Saturday, January 31, 2009

Elton John en el Colegio

Elton John reiteró su compromiso con las causas nobles, y ofreció esta noche un recital privado en el Colegio de las Vizcaínas a beneficio de la educación en México.
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Que hombre tan solidario, a la par que más raro que un perro azul.
Si donara lo que gasta diariamente en flores, para arreglar su casa, acabaría con la hambruna de Etiopía.
Pero con su pasta cada cual hace lo que le viene en gana.
Los hay que con su "solidaridad", se ahorran millones en publicidad. No digo que sea el caso de Sir Elton, tampoco lo contrario.

VIDEO:Elton John Promo Mexico 2009

Vuelve La Pantera Rosa

Con los "remakes" en pleno apogeo en Hollywood, la Pantera Rosa de Steve Martin ataca de nuevo. Después del éxito de taquilla del relanzamiento de esta mítica serie en 2006, el inspector Jaques Clouseau y sus peculiares aventuras volverán a la gran pantalla el próximo 6 de febrero.
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Como Peters Sellers ninguno.
A mi es que Steve Martin no me gusta ni para trabajar de vendedor de palomitas de maiz.
Que hombre más soso!!!
Menos mal que estará Jean Reno y Andy García, en el reparto.

VIDEO:The Pink Panther 2 - First Teaser Trailer

VIDEO:Watch the trailer for Pink Panther 2 - In Theaters 2/6/09

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jill Wagner and Wipeout airing Superbowl Sunday!

Tune into ABC to watch IMTA alum Jill Wagner host a special episode of her hit show Wipeout on Super Bowl Sunday!! According to Live Feed:

"ABC plans to counterprogram NBC’s game-day entertainment telecasts with a sports-star-studded episode of the summer obstacle-course hit “Wipeout.”...The strategy will mark the first time in five years a major broadcast network has gone after a rival’s Super Bowl momentum with original entertainment programming. It’s broadcast’s biggest day, and this is a big mass-market show, and it’s fun to be able to participate and be a part of it,” said John Saade, senior vp alternative programming at ABC. “This will put ‘Wipeout’ back in the public’s consciousness between runs, and we plan to have a lot of fun with it.”

"The two-part ABC special — dubbed “Wipeout Superball Sunday” — pulls out all the stops to cater to NFL fans: Hall of Famer Michael Irvin will lend sideline commentary, the Navy’s Blue Angels will perform a flyover, the USC marching band will storm the course, contestants will run a gantlet with quarterbacks pelting them with footballs, NFL luminaries will stop by the commentary booth, and the show’s signature Big Balls obstacle has been converted into jumbo-sized footballs." This super exciting event will all be co- hosted by Jill!!

Jill competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 2001 where she won Female Model of the Year! Many people know Jill as the Lincoln Mercury car girl as she has done many ad campaigns for the auto giant. She has a new Mercury commercial playing nation-wide! She played an operative on fellow IMTA alum Ashton Kutcher's hilarious show Punk'd and while on the show she punk'd Katie Holmes, yet another IMTA alum! Her television roles include Monk, Dr. Vegas, starring as Larrin in Stargate Atlantis, Blade: The Series, and she starred in the independent films Junebug and Shifted.

Catch a sneak peak of The Superbowl Episode of
Wipeout Here!

Beauty icon for Friday: Jean Seberg

The original French gamine—the actress who inspired a million pixie cuts—was a farm girl from Iowa. Jean Seberg was 17 when Otto Preminger plucked her from obscurity—and a pool of over 18,000 casting hopefuls—to star in his controversial retelling of the Joan of Arc epic. Preminger directed her again in Bonjour Tristesse, before New Wave auteur Jean-Luc Godard cast the close-cropped beauty opposite Jean-Paul Belmondo in his directorial debut, Breathless. The figure Seberg cut strolling down the Champs Élysées in that iconic New York Herald Tribune sweater made style news around the globe.
Seberg grew out her blonde locks for what she considered her finest film, Lilith, in which she played a schizophrenic to Warren Beatty's hospital aide. Beatty's lefty leanings must've made a lasting impression: The FBI later labeled the actress a subversive for her support of the Black Panthers and authorized a false rumor that her unborn child wasn't fathered by her husband, Romain Gary, but by an African-American radical. Following a miscarriage and recurring bouts of depression, Seberg ended her life at the age of 41. Kirsten Dunst has said she'd like to star in a Seberg biopic, but perhaps casting agents should consider aspiring actress and model Mariacarla Boscono, who sparked a runway trend of her own with her peroxide-blonde pixie cut at the Fall collections.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christian and Connor Kramme!

IMTA alum Connor Kramme and his brother Christian have been very busy since competing at IMTA in 2007. They both booked a commercial for AARP and an episode of the upcoming VH1 show Confessions of a Teen Idol!

Connor has been in the films Alex's Halloween, Lullaby and Homework. He is working on new projects for Cartoon Network including a game show entitled Beat the Monkey! He will also be working on the feature film Mother and Child!

Christian can currently be seen on all the kid's channels in a national commercial for Fruit Gushers! He has booked voice over for Sea World. He also has done national commercials for Hasbro and Verizon Cell Phones!

Californication against Californication

The Red Hot Chili Peppers filed a lawsuit on November 19, 2007 against Showtime Networks over the name of the series, which is also the name of the band's 1999 album and hit single. They state in the lawsuit that the series "constitutes a false designation of origin, and has caused and continues to cause a likelihood of confusion, mistake, and deception as to source, sponsorship, affiliation, and/or connection in the minds of the public". Pointing to Dani California, a character that appears in both the series and three songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (including Californication) as well as confusion when shopping for the their album and that of the series soundtrack, the band members are seeking unspecified damages. They are also requesting that a new name be found for the TV show. Showtime Networks is expected to argue that the band did not in fact create the term Californication (a portmanteau of California and fornication). They claim that the term first appeared in print in Time Magazine in 1972, in an article called The Great Wild Californicated West .
Kim Walker, head of intellectual property at
Pinsent Masons, points out that the band should have registered Californication as a trademark. Instead, the only application for such was filed in April, 2007 in the US, by Showtime. The mark has not yet been registered. Walker further notes:
"Successful songs, albums and movies can become brands in themselves. What's really surprising is how few songs and albums are properly protected," said Walker. "The Chili Peppers could almost certainly have registered a trade mark for 'Californication', notwithstanding Time's article. They made the word famous, but it doesn't automatically follow that they can stop its use in a TV show." "If they had registered the title as a trade mark covering entertainment services, I very much doubt we'd have seen a lawsuit. The TV show would have been called something else," he said. "As it is, the band faces an uphill struggle."

Salma Hayek y Colin Farrell

Nuevos rumores aseguran que la actriz veracruzana Salma Hayek podría tener un romance con Colin Farrell, quien ha sido ligado sentimentalmente con la productora de Ugly Betty en ocasiones anteriores.
Leer más:
Si el chisme resulta cierto, solo me queda felicitar a Salma por su buen gusto.
Menuda pieza el Colin, de colección. - kurs za devojcice ili kako postati sponzorusa

Popularnost sajta „Mis Bimbo” potvrđuje tezu da sponzoruše nisu srpski izum, već – globalni fenomen.
Šesnaestogodišnjoj Ani, vlasnici virtuelne Mis Bimbo, junakinje kontroverzne on-lajn igrice u kojoj devojčice kreiraju svoju „dvojnicu”, plaćaju joj usluge estetskih hirurga, frizera, šminkera i modnih dizajnera kako bi se ona što bolje udala, stiglo je upozorenje da je svoju lutkicu zanemarila celih nedelju dana i da što pre uplati novac za njene aktivnosti u Bimbolendu.Ana čini deo „sestrinstva” koje broji više od milion i po tinejdžerki širom sveta.One preko „pejpala” (način internet-plaćanja) kupuju bimbo dolare (za deset pravih dolara dobija se 31.500 bimbo dolara), a za te pare mogu da povećaju grudi i usta svojoj virtuelnoj dvojnici, da je svaki dan šalju u solarijum i na izbeljivanje zuba, da joj plaćaju usluge frizera i psihijatra i kupuju joj fenomenalne krpice. Na taj način, njihovoj Bimbo devojci skače rejting u digitalnom svetu sponzoruša.
Ova igrica namenjena je devojčicama od devet do šesnaest godina,a glavna junakinja u njoj život shvata kao jednu veliku žurku u kojoj pleše od frizera do solarijuma, od noćnog kluba do kastinga za foto modele, a na poslednjem nivou ove igrice ima priliku da osvoji milijardera.Autor prve modne on-lajn igrice, Nikolas Žakar (23)uveren je da tinejdžerke shvataju ironičnu dimenziju njegove kreacije i ističe da je u pitanju „bezazlena parodija stvarnosti” u kojoj su zatezanje lica, kupovanje erotskog rublja i uvećavanje grudi samo – igra. I dok moralisti tvrde da je u pitanju sajt za obuku sponzoruša, a cinici dodaju da ova video-igrica na veoma veran način preslikava stvarnost, svakoga dana više od 5.000 tinejdžerki kreira svoju virtuelnu dvojnicu i ludo se zabavlja u Bimbolandu.A na pitanje da li je igrica jednostavna reprodukcija stvarnosti ili je u pitanju on-lajn kurs za sponzoruše, psiholog Maja Antončić kaže da bi bilo licemerno postavljati Mis Bimbo na stub srama, jer je ona samo digitalna verzija Merilin Monro, pop ikone celuloidne trake iz prošlog veka, koja je našim mamama i bakama na veoma eksplicitan način objasnila „Kako se udati za milionera”.– Lov na muškarce čije se prezime „piše” sa nekoliko nula postao je omiljena zabava miliona devojčica koje su na oltaru punoletstva položile sve iluzije o ljubavi, koje se ne identifikuju sa Anom Karenjinom, Larom Antipovom i ostalim tragičnim junakinjama romana koje završavaju svoj život pod točkovima lokomotive. Naoružane silikonskim usnama, megabrushalterima i mikro suknjicama, one kreću u lov na muškarca koji će im obezbediti život na visokoj nozi, a to su naučile mnogo pre nego što je u njihovu mladost ušla ova on-lajn igrica – ocenjuje Maja Antončić.Svaki izlazak – ulaganje u budućnostNaša sagovornica dodaje da generacije devojčica rastu uz Barbiku i poruku da se „muškarci žene lepotom, a žene udaju za moć” i ocenjuje da je licemerno zgražavanje roditelja nad sajtom „Mis Bimbo” ako njihove kćerke svake večeri hrle ka beogradskoj Ulici Strahinjića-bana i pretvaraju „silikonsku dolinu” u beskonačnu modnu pistu u kojoj se sklapa više kupoprodajnih aranžmana nego na njujorškoj berzi. Svaki njihov izlazak je, kako ocenjuje Maja Antončić, sudbonosno ulaganje u budućnost, a njihova tela najvažniji su ulog u lutriji čiji je glavni zgoditak spas od sobica na periferijama novobeogradskih blokova. Lepota je odavno postala viza za izlazak iz začaranog kruga siromaštva i prosečnosti.Simonida Milojković, autorka romana „Grabljivica”, u kojem skicira razvojni put sponzoruše, kaže da popularnost sajta „Mis Bimbo” samo potvrđuje tezu da sponzoruše nisu srpski izum, ni ekskluzivitet tranzicionih i siromašnih zemalja – one su globalni fenomen.– Da je junakinja mog romana usamljen slučaj, ja tu knjigu verovatno nikada ne bih napisala. Ali, kada sam shvatila da je broj sponzoruša u Srbiji poprimio razmere epidemije, osetila sam potrebu da skrenem pažnju javnosti na to. Zbog toga me i ne čudi velika popularnost ovog sajta za obuku sponzoruša. To samo znači da je tehnika uznapredovala. I gejše su obučavane da udovoljavanjem osvoje muškarca koji će ih kasnije izdržavati. Da se ne lažemo, ni naše bake nisu baš trčale da se udaju u siromašne kuće. I one su gledale da njihov izabranik ima kuću i okućnicu, njive, konje i volove... Danas je to samo vidljivije, ogoljenije i masovnije – kaže Simonida Milojković.
Skicirajući portret današnjih sponzoruša, naša sagovornica ocenjuje da one više ne nose nabudžene „najke” sa vazdušnim đonom i ne uvlače gornji deo trenerke u farmerke. Ako hoće da uhvate„bizmismena”(sa „m” umesto „n” u nazivu) oblače se kao noćne dame po bordelima. Za pecanje sportiste je neophodno odlično poznavanje domaćih i svetskih liga, a zbog onih sa laptopom sponzoruše su nabavile enciklopedije i počele da uče i strane jezike.
Poslovna zena

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Alessandra Ambrosio and her socks!

Alessandra Ambrosio is spotted departing from LAX, taking her boots off as she goes through security on Wednesday (January 28). Last week, Alessandra was working and relaxing on the island of St Barts, along with fellow Victoria Secret’s angels Marisa Miller and Selita Ebanks.
Alessandra, 27,
spent the holidays with her boyfriend, California businessman Jamie Mazur, at Playa Cafe’s Cafe de la Musique in Brazil.
The Victoria’s Secret angel
gave birth to Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur on Sunday, August 24.

Kako je New (net) age napravio od devojcica kurve?

Deca su pod pritiskom. Jedna se mala 11 godina stara Britanka pohvalila kako je na letovanju za nedelju dana spavala sa sest decaka. Polovina ispitanih godista 14-15 devojcica je takodje izjavilo da je na seksualni cin jednostvno primorano, ali je to u modi, tako treba. Decaci devojcice dele na normalne - easy targets ili nenormalne-hladne-lude, nazovite kako hocete, koje odmah izbacuju iz svih socijalnih desavanja.
I sve sto se sto se radi sa malim neduznim kurvama se aploduje se na net. Cak i ova rec apload bodi oci, ali je bolje od `postavlja se` ili `ubacuje se`. Playboy zecica na majici je trend, silikonske grudi potpuno normalni poklon za 16 rodjendan od mame i tate. Sajtovi poput FB-a ili Myspace-a jednostavno ohrabruju klince da se sto bolje slikaju za profile pic i pokazu sta imaju. To i rade, ali ne razmisljaju da pored decaka ili devojcice iz skole, te iste slike vide i profesori, nastavnici ili jos gore, cike i tete koji nisu bas tako dobri.

Devojcice se hvale feminizmom, ali je problem sto uopste taj termin ne razume nijedna od njih. One feminizam dozivljavaju slobodom da spavaju sa svima i uvek i to sto ranije i da sve to sto pre pokazu preko fona ili neta svima i sto pre. Da li je Sex and the city kriv, neki reality show, a ima ih mnogo i u svakom mozete lepo cuti kako se javno razgovara o najsitijim detaljima seksualnog zivota. Emocije i ne postoje. Sta je to?
Deca u udarnim terminima gledaju sparusenog decu koji zivi u super kuci i ima tri glupe plavuse oko sebe i bas mu je lepo. Plavuse poskakuju levo desno, hvale se najnovijim operacijama koje deda platio i kazu mu: AWWWWWWWWW, you are sooo cute, Hef! Sexyyyyy... Deda je u serijalu broj 2 nabavio jos dve glupace. Sada su happy family, pravi role model.
Amy Winehouse? Daj, bre sestro, priberi se. Idi negde da te ne nadje nijedan paparaco, jer sam zaista umorna od tvog kezenja i trulih zuba. Dosadna si, jer da je tako neko od rock-n roll legenda radio javno, ma koliko se drogirao nikada u legendu ne bi usao.
Paris? Hilton? Postala je ultra popularna kada je pokazala svima kako je momak...recimo oralno zadovoljava. U hotelu...Da, prica deluje odlicno, samo kada bi devojka bila bar malo originalna pa nam pokazala sta zna, osim falsiranja u pevanju i trepkanja aparatima. Devojka je ispod proseka, ali ima pare. Zato je specijalna. Tako je i sa svim ostalim bogatasicama koje je jadno pogledati,bez stila i ukusa, bekgraunda. Ali, one su specijalne jer imaju pare. Pare nisu kupile reputaciju Miss Hilton, niti ce. Jos jedan odlican role model.
Pamela? Izborana i niska, nakaradna smejulji se laznim zubima...Majka i role model.
Discovery i Explorer u udarnim temrinima prikazuje kako se lako snimaju porno filmovi i kako je super njihov zivot. Kuca, guske i bildovani majmuni puni sebe nakljukani lekovima za potenciju stenju dok komsije pokusavaju da vide iza ograde te zvezde. Stroka na kanalima. Bolju rec nemam.

Porno je zamenio erotiku, a bondage, dodire. Ok. Dosli smo do kraja i bas se pitam kakve ce cerke i sinovi biti jednog dana od ovakvih devojcica-kurvi kojima smo okruzeni.

Two IMTA alum's films now out on DVD!!

IMTA alum Regine Nehy's new dramatic feature film Lakeview Terrace is now out on DVD! This movie is about an interracial couple who moves into a new house in Los Angeles. Their next door neighbor is a single dad and a Los Angeles Policeman, played by Samuel L. Jackson. He starts stalking and harassing them. Regine plays Samuel L. Jackson's daughter, Celia Turner, in this suspenseful thriller.

Regine competed at IMTA in New York of 2000. She starred as Jacquie in the MTV film Super Sweet Sixteen: The Movie. She also starred in the the film Pride about a swim team overcoming numerous obstacles to become state championship . She has appeared in many projects such as: Fighting the Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story, Grey's Anatomy, Lincoln Heights and Boot Camp.

IMTA alum Haley Bennett's movie College is also now out on DVD! This humorous coming of age film is about a high school student who after breaking up with his girlfriend has to be pushed to attend the freshman orientation weekend at Fairmont University where they both planned on going. Haley stars as Kendall along side Josh and Drake star Drake Bell.

Haley competed at the 2001 IMTA Convention where she received a lot of attention from the agents and managers who were there scouting for new talent. She starred in the thriller The Haunting of Molly Hartley with Chace Crawford. Haley co-starred in the hugely popular romantic comedy Marley and Me with Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson. She also starred in Music and Lyrics and in the feature film She Lived.

Pitt -Jolie en Long Island

Próximamente, los Pitt-Jolie se trasladarán, según ha revelado el diario británico «Daily Star», a una mansión de 45 millones de euros en Long Island, cerca de Nueva York, donde Angelina Jolie va a rodar la película «Edwin A. Salt».
Leer más:
Así da gusto cambiar de residencia, o dar calderilla a las ONGs.
Ojalá yo pudiera hacer lo mismo.
Parecen, más que una familia, la Corte del Zar en el exilio.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Knox and Marchelline Jolie Pitt in public!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie arrive at Narita International Airport on Tuesday (January 27) in Narita, Chiba, Japan. The couple was accompanied by all of their kids — Maddox, 7, Pax, 5, Zahara, 4, Shiloh, 2, and 6-month-old twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. (Brad and Knox wore matching newsboy caps! Angie held Vivienne.)

“Our kids are always packing,” Angie has said. “They like to pack; it’s a game in our house. It can get very hard trying to find 20 minutes to close your eyes if you’ve been up since four in the morning. We travel so much, we never have to adjust. We change school time to four in the afternoon if we have to!”

Sean Harju at Milan Fashion Week and More...

IMTA alum Sean Harju was one of the models featured in the show that has the Milan fashion scene buzzing! The gorgeous presentation of Canadian designer DSquared2 was an entertaining and refreshing highlight during Menswear Fall/Winter 2009 Milan Fashion Week. You can watch the exciting fashion show set to a variety of songs including 'The Show Must Go On', 'Tomorrow', 'Big Spender' and 'Womanizer' for yourself, above in two parts!

Here are some more amazing shots of Sean Harju from Milan Fashion Week and his latest fashion campaigns and editorials!!

Sean was also recently photographed by Arnaldo Anaya Lucca
for the cover of OhLaLaMag.

Sean competed at IMTA in Los Angeles in 2006 where he won first runner up for Male Model of the Year and signed with the legendary Major Model Management team. He has been featured in the magazine Arena, Europe's premier modeling magazine, GQ where he was featured solo in a six page photo layout, in an editorial spread in Details, on the cover of the Japanese Magazine called HUGE, on the homepage for Eluxury and in a Diesel campaign ad.

Sean is a favorite runway model and appeared in an astounding number of shows during the past season! He was in a Spring/Summer ad campaign for Dolce And Gabbana with fellow IMTA grad and supermodel Tyson Ballou and has modeled for Y-3 and Calvin Klein, Dior, Diesel, Lucien Palley Finet and many more.

Prince Harry, Chelsy and Facebook status

JAN 27 - Chelsy Davy let the world know that she had broken up with Prince Harry using a thoroughly modern tool: her 'relationship status' on social networking site, Facebook.
It's the one etiquette problem upon which Debrett's, that Bible of social decorum, has as yet failed to advise: when a relationship ends, what on earth does one do about one's Facebook relationship status?
Should you leave it alone, so that each time you log on, you're greeted by your own profile declaring that you're "in a relationship", accompanied by a mocking smiley face icon? Quickly change your status to"single" in the hope that your ex will see it and know that you've moved on already? Quietly delete the "relationship status" section from your profile, and pray that no one asks why? Or remove yourself from the social networking site that has 150 million active users.
As Chelsy Davy, the now former girlfriend of Prince Harry, realised, public exposure of your most intimate details can be a powerful tool. She changed her relationship status to "not in one" - accompanied by the symbol of a broken red heart - and immediately signalled three things to the wider world: one, that she was not interested in talking to the press about it, two, that she was not interested in weepy post-mortems with friends and three, most importantly, that she controlled the situation...

Prva turska novčanica sa likom žene

Po prvi put u 86 godina dugoj istoriji Turske republike, lik neke žene će se naći na nekoj od domaćih novčanica. Lik Fatme Alije (1862-1939), prve žene pisca u turskoj književnosti, našao se na novoj novčanici od 50 turskih lira (oko 25 evra), prenele su agencije. Turska valuta promenila je ime "nova turska lira" (TRY) u "turska lira" (TRL) od 1. januara ove godine zbog čega je bilo potrebno izdati nove novčanice i kovanice. Na svakoj novčanici na jednoj strani nalazi se portret Kemala Ataturka, osnivača moderne Turske, dok su na drugoj strani likovi drugih istaknutih turskih ličnosti.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Women 1939 and The Women 2008

Before development was put on hold in 2006, Annette Bening and Uma Thurman were rumored to have been considered for the roles of Mary Haines and Crystal Allen respectively.

