Friday, December 21, 2007

Who has more fun?

Do blondes really have more fun? Some may argue hair colour does not affect the way we perceive or respect people, but hair colour and hair style says a lot about an individual...
Whether you have blonde, brown, black, red or blue hair there are always going to be the typical stereotypes for your particular hair colour.
For example it is a fact women with blonde hair try to convince everyone being blonde means they have more fun. Brunette women, however, protest it is they who have more fun than blondes and they also add the fact that they are more intelligent.
The most common stereotype of each hair colour is as follows:
Blonde = thick as two short planks and prone to have ditsy moments. Flirtatious and fun-loving.
Brunette = boring, dull and more reserved, seen as being more classy than blondes.
Black = raven hair, evil and witch like. Sassy and sultry.
Red (more commonly known as ginger) = general dislike to the hair colour, hidden from the lime light quiet, intellectual and geeky.
Extravagant hair colours e.g. blue, purple, green etc. = attention seeking, attempting to rebel against society. Funky and individual.
Some blondes are intelligent and some blondes are boring, some brunettes are fun-loving and some brunettes are thick - you get the gist! The mix of hair colour, style, skin tone, eye colour, make-up and dress sense all contribute to the way that people perceive you.
Do blondes have more fun?
The mixture of these factors must work well together and compliment one another. This is where we will give our insight and views as to what suits who and what doesn’t suit certain people.
"Certain clothes and colours can really draw attention to blondes and look really striking. However blondes definitely do have to be careful with what they wear because it can look really trashy," says Hannah.
The rule that when wearing a short skirt, cover up on top and if your wearing a low cut, cleavage enhancing top then cover the bottom half definitely applