se još više smanjuje i postaje zaista minijaturan. Pojavljuje se takozvana string verzija biknija, omiljena i danas. To je model sačinjen od svega tri trouglasta dela koji se vezuju pantljikama. Kako telo i golotinja prestaju da budu tabu, javlja se i toples, a potom sledi još jedan korak dalje. Iako su od početka 20. veka bile obavezni deo odeće striptizeta i erotskih plesačica, tange postaju neobično popularne krajem 80-ih na plažama Brazila, odakle se početkom 90-ih sele na američke i evropske plaže. Modni stručnjaci kažu da nas i u bliskoj budućnosti očekuju vrlo zanimljivi modeli, barem kada je reč o materijalima. Najavljuju se kostimi koji će se menjati u zavisnosti od toga da li su suvi ili mokri, kao i oni koji će se osušiti u rekordnom roku ili uopšte neće upiti vodu.

Dolphins just wanna have good time!

What did one dolphin say to the other dolphin?
We can't know for sure, but whatever the joke is, these beautiful creatures look to be sharing a big laugh.
They are playing one of their favourite games - blowing vast clouds of bubbles and then biting into the rings they make, so they burst into smaller bubbles which float to the surface more quickly. This incredible image of bottlenose dolphins was captured by photographer Leandro Stanzani at the Oltremare Aquarium in Riccione, north-east Italy.
A theme park dedicated to the Adriatic Sea, it boasts the world's largest dolphin facility - with a 9,000sqm lagoon, containing 9 million cubic metres of saltwater.
Its main attraction is its gigantic glass window, through which enthralled schoolchildren can learn about these intelligent animals.
Bottlenose dolphins are the most common of 45 different types of dolphin, and scientists at the aquarium have been studying how they use sound and echo location techniques.
It is these remarkable skills which allow them to play together in harmony.
They use sonar to determine the size and location of objects in the water - including prey - by emitting clicking noises and listening to the resulting echo.
And - unprompted by trainers - these animals certainly look to be enjoying themselves.
They range in age from four-year-old Achille (on the far left) to 30-year-old Bonnie (his mother, second on the left).
Dolphins have an average lifespan of 20 years, but have been known to live to 50 - which, considering all these underwater high jinks, is an awful lot of time to spend blowing bubbles. Read more:

Sharon Stone con su topless a cuestas

Sharon Stone defiende su «topless»
Pues me parece muy bien, no todo el mundo tiene ese cuerpo serrano para mostrar.
Y antes de que se lo coman los gusanos, que lo disfruten los cristianos.
Además, si nuestra querida Sharon no hubiera hecho estas castas fotos, ¿Quien hablaría de ella?.
Para vender hay que enseñar la mercancía.
Y para estar en boca de todos, tienes que llamar la atención.
Por cierto, no recuerdo la última peli que la Stone filmó.
Esperemos que los productores tomen nota y la contraten.
A ver si me la quieren jubilar en plena juventud.

IMTA Alum Katie Holmes on the cover of luxury fashion magazine!

Check out this amazing shot of Katie Holmes on the cover on AnOther magazine! The bi-annual luxury fashion magazine is internationally renown for its iconic covers featuring Hollywood's leading actresses. The Autumn/Winter 2009 Issue "A Decade In Style" has IMTA alum Katie Holmes looking stellar and dramatic in one of four collectible covers!

Katie competed at IMTA twice, in 1993 and 1995 . She returned a couple of years later to present awards at IMTA and debuted the first fifteen minutes of the pilot episode of Dawson's Creek. The entire ballroom was riveted by this ground-breaking stylish teen drama and Katie received thunderous applause! On that special night, she gave us a very nice interview saying:

"Let's just say a girl from Toledo, Ohio wouldn't end up cast
in a Hollywood movie if it weren't for IMTA!"

You can read a darling letter from Katie Holmes from the IMTA Archives right here exclusively on THAT IMTA BLOG!


IMTA Spotlights...
Feature Film and Television Star
Katie Holmes...

Katie Holmes attended the IMTA New York Convention in July '95. She signed with Onorato/Guillod Entertainment and was cast in the Ang Lee feature film, The Ice Storm with Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver and IMTA discovery Elijah Woods, which is slated for a summer release. Katie has recently been cast in the lead role in a new television series "Dawson's Creek" which will air this fall. We have just received the following letter from her and felt it was so incredible that we wanted to share it:

"For years I have spent some time sitting in front of the television from 7:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. listening intently to John Tesh and Mary Hart inform me about which star was filming what new movie, who was dating who, and who was the rising new actor or actress. Hollywood and its numerous success stories seemed extremely far away and definitely from a world that I would never come into contact with.

On July 23, 1995 my life changed. This particular Sunday evening, I found myself in the New York Hilton for the International Modeling and Talent Association Convention. I was sitting in one of the ballrooms reciting a monologue in front of about 50 other contestants, as well as Al Onorato, David Guillod and Bobby Moresco, the men who were conducting this seminar on "Prepare to Compete". After I had finished, Al and Bobby offered some direction and had me alter it a little. I used my nervous anxiety to help me become more intense and, following my second performance, I felt elated. It was clear to me that something very special occurred in that ballroom that evening.

About six months later, I found myself in the Los Angeles office of Al Onorato, rehearsing an audition piece for the Ang Lee, film The Ice Storm. David, Al and Bobby had become my business managers following that memorable convention and encouraged me to audition in Los Angeles during the 6-week pilot season. Instead of viewing Hollywood on my T.V., I was there. Being in that untouchable world, experiencing the life of a beginning actress, was surreal. Suddenly this strange path of life seemed so normal. I love it.

My experience grew even more unbelievable. On May 21, 1996 I found myself in a trailer on Park Avenue in New York City, getting my hair and make-up done in order to transform myself into a teenager from 1973. I was anxiously waiting to begin filming The Ice Storm. Suddenly, I was part of Hollywood. I was then inside the walls of the business instead of remaining a curious outsider gazing in, struggling to discover what exactly takes place on the inside. I found myself chatting with actors whom I had read about for several years. After receiving directions by the highly acclaimed Hollywood director, Ang Lee, and talking to Kevin Kline for a substantial amount of time, it was time to begin becoming a professional actress.

My rather eventful and definitely memorable year provided me with such valuable life-long lessons that will forever remain a part of me. Fortunately, I was able to work with extremely focused, conscientious people who are completely unconcerned with the Hollywood myth. They work hard at their jobs and then retreat home to their families. I discovered that the Hollywood portrayed on Entertainment Tonight of exciting parties, premieres, galas, etc. is a distortion. The Hollywood I came into contact with is one of extremely talented people who spend their time participating in acting workshops, auditions, films, etc. in order to perfect their craft. The highly respected actors and directors are solely concerned with their work and concentrate on ways to improve. Although "Tinsletown" continues to be a mystery to all and several have benefited from the fortunate fate that seems to occur only in Hollywood, it remains to be true that even in Hollywood, those who diligently work hard are the people who achieve true and long-lasting success."


Are you interested in competing at IMTA and seeing if you have what it takes to be a model, actor, singer or dancer? Please fill out our IMTA Information Request Form and browse our list of upcoming local searches.

Ramena i ledja

Savremene varijante toge modeli su koji su ovog leta preporučljivi u svim dnevnim, a posebno večernjim prilikama
Izlozi su ovog leta prepuni haljina koje otkrivaju ramena i leđa, a ovakvi modeli su postali modni zakon aktuelne sezone. U prilog pokazivanju golih ramena i zavodljivih leđa ide i istraživanje sprovedeno među muškarcima, od kojih čak njih 40 odsto smatra vrat i ramena najizazovnijim delovima ženskog tela.
Osnovna pravila za noŠenje moderne toge
Pripazite s nakitom, posebno s ogrlicama, koje se često „tuku" s formom haljina na jedno rame. S druge strane, minđuše gotovo uvek upotpunjuju utisak grčke boginje, naročito viseće, s puno kamenčića i detalja.Za opšti utisak neophodan je dobar grudnjak. Idealni su oni s bretelama koje mogu da se koriguju i vezuju na različite načine.S ovim tipom haljina najbolje se slažu pismo torbice jer se nose u ruci, kao večernji model torbe. Forme s kaiševima koji idu preko ramena trebalo bi izbegavati, jer u ovoj kombinaciji narušavaju siluetu.Držanje dolazi do izražaja više nego kod većine manje zahtevnih krojeva haljina. U savremenim togama uvek bi trebalo da kičmu držite pravilno. Takođe, u ovim haljinama do izražaja dolaze i ruke, pa je neophodne da one budu lepo oblikovane. Dnevne haljine, a posebno večernje, u stilu su ovog trenda koji je prvi na pistu poslao Eli Sab. Nakon njega, slične ideje su ponudili i Valentino, Armani, Dior, a trend su brzo uočile i modne kuće poput „Manga", „Zare" i „Topšopa" i uskoro su svi izlozi osvanuli u haljinama koje na izazovan način otkrivaju ramena.Da je reč o apsolutnom modnom hitu ovoga leta, postalo je jasno kad su slavne žene širom sveta crvenim tepihom počele da koračaju jedino u haljinama bez rukava. Da su „razgolićene" haljine dopuštene svima i u svim prilikama dokazuje i Mišel Obama, koja je još na inauguraciji njenog supruga u januaru nosila model na jedno rame kreatora Džejsona Vua. Druga varijanta koja je završila na duplericama modnih magazina bila je srebrna kreacija Marka Džejkobsa, pošto ju je na Met balu prošetala Kejt Mos. Vrlo sličan kroj nosi i trudna Hajdi Klum, dok Dru Barimor novostečeni status modne ikone brani u zelenoj haljini Elija Saba.Ako niste dovoljno hrabri za takvo modno razgolićenje, možete za lude letnje zabave da izaberete zatvorenije haljine, one na jedno rame, koje brojni stilisti smatraju i najženstvenijim.Ukoliko se odlučite za dnevni, koji otkriva ramena, birajte haljine neutralnih boja, dužine do kolena, koje ćete lako moći da kombinujete sa širokim kaiševima, otvorenim sandalama i laganim kardiganima koji će, u slučajevima kada to prilika zahteva, pokriti vaša seksi ramena.Britanska modna teoretičarka Hilari Aleksander potrudila se i nabrojala čak pedeset različitih načina krojenja haljine golih ramena, što jasno poručuje da je mašta jedino ograničenje u biranju te izazovne haljine. Najčešći kroj u većini kolekcija svetskih dizajnera su modeli inspirisani togama.