In the late 1970's a remake of the 1939 classic was proposed to star Jane Fonda, Barbra Streisand, and Faye Dunaway, but it was not made.
Like the 1939 version, the film has an all-female cast.
Edie's (
Debra Messing) daughters are called January, April, May and June. The last three are the names of Daisy Duck's nieces (counterparts to Donald Duck's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie).
Candice Bergen previously played Meg Ryan's mother in Rich and Famous (1981).
The Women (1939) the only scene in color was the fashion show sequence. In this version the fashion show begins with all-black and white clothes, and the scene before it takes place in a black-and-white room.
Tanya the manicurist (
Debi Mazar) talks about meeting Madonna. Mazar and Madonna are long-time friends; Mazar appeared in four Madonna music videos: "True Blue" and "Papa Don't Preach" (1986), "Deeper and Deeper" (1992) and "Music" (2000).

Bob Weaver wins regional Emmy Award!!

Photographer Bob Weaver was awarded a regional Emmy award on Dec. 6 in Orlando, Florida. Awarded by the Suncoast regional chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the prize honored Bob's photography and editing, in the category of Nostalgia Program, for "Celebrating 50 Years: The Story Behind the Spirit". The one-hour program chronicled the 50th anniversary of WWL-TV, the CBS affiliate in New Orleans.

Bob is one of several cameramen capturing images with IMTA's video crew throughout the week, helping to bring the IMTA Video Yearbook to life.

Congratulations Bob! From all of us at IMTA!

I (we) have a problem :(

Just because you're a women there's no excuse to be in debt. Follow our fail-safe plan for fabulous finances.
Remember the Sex And The City episode where Carrie realises that she's spent $40,000 on shoes and can't afford the downpayment on her apartment? 'I literally will be the old woman who lived in her shoes,' she laments. Sheconomics is a new book co-written by psychologist Professor Karen Pine and financial adviser Simonne Gnessen. The idea behind the book is obviously to help women master money - but it's more than just a practical guide because it also addresses the complex feelings that can stand in your way.
Karen and Simonne have devised seven laws of 'Sheconomics' that will help you change your attitude to personal finance, get your money madness under control and secure a financial future that doesn't depend on Prince Charming.
Be aware of how your emotions affect the way you behave with money. Women's attitude to money is shaped by emotion. But instead of acting when in an emotional state, stop and think for a minute about how it is you're feeling.
Identify what's causing it. Is it a reaction to something real that you're facing now, or has it been sparked off by an old memory or previous experience?
Work out if the emotion is relevant. If it is warning you of real danger, heed it. But if it's reinforcing bad habits, feel free to ditch it. Think about what you're aiming for, not your feelings right now, and act in a way that will help you achieve your goal.
Know that your financial beliefs can become reality. Our beliefs influence the way we behave, and, in turn, what we do or do not achieve.
If you believe that you're bad with money, you probably will be. But if you believe that riches will be yours, then more than likely you will be rich.
First, you need to identify the things that are stopping you being rich. Maybe you don't ask for a pay rise because you're secretly scared you're not worth it. Once you've worked out what's standing in your way, you can start to change your behaviour and attitude towards money.
Make sure all your spending decisions are made for the right reasons. To spend with power, you need to understand why you shop and resist the compulsion to spend to cover up emotions.
Start by working out where your money goes by keeping track of exactly what you spend your cash on in a month. Then you can work out where you need to cut back and how to control your spending.
For example, always order tap water in restaurants, and don't buy a coffee on the way to work. Use internet comparison sites before making a purchase, avoid cards and pay cash so you know what you're spending. Eventually you'll learn that you can cut down on your spending without feeling deprived
Make your money fit your life plan. Work out what you want to achieve in life. Peace and security? Escape from city life? Setting up a business?
A dream is vague and relies on chance - 'I wish I could be mega-rich'. A goal is specific and realistic - 'My savings plan means I'll have £30,000 by the time I'm 40.' Goals take the pain out of resisting temptation.
Saying no to a ski trip sits much easier if you're giddily excited about buying your first flat and are saving for the deposit. It's tougher when the goal is long-term, like saving for retirement. But think of it as 'achieving financial freedom' and you're more likely to stick with it.
Face up to what you owe and decide how to pay it back. Start by listing your debts and working out the priorities. They should be your mortgage, secured loans, rent, council tax, utility bills, tax etc. These have to be dealt with before credit or store cards, overdrafts and unsecured loans.
Pay off whatever you can and then work out a how much debt you can afford to repay each month and who needs to be paid the most (usually the debt with the highest interest rate, so you pay it off sooner). Set yourself a goal date for being debt-free.
Talk openly and honestly about money. In most relationships, money is still taboo. But money secrets are the kiss of death to any close relationship - whether it's with a partner, spouse, business partner or close friend.
Sharing financial intimacies is about building trusting, honest relationships with others, and with yourself in relation to money. This requires that you communicate in order to understand and come to terms with your own and your other people's money mindset. Agree to accept any differences and you'll be headed for financial bliss.
Take action now for a secure future. The future of the State pension in the UK is uncertain. Frankly, it's deluded to think the State will provide for you when you retire.
So, boring as it may seem, you need to plan for your future in a way that balances your current needs against your future ones. Future needs tend to get drowned out when we're hedonistically indulging our current desires.
But by saving now, starting a pension and making your money work hard for you, you can safeguard your future without feeling that you're missing out on your present. Extracted from Sheconomics by Karen Pine and Simonne Gnessen, £7.99, published by Headline.
Home mail

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Trećina žena se oblači sexy zbog posla

Više od 27 posto anketiranih žena priznalo je da bi rado obuklo seksi odeću kad bi im to pomoglo u "zarađivanju" kakvih bonusa ili promocije na poslu. Takođe je jedna od 20 žena izjavila da to redovno i radi.Istraživanje je provela internet stranica na tri hiljade zaposlenih žena, od čega čak 78 posto smatra da im izgled utiče na posao. Više od polovine ispitanih žena reklo je da smatra da im doterivanje pomaže u poslu.PR ovog istraživanja je rekla: "Istraživanje dokazuje da izgled zaista može uticati na poslovnu uspešnost. Čak i kad radite od kuće, odeća uveliko utiče na vašu produktivnost. Ako ste obučeni suviše ležerno, teško ćete se disciplinovati".Anketa je takođe pokazala da dve trećine žena smatra da imaju bolju kontrolu ako su doterane, dok 61 posto ispitanica misli da ih zbog pažljivo odabrane odeće kolege više poštuju.Žene su se takođe pokazale kao vrlo kompetitivne u kancelariji - njih 48 odsto je priznalo takmičenje u oblačenju za posao, u odnosu na 27 posto muškaraca kojima je to bitno u poslu. U modnim nadmetanjima na radnom mestu dominiraj marketing i reklamna industrija.Najveća profesionalna modna nadmetanja prema struci:
1. Marketing i reklamna industrija
2. Mediji
3. Maloprodajni centri
4. Poslovi sekretarice
5. Trgovina
Poslovna zena

Elsa Pataky y Rosario Dawson , vídeo

Dos latinas que triunfan.

VIDEO:Sexy Celebs Rosario Dawson And Elsa Pataky

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Brad Pitt no es rentable

“El curioso caso de Benjamin Button” es, con 13 nominaciones a los Oscar, una clara favorita de la Academia, aunque en Hollywood se habla cada vez más de que, salvo sorpresa, no será rentable debido a un costo de producción de 150 millones de dólares más otros 135 millones de distribución.
Leer más:
Es normal que las "estrellonas" no sean rentables, y cada vez más iremos viendo que son apartadas de los repartos.
Por ese motivo triunfan las películas independientes.
La gente ya no paga una entrada por "ver" a nadie en concreto. Ahora se busca la calidad del film . Que no se compra ni con maxi publicidad, ni con mega estrellas.
Los tiempos de los grandes estudios pasaron a mejor vida, hoy tenemos demasiadas formas de entretenimiento y gratis.