Monday, December 31, 2007

Katie Holmes on the cover of Parade Magazine!

Katie Holmes is on the cover of the Parade Magazine with her Mad Money costars! The article about sharing holidays has an in-depth interview with Katie about her holiday traditions. You can read it on the official site! There are even exclusive photos from the cover shoot, like the one at right.

Katie competed at IMTA in 1993 and 1995. She shot her first screen test at IMTA with David Cardwell of the IMTA Video Crew. Check out the article on Katie and her holidays for more on this beautiful and talented actress.

All of us at IMTA are hoping you have a safe and happy New Year holiday.

Champagne Charlie and Co.

U ponoc pozeli ...

U Škripcu - Nove godine
Imaces ih mnogo

celo jedno leto
ljubices ih mnogo
cuvaj svoje telo
U ponoc bicu tu
i ljubicu te tad
u ponoc pozeli
tvoj deda mraz sam ja
Nove godine
zato dolaze
nove godine
u pravi cas za nas
Imaces is mnogo
igraces se njima
ljubices ih mnogo
ne daj se bas svima

Sunday, December 30, 2007



Thursday, December 27, 2007

Deda od marcipana :)

3 jajeta
250 grama brašna
125 grama gustina
100 ml mleka
150 grama maslaca
rendana kora limuna
150 grama marcipana
75 grama prah šećera
crvena boja za kolače
kesica glazure
krupni šećer
okrugle čokoladne bombonice
šećerne perlice
Način pripreme
Pleh u obliku Deda Mraza dobro podmazati. Sastojke za testo zamesiti, sipati u pleh i peći 40-tak minuta.
Zamesiti marcipan i šećer u prahu. Dobijenu marcipan smesu rastanjiti, pa polovinu ofarbati u crveno i od toga izrezati kapu, nos, usta i oči. Od ostatka izrezati lice Deda Mraza, pa sve namestiti. Mešavinu za glazuru pomešati s kašikom vode. Obrve, brkove i bradu napraviti špricem za šlag i ukrasiti.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Brzi bendovi Beograda

Brzi bendovi Beograda (BBB) je neobavezni skupni naziv za deo beogradskih muzičkih sastava koji su sazrevali kasnih osamdesetih godina u senci novotalasne beogradske rok scene (potonja je izbačena u prvi plan Jugotonovom pločom "Beograd - Paket Aranžman", objavljenom 1981. godine).
Sa obzirom da ovaj naziv nikada nije imao formalni značaj, teško je do kraja razlučiti koji se sve beogradski sastavi mogu podvesti pod njegovo okrilje. Uopšteno govoreći, Brzi bendovi Beograda su predstavljali beogradsku post-novotalasnu scenu, mada je nisu obihvatali u celosti (pojedine beogradske grupe koje su se pojavile u isto vreme, i koje su bile generacijski iste ili slične - poput sastava
Blok aut ili Direktori - nikada nisu smatrane delom ove celine).
Beogradska post-novotalasna scena se pojavila u dva različita naleta. Prvi talas, koji je doživeo svoj vrhunac
1989.-1990. godine, činili su sastavi Robna kuća, Klajberi, Euforija, Kazna za uši (i mnogi drugi). Ovi sastavi su naginjali garažnom roku i tvrđem rok zvuku stilski sličnom ranim Partibrejkersima. Ove grupe su ostavile diskografske zapise samo u fragmentima (Robna kuća je objavila jedan singl pre raspada), i uglavnom su prestale sa radom tokom 1991. godine. Izuzetak je činila Kazna za uši (koja će kasnije postati jedan od glavnih sastava nove beogradske scene); članovi grupe Euforija su kasnije radili u sastavima Plejboj i Presing (što će ujedno uticati na njihovu međusobnu sličnost u zvuku).
Drugi talas je započeo 1991. godine, a doživeo svoj vrhunac
1992. godine (dobrim delom uz pomoć TV emisije Afirmator RTS-a i festivala Brzi Bendovi Srbije). Sastavi koji su tada predstavljeni javnosti činili su jezgro "BBB"-a: Deca loših muzičara (DLM), Plejboj, Presing. Ovi sastavi su svirali mešavinu roka i fanka, često obogaćenu duvačkom sekcijom. Ovom jezgru se još mogu dodati i grupe Kazna za uši, Kanda, Kodža i Nebojša (mada su članovi sastava bili generacijski mlađi od ostalih grupa), Darkvud Dab (u svojoj prvoj fazi do 1995. godine, nakon čega grupa menja svoj muzički pravac), Kristali (koji su, osnovani 1993. godine, bili jedna od poslednjih prinova) i drugi.
Afirmator (RTS2)
TV emisija "Afirmator"
Baneta Antovića, koja se vrtela na drugom kanalu Radio Televizije Srbije, doprinela je u velikoj meri izbijanju Brzih bendova Beograda na površinu. Iako je emisija trajala svega dve sezone (1991. i 1992., nakon čega je skinuta sa RTS-a), uspela je da javnosti (i potencijalnim izdavačima) ubedljivo predstavi novu beogradsku scenu. Afirmator je bio jedina TV emisija koja je u to vreme imala pravog rok urednika, a sastavi su imali prilike da snimaju video spotove bez obzira na nedostatak diskografskih izdanja.
Brzi Bendovi Srbije
Muzički festival Brzi Bendovi Srbije (odnosno "BBS") je bio druga karika u lancu afirmacije Brzih bendova Beograda (ali i mnogih drugih grupa nastalih širom Srbije, poput
Bjesova iz Gornjeg Milanovca), jer je nove sastave uživo predstavio široj publici. BBS je kopirao MTV model, nudeći nagrade za najbolji video spot, izvođača, gitaristu, basistu, bubnjara itd. Festival je trajao svega tri godine:
BBS - prva deonica (
24.-27. novembar 1992. godine)
BBS - druga deonica (1993. godine)
BBS - treća deonica (
1994. godine)

Brzi bendovi Beograda su muzički sazreli u najgorem mogućem trenutku za domaći rok. Raspad zemlje, uveđenje sankcija, ekonomska i društvena kriza - a povrh svega rat - propratili su rađanje nove beogradske muzičke scene. U trenutku kada je medijski zalet dostigao vrhunac, članovi mnogih grupa su morali da napuste zemlju u strahu od mobilizacija JNA; PGP RTS, jedina velika izdavačka kuća u Srbiji, nije 1991.-1992. godine bila zainteresovana za novi rok, što je uslovilo potpuno okretanje ka nezavisnom izdavaštvu. Nažalost, deo beogradskih sastava se opredelio za zagrebačke nezavisne izdavače, koji su dosta kasnili u objavljivanju. Tako je kompletan tiraž ploče "Želim jahati do ekstaze", koja je bila zamišljena kao novi "Paket Aranžman" za devedesete i na kojoj su sa po dve pesme učestvovali sastavi Presing, Darkvud Dab, Klajberi, Euforija i Kazna za uši, ostao u Zagrebu usled izbijanja rata (kada je reizdanje konačno objavljeno 2000. godine, imalo je isključivo arhivski značaj). Istu sudbinu doživeo je i prvi album grupe Presing. Deca loših muzičara nisu prošla ništa bolje, jer su svoj prvi album "Dobar Dan!" (za koji su kritičari smatrali da ima značajan komercijalni potencijal) objavili za nezavisnu izdavačku kuću Sorabia Disk iz Niša koja je prestala sa radom neposredno po izlasku ploče. Konačno, skidanjem Afirmatora sa RTS-a i opštom medijskom poplavom turbofolka 1993. godine Brzi bendovi Beograda su potisnuti na marginu. Na svojevrstan način nova beogradska scena je postala žrtva svoga vremena, iako je po mišljenjima muzičkih kritičara (poput Aleksandra Žikića i Petra Janjatovića) imala više potencijala nego li novotalasna scena sa početka osamdesetih (koju je trebala da efektivno "smeni").
Glavna izdanja (albumi)
"Želim jahati do ekstaze" [razni izvođači] (Nova Aleksandrija/Slušaj Najglasnije!, 1991.) - ceo tiraž ostao u Zagrebu
"Presing" [Presing] (Slušaj Najglasnije!, 1992.) - ceo tiraž ostao u Zagrebu
"Dobar Dan!" [DLM] (Sorabia Disk, 1992.) - izdavačka kuća propala neposredno nakon izlaska ploče
"Ispod zemlje" [KZU] (Sorabia Disk, 1992.) - izdavačka kuća propala neposredno nakon izlaska ploče
"Sviraj dečko" [Plejboj] (PGP RTS/
B92, 1994.) - objavljeno sa zakašnjenjem od godinu dana
"Paramparčad" [Darkvud Dab] (Take It Or Leave It,
1995.) - objavljeno sa zakašnjenjem od dve godine
Darkwood Dub Deca loših muzičara Plejboj Presing Kanda, Kodža i Nebojša


i to u mojoj organizaciji :)
Prvog januara 2008, plato ispred novog NKC-a (bivsi muzicki klub) Paliluski Prvi :) 22 00
Delca i Sklekovi i Prljavi inspektor Blaza i Kljunovi :)
Izvol`te :))

Novogodišnji šoping opasno opasan

Kupovina novogodišnjih poklona nije pogubna samo po novčanik, već i po zdravlje, pokazalo je jedno istraživanje. Britanski list Sunday Telegraph poslao je par tridesetogodišnjaka u jedan tržni centar u Londonu, gde su imali dva sata da kupe poklone, pri čemu im je poseban aparat sve vreme merio puls.Ispostavilo se da su Džejms (31) i Lizi (30) Džonstons imali sporiji puls na poslu nego prilikom šopinga.Na početku kupovine puls im je bio oko 80, za 15 minuta je porastao na 100, a u sledećem satu na 180! Nakon dva sata jurnjave po šoping centru srce je kucalo 200 puta u minutu!"Prilikom fizičkih vežbi, ili stresa, puls kod odraslih osoba iznosi oko 100 otkucaja u minutu, a veoma retko dostigne 200. Zaista sam iznenadjen", rekao je Keri Kuper profesor psihologije na Univerzitetu Lankaster.On kaže da ljudi provode mnogo vremana na poslu, u šoping odlaze na brzinu, i pod velikim su stresom - hoće li stići da pronadju sve što su planirali da poklone najbližima za novogodišnje praznike."Zato je najbolje da na vreme krenete u šoping, barem tri nedelje ranije, da prethodno napravite listu poklona, kao i da se usredsredite na jeftinije poklone, praktične i korisne", savetuje profesor.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all people who celebrate it today :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Ετος
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr

Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies
But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like i do, and i blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through
Discover l.i.m.p. say it
No one knows what its like
To be mistreated, to be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one knows how to say
That they're sorry and don't worryI'm not telling lies
No one knows what its like
To be the bad man, to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Aria Wallace in Christmas in Paradise!

Get into the Christmas spirit and watch Aria Wallace in the Lifetime Original Movie Christmas in Paradise! The movie is about two families who kick off their Christmas celebration with a cruise to San Juan and make friends along the way. Not everything goes as planned, but with the friends they've become, they help each other through it all. It airs on Lifetime on Christmas Day at 5 pm.

Aria competed at the New York, New York 2001 IMTA Convention where she won numerous awards in Modeling and Acting Competitions. In 2002, Aria and her family moved to Los Angeles where she started receiving roles on shows such as The Bernie Mac Show, Desperate Housewives, and iCarly. Aria is also the star of the Roxy Hunter series which she is currently filming. She's also appeared on the big screen in the film The Perfect Man with Hilary Duff and Heather Locklear. It's only the beginning for Aria, there's much more ahead for this talented actress!

Happy Holidays from All of Us at IMTA!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Ashton Kutcher in the New Baume & Mercier Campaign!

Ashton Kutcher is one of the new faces for Baume & Mercier's 2008 campaign. Along with him is Teri Hatcher who stars on Desperate Housewives with Eva Longoria, another IMTA alum. Ashton is part of the slogan "Baume & Mercier & Me" for the new line and the royalties due to him and photographer Jim Wright will be donated to charities jointly chosen by them and the watch brand. The new campaign will support the fight against cancer, underprivileged women and the promotion of child education.

Ashton competed at IMTA in 1997 where he won IMTA's "Most Sought After Male Model!." With the most callbacks of any other male model that year, he chose to sign with NEXT MODELS and began working immediately, appearing in many different men's fashion magazines. He stated "I never even went home!" about his immediate success from IMTA. He is known for his work in The Guardian, Dude, Where's My Car?, The Butterfly Effect, and That 70's Show. He didn't limit himself to just modeling and acting, but he also started producing shows, such as Punk'd, Miss/Guided, and Beauty and the Geek.

Watch for Ashton January 1 in his new ads and look for his newest film What Happens in Vegas in May of 2008!

Who has more fun?

Do blondes really have more fun? Some may argue hair colour does not affect the way we perceive or respect people, but hair colour and hair style says a lot about an individual...
Whether you have blonde, brown, black, red or blue hair there are always going to be the typical stereotypes for your particular hair colour.
For example it is a fact women with blonde hair try to convince everyone being blonde means they have more fun. Brunette women, however, protest it is they who have more fun than blondes and they also add the fact that they are more intelligent.
The most common stereotype of each hair colour is as follows:
Blonde = thick as two short planks and prone to have ditsy moments. Flirtatious and fun-loving.
Brunette = boring, dull and more reserved, seen as being more classy than blondes.
Black = raven hair, evil and witch like. Sassy and sultry.
Red (more commonly known as ginger) = general dislike to the hair colour, hidden from the lime light quiet, intellectual and geeky.
Extravagant hair colours e.g. blue, purple, green etc. = attention seeking, attempting to rebel against society. Funky and individual.
Some blondes are intelligent and some blondes are boring, some brunettes are fun-loving and some brunettes are thick - you get the gist! The mix of hair colour, style, skin tone, eye colour, make-up and dress sense all contribute to the way that people perceive you.
Do blondes have more fun?
The mixture of these factors must work well together and compliment one another. This is where we will give our insight and views as to what suits who and what doesn’t suit certain people.
"Certain clothes and colours can really draw attention to blondes and look really striking. However blondes definitely do have to be careful with what they wear because it can look really trashy," says Hannah.
The rule that when wearing a short skirt, cover up on top and if your wearing a low cut, cleavage enhancing top then cover the bottom half definitely applies to blondes. As a generalisation, black looks best on blondes and makes the hair colour stand out even more.
"From a brunette’s perspective I have come to notice that there is a strong emphasis on girls competing against each other, whether it is for the attention of the male species or merely for self satisfaction.
"Being dark haired used to bother me at school because blondes always seemed to get the most attention and were always seen as prettier. Over the years though I have come to the conclusion men are often drawn to brunettes because of their 'Latino' look and their dark eyes," says Mel.
"Blondes definitely do have to be careful with what they wear because it can look really trash"
Obviously different people have different tastes, it might be blonde hair and blue eyes that floats your boat, green eyes and auburn hair or in my case dark brown eyes and dark hair is always a winner.As for clothes, red always goes down well with dark haired girls and chocolate brown compliments the different tones in our hair. There are a few colours that brunettes should steer well clear of.
Especially if you are pale skinned, wearing all black clothing can wash you out and drain what colour you do have in your face. It is a good idea to experiment with colours and see what your friends like and dislike you wearing.
I’ve always found light grey looks nice with dark hair but dark grey, again, washes out the face and your hair seems to mould into the clothing creating a drained look.
Brunettes should always have colour in their outfits. However, as long as they keep dark, dull colours to a minimum then we’ll always look stunning and vibrant.
Overall there is no true war between the hair colours only between the individuals. Before writing this article we thought that there was a definite line dividing the various hair colours and therefore their personalities.
Now, however, we have discovered that this is not the case and that it is the combination of hair colour and dress sense that create how an individual is perceived. Anyway if you don’t like your hair colour - dye it!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cime smo se jos bavili 2007?

Muzikom. Naravno, vlasnica bloga je favorizovala svoje favorite, a koga bi inace? :) Dakle, pricali smo o new wave-u, novim romanticarima, synthpop-u, post-punk-u, alternative dance streamu, electronica, electropop-u, glam rock-u, Brit popu...

Moises Arias filming Dadnapped!

Moises Arias is in Utah filming a Disney television movie called Dadnapped. This movie is about sibling rivalry, where the main character, Melissa, is jealous of the fictional teenage spy in her father's book. The father is "dadnapped" by some of his readers and it's up to his Melissa to save him. Melissa is played by Emily Osmet, who Moises co-stars with on Hannah Montana. Moises stars as Andre in this energetic and entertaining family movie.

IMTA alum Moises Arias plays Rico on the popular Disney's kid's show Hannah Montana which recently got a nod for an Emmy. Moises competed at IMTA in 2005 and started working immediately. He has appeared in the feature film Nacho Libre. He guest-starred on the television shows Everybody Hates Chris, Everybody loves Raymond, and The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. He recently finished filming The Perfect Game, a movie about a poor Mexican Baseball team who works together to win the Little League World Championship. You can catch Moises on Hannah Montana now on the Disney Channel and soon on the big screen when this movie is released in 2008!!!

Menjace te kao sto razmenjuju reci

Dajes da te vole glumci, reziseri
novinari, ljudi neznani i znani
pojesce te brzo velegradske zveri
ali ti ces biti na naslovnoj strani
Statiraces mozda u ponekom filmu
mozda ces reklamu snimiti za TV
menjace te ko sto razmenjuju reci
iza tvojih ledja pricace viceve
Ti si savrsenstvo bez mane
ti si deo vojnickih snova
ti si lutka sa naslovne strane
i treba ti lova
Svi vole tvoje idealne mere
trpeces staracke ruke na sebi
ali to je deo tvoje karijere
pa zasto onda otrpela ne bi
Slavni fotograf seksi magazina
slikace svoje umetnicko delo

nezreli klinci otvorenih usta
gledace tvoje mlado, golo telo

Clive Christian No.1

Najskuplji parfem na svetu
Clive Christian No. 1 je parfem koji je nedavno službeno uvršten u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao najskuplji na svetu. Sastavljen od najređih sastojaka, ovaj miris se proizvodi poslednjih šest godina, a flakon od 30 mililitara prodaje se po ceni od 2300 dolara. Najskuplja bočica No.1 parefema zove se Imperial Mažesti i izrađena je od Baccarat kristala s dijamantskim ukrasima. Takvih bočica lansira se samo deset godišnje, a cena im iznosi više od 200 hiljada dolara. Obožavatelji ovih preskupih kapljica su, između ostalih, Elton Džon i Kejti Holms koja je No. 1 nosila na svom venčanju za Toma Kruza. "Nismo očekivali da će se naš proizvod tako dobro prodavati, ali njegov uspeh dokazuje da je svetsko tržište željno istinske ekskluzive" tvrdi Kristian koji svoje mirisne note bazira na unikatno vrednoj prirodno sazreloj indijskoj sandalovini i tahićanskoj vaniliji.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Beauty Talk with Brooke Burns!

Katie Holmes wasn't the only IMTA alum to be featured in the January issue of In Style. Shawna Malcom interviewed Brooke Burns who tells of her beauty secrets - what she does to keep her skin looking radiant and how to get classy and sexy eyes in no time at all.

"One of my favorite [make up tricks] is putting white pencil on the inside of the bottom eyelid for that very awake look. At night if I'm in a hurry, I'll just put on a lot of mascara and black pencil all the way around the inner rim. It's a totally sexy eye in a minute and a half." Brooke tells In Style. "'s very important to take care of your skin ... the number one thing is sunscreen."

Brooke currently stars in the comedic sitcom Miss/Guided. She competed at IMTA in 1994 and started appearing on shows such as A Nero Wolfe Mystery, Ally McBeal, Baywatch, North Shore and Pepper Dennis. She also was the game show host for Dog Eat Dog. Last summer she was in the major motion picture, The Salon.

Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa" is a fictional folklore figure who, in Western cultures, is presented as bringing gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or on his feast day, December 6. The legend may have its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.
The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.
Under the Roman Emperor
Diocletian, who ruthlessly persecuted Christians, Bishop Nicholas suffered for his faith, was exiled and imprisoned. The prisons were so full of bishops, priests, and deacons, there was no room for the real criminals—murderers, thieves and robbers. After his release, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. He died December 6, AD 343 in Myra and was buried in his cathedral church, where a unique relic, called manna, formed in his grave. This liquid substance, said to have healing powers, fostered the growth of devotion to Nicholas. The anniversary of his death became a day of celebration, St. Nicholas Day.
Through the centuries many stories and legends have been told of St. Nicholas' life and deeds. These accounts help us understand his extraordinary character and why he is so beloved and revered as protector and helper of those in need.

One story tells of a poor man with three daughters. In those days a young woman's father had to offer prospective husbands something of value—a dowry. The larger the dowry, the better the chance that a young woman would find a good husband. Without a dowry, a woman was unlikely to marry. This poor man's daughters, without dowries, were therefore destined to be sold into slavery. Mysteriously, on three different occasions, a bag of gold appeared in their home-providing the needed dowries. The bags of gold, tossed through an open window, are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry. This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas. Sometimes the story is told with gold balls instead of bags of gold. That is why three gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the symbols for St. Nicholas. And so St. Nicholas is a gift-giver.
One of the oldest stories showing St. Nicholas as a protector of children takes place long after his death. The townspeople of Myra were celebrating the good
saint on the eve of his feast day when a band of Arab pirates from Crete came into the district. They stole treasures from the Church of Saint Nicholas to take away as booty. As they were leaving town, they snatched a young boy, Basilios, to make into a slave. The emir, or ruler, selected Basilios to be his personal cupbearer, as not knowing the language, Basilios would not understand what the king said to those around him. So, for the next year Basilios waited on the king, bringing his wine in a beautiful golden cup. For Basilios' parents, devastated at the loss of their only child, the year passed slowly, filled with grief. As the next St. Nicholas' feast day approached, Basilios' mother would not join in the festivity, as it was now a day of tragedy. However, she was persuaded to have a simple observance at home—with quiet prayers for Basilios' safekeeping. Meanwhile, as Basilios was fulfilling his tasks serving the emir, he was suddenly whisked up and away. St. Nicholas appeared to the terrified boy, blessed him, and set him down at his home back in Myra. Imagine the joy and wonderment when Basilios amazingly appeared before his parents, still holding the king's golden cup. This is the first story told of St. Nicholas protecting children—which became his primary role in the West.
Another story tells of three theological students, traveling on their way to study in Athens. A wicked innkeeper robbed and murdered them, hiding their remains in a large pickling tub. It so happened that Bishop Nicholas, traveling along the same route, stopped at this very inn. In the night he dreamed of the crime, got up, and summoned the innkeeper. As Nicholas prayed earnestly to God the three boys were restored to life and wholeness. In France the story is told of three small children, wandering in their play until lost, lured, and captured by an evil butcher. St. Nicholas appears and appeals to God to return them to life and to their families. And so St. Nicholas is the patron and protector of children.
Nicholas' tomb in Myra became a popular place of pilgrimage. Because of the many wars and attacks in the region, some Christians were concerned that access to the tomb might become difficult. For both the religious and commercial advantages of a major pilgrimage site, the Italian cities of Venice and Bari vied to get the Nicholas relics. In the spring of 1087, sailors from Bari succeeded in spiriting away the bones, bringing them to Bari, a seaport on the southeast coast of Italy. An impressive church was built over St. Nicholas' crypt and many faithful journeyed to honor the saint who had rescued children, prisoners, sailors, famine victims, and many others through his compassion, generosity, and the countless miracles attributed to his intercession. The Nicholas shrine in Bari was one of medieval Europe's great pilgrimage centers and Nicholas became known as "Saint in Bari." To this day pilgrims and tourists visit Bari's great Basilica di San Nicola.
Through the centuries St. Nicholas has continued to be venerated by Catholics and Orthodox and honored by Protestants. By his example of generosity to those in need, especially children, St. Nicholas continues to be a model for the compassionate life.
There are controversial aspects of the Santa Claus fiction. Some Christians feel he takes the focus of Christmas away from Jesus Christ; others feel it is unhealthy for parents to orchestrate elaborate lies to their children to enforce their belief in Santa Claus. Others oppose Santa Claus as a symbol of the commercialization and conspicuous consumption of the Christmas holiday, and as an intrusion upon their own national traditions.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rade u Nisu

Zvezda red carpet-a, preverski sarmer bivse Jugoslavije, Mister Serbedzija nastupice 28. decembra u Domu vojske u pratnji Vlatka Stefanovskog i Jure Ivanisevica.

Happy Birthday to the Cover Girl of In Style, Katie Holmes!

Today is the birthday of IMTA alum, Katie Holmes and you can see her on the cover of the January 2008 issue of In Style magazine! Giorgio Armani described her by stating "Everything about Katie is refreshing. It is unusual today to find an A-list actress who also maintains an endearing quality of girl-next-door charm." The stylist for the shoot, Freddie Leiba chose clothing from Giambattista Valli, Giorgio Armani and Burberry, which fit right in to Katie's style. "I love seeing how designers put things together- from the fabrics they choose to how they structure their clothes," Katie admits.

In this photoshoot by Mark Abrahams and interview with Johanna Schneller, Katie explains how she handles being a mom, wife, and actress.

Her idea of the perfect day is to "wake up and play with our kids, create a character on a set, get on a plane, and eat dinner with other actors in another city."

"Katie Holmes embodies effortless and timeless chic."
- Giambattista Valli

Everyone involved in the shoot couldn't help but to tell of Katie's fashionable style and charming personality which made it the perfect start into the new year for In Style magazine.

Katie has grown into much more than just an actress since she competed at IMTA in 1993 and 1995. It is at IMTA where she signed with her manager Al Onorato and immediately started her acting career with the hit television show Dawson's Creek. She then moved on to feautre films such as Teaching Mrs. Tingle, Pieces of April, Batman Begins, and Thank You for Smoking. In her latest film titled Mad Money Katie stars with Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah. To find out more about Mad Money, visit the official website, set for release January 18th, 2008. In the upcoming year, check back for more information on Katie and her newest films underway titled Tropical Thunder and The Other Side.

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Cime smo se bavili 2007?

Blog se bavio raznim tipovima zena 20.veka, od zene domacice do cyber ikone.

Svi oblici umetnosti su u proslom veku ispratili promene koje su zene dozivele munjevitom brzinom. Film je, kao dominantna i omiljena glamurozna zabava i siromasnih i bogatih, belezio kamerom i najsitnije promene koje je zena imala poslednjih sto godina. Ponekad se ipak namece pitanje da li su filmovi kreirali tipove žena ili smo filmove kreirali po njihovim tipovima i tako formirali noseće modele žena 20. veka? Kako je žena prešla put od raskosne kurtizane do web ratnice za samo 100 godina i kako se tako lako muškarac uplašio pametne žene sa karijerom?
Ovi tekstovi su samo kratki osvrti na filmske i realne likove, mozda glavne ucesnike u formiranju varijabilnog ženskog profila proslog veka. Upecatljive ikone sa filmskih postera kao sto Holly Goligthly, Bridget Jones, Sugar Cane, Greta, `plavi andjeo` ili Lara Croft su samo neke od onih koje cete sresti na putu zenske realne i filmske evolucije. Svako od tih glorifikovanih imena sa svetlecih reklama je zapravo svet za sebe, posebna zena na neki svoj nacin. One su stvarale svoj film i davale nove dimenzije zenama svojim prisustvom, svojim pogledom ka kameri, ljudima oko sebe, ponasale su se manje ili vise raskalasno, kao zvezde, kako to zaista i treba po nekom sistemu vrednosti da bude. Tipove zena koje su glumile ili dotakle u svojim filmovima su obelezile realnost i prefinjeno se uvukle u svakodnevnicu, pa onda i u istoriju. One su same bile neki od tih tipova, ponekad cak i one zene koje su glumile.
Ovo nikako nisu studije, niti analize...То је svetlucavi svet onih koje su nam zapravo docarale realnost jednog novog doba, ali i koje su nam priblizile prave zene, one sa ulice, naslovnica, zene koje smo i mi same. Ova knjiga je samo dodir sa onim što je film pružio, prateći i objašnjavajući tako jako izraženu promenu female profila naseg vremena.

Monday, December 17, 2007

I am back :)

Kako je to ziveti sa mamom i tatom upravo imam priliku ovih dana da se malo podsetim... Dakle, dorucak je spreman, kafa skuvana, a oni leprsavi i srecni sto im je cerka tu na par dana (kao sto znate, trenutno sam u procesu selidbe i sve mi je u kutijama i na podu...)
Uvek sam bila za promene i to one najstresnije i nagle :) tako da mi sve ovo, priznajem, prija.
Inace, ovom prilikom veliko hvala na pomoci Petru, Veriju, bati i ujaku. Bese to lagana selidba za njih tako razvijene :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dominic Janes on Dexter Tonight

IMTA alum Dominic Janes is starring in a recurring role on the forensic crime drama Dexter airing tonight on Showtime. He plays young Dexter an episode airing tonight called British Invasion. This show is about a man named Dexter Morgan who during the day works for the police department. His dark side comes out at night as he becomes a vigilante, tracking down and killing the serial killers that he looks for during the day. This show is based on the novels Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Dearly Devoted Dexter and Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay.

Dominic competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 2004 and signed with Rising Talent Management. His first movie role was in the comedy Wild Hogs, he starred on the hit drama ER for two seasons and appeared in Crossing Jordan. He is currently starring in a new show called Out of Jimmy's Head airing on Cartoon Network. This show is a cutting-edge combination of live actors working with cartoons and stars another IMTA alum Jon Kent Ethridge. Watch Dexter this Sunday to see Dominic as the young Dexter!

Friday, December 14, 2007

IMTA Stars' DVD as Stocking Stuffers!

Over the past year IMTA alums have participated in an extensive array of fabulous projects. We wanted to give you some shopping ideas-These DVDs make great stocking stuffers! Here are some suggestions of IMTA alum's movies or television shows now out on DVD:

Sofia Vassilieva was discovered at IMTA in New York where she won the title of Child Actress and first runner-up Child Model Of The Year 2000. She currently stars in Medium where she plays Ariel Dubois, the oldest of three girls whose mother is psychic and uses this ability to solve murders. The third season was just released in October.

Wild Hogs was a huge box office hit and starred IMTA alum Dominic Janes, which was recently released on DVD. He competed at IMTA in 2004 and is currently starring in the television show Out of Jimmy's Head on Cartoon Network and will be on ER tonight!

Enjoy the third season of Desperate Housewives all over again! Star Eva Longoria competed at IMTA in 1998. She has become an A-list celebrity playing Gabby on ABC's award-winning hit television show.

Adrianne Palicki in her fabulous role as Tyra in Friday Night Lights. The first season is out on DVD now. This popular show has received a lot of attention from fans and critics alike- everyone agrees it's a hit! Adrianne competed at IMTA in New York City in 2003 and was signed by an agent and has gone to hone her talents and become the must see star of Friday Night TV!

Jerry Ferrara is starring as Turtle in the hit HBO Series Entourage! They are currently filming the fourth season. Jerry competed at IMTA in 2000 where he met a talent manager who encouraged him to move to L.A. Season Three, Part Two has recently been released. It's sure to make a great stocking stuffer for anyone on your list!

Jessica competed at IMTA in 1994 where she signed with an agent and manager who helped her land the breakthrough role of Mary Camden on the popular WB series 7th Heaven.The fifth season of this very popular show is now out on DVD. She has gone on to star in many major motion pictures such as, Next, and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry which were both been released this year on DVD.

Mega star and IMTA alum Josh Duhamel, competed in IMTA in 1997. Just in this year he has two huge projects available for purchase on DVD this season. He starred in Transformers: The Movie which was the 2007 summer movie of the year! This exciting action-packed movie has Josh playing the part of Captain John Lennox as he helped save the world. Josh's day job is to play the hip casino detective in the hit show Las Vegas, which released its 4th season this year.

IMTA alum Agnes Bruckner's Sony Pictures/MGM feature film is now out on DVD. This horror movie Blood & Chocolate is based on the best-selling young adult novel of the same name by Annette Curtis Klause. Agnes plays Vivian, a werewolf who falls in love...with a regular boy! Before all of this success, she competed at IMTA in 1995 and won Child Model of the Year!

Elijah competed at IMTA in 1989 and provides the voice over for the main character Mumble of the animated sensation Happy Feet, which you can now buy on DVD. This film has won accolades from audiences worldwide and earned an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and a Golden Globe for Best Original Song.

IMTA alum Regine Nehy stars as Jacquie in the MTV film Super Sweet Sixteen: The Movie. She also starred in the the film Pride about a swim team overcoming numerous obstacles to become state championship which you can also purchase on DVD! At IMTA, she signed with Dino May Management and Kazarian/Spencer & Associates, who have helped her become the successful actress she is today!

Brooke Burns has a new comedy film out this year, The Salon which is a sassy and heart-warming film for the entire family and Brooke plays a character named Tami. Brooke competed at IMTA in 1994 and has been a working actress and game show host for the show Dog Eat Dog ever since!

Brittany Curran another very talented IMTA alum starred in 13 Going on 30 also available on DVD. This fun-filled movie is about a young girl who after being embarrassed at her 13th birthday wishes she could hide until she is 30 and her wish comes true. While at IMTA, Brittany signed with Diane Hardin and Judy Savage.

Fox/MGM Home Entertainment has just released The Initiation Of Sarah which stars Mika Boorem on DVD. In this horror flick, Mika plays college student Sarah Goodman who uses her magical powers against a dark evil that a group of sorority sisters are using against her "good" sorority. Since attending IMTA in New York in 1994, Mika has guest-starred on various television shows including The Drew Carey Show, Ally McBeal, Touched By An Angel, and Dawson's Creek which starred another IMTA alum Katie Holmes. She has received two nominations for a Young Artist Award for her roles.