Get stupid:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dzesika opasna

Holivudska glumica Džesika Bil najopasnija je zvezda interneta, pošto sajtovi koji su joj posvećeni sadrže najviše virusa, saopštila je kompanija Mekafi. Korisnici interneta koji dospeju do sajtova o dvadesetsedmogodišnjoj glumici suočavaju se sa mnogo većom količinom virusa nego kada traže bilo koju drugu slavnu ličnost. Mekafi upozorava da obožavaocima Džesike Bil preti 20 odsto veća opasnost da naiđu na sajt stvoren samo da bi im oštetio kompjuter. To je treći godišnji izveštaj kompanije koja proizvodi antiviruse i koja je prošle godine kao "najopasniju slavnu ličnost" označila glumca Breda Pita. "I sajberkriminalci prate zvezde šou biznisa. Oni ohrabruju daunloudovanje prikrivenih virusa", rekao je Džef Grin, potpredsednik odeljenja za razvoj u Mekafiju. U Mekafijevom izveštaju, odmah iza Džesike Bil našli su se pevačica Bijonse, glumica Dženifer Aniston, sportista Tom Brejdi i pevaèica Džesika Simpson. Predsednik SAD Barak Obama je na 34. mestu a njegova supruga Mišel na 39. mestu.

Latika and Notting Hill

You would think one thing guaranteed this summer is a shower when you need one.
But a rare outbreak of sunshine meant Oscar-winning director Woody Allen had to order artificial rain.
Allen was filming a scene for his untitled summer project in Notting Hill yesterday. It involves Josh Brolin and Slumdog Millionaire actress Freida Pinto scurrying for shelter in a café, where they share an intimate moment.
Freida and Josh appeared to be enjoying each other's company between takes.
But she also took a lot of time to soak up legendary director Woody's pearls of wisdom.
Earlier this month, Freida, 25, and boyfriend Dev Patel, 19, made their first public appearance together as a couple at Somerset House for an outdoor screening of Slumdog Millionaire.
The couple met while filming the hit rags-to-riches film, which won eight Oscars, in which they play on-screen lovers Latika and Jamal.
Home Mail

One more celebration-great montage, btw!

Mark Owen se casará

Bueno, pues ya era hora querido Mark , que ya no somos niños.
Dice que lo hará, (la boda) en secreto, y con su novia Emma Ferguson,(¿Será familia , la novia, de la Duquesa del jamón York?).
Me parece bien, lo que pasa es que seguramente el lugar de la ceremonia, (si la hay), será un secreto a voces. Algún "amigo" se chivará, cosa que todos agradeceremos.
Mark Owen , es el cantante de "Take that ". Lo digo por si alguien lo ignoraba.
Cosa nada rara, yo no tenía la menor idea y he hecho un post.

Fuente:Mark Owen y su misteriosa boda

Tye Olson Update!

IMTA alum Tye Olson will guest-star in a recurring role on the Showtime show United States of Tara! The original show is written by Diablo Cody, who also wrote Juno. The Showtime series stars Toni Collette and John Corbett and is about a woman with multiple personalities.

Tye's official bio on IMDB describes his IMTA history,"...Fate stepped in when one day when Tye was on a shopping trip to the Mall of America. It was then that a modeling scout from the prestigious Caryn International School for Film and Television saw him. She immediately asked Olson to represent the school at the annual IMTA New York competition in the Summer of 2005, just weeks before college was to start. He was elated, and committed every weekend to acting and modeling classes in Minneapolis during the months leading up to the event. While in New York, Tye quickly became recognized for his powerful acting performances and flawless abilities as a model. As a result, he packed up his car and drove alone out to Los Angeles just two weeks before college was to begin."

Only four months later he booked the leading role in Watercolors! He also has a supporting role as Emil in the dramatic film, Brother's War. His other projects include the movies South of Pico, Cougar Club, Tru Loved and Out at the Wedding. He has been featured in many music videos including songs by Hellogoodbye, Fall Out Boy and Blue October.

Stay tuned for more on Tye and United States of Tara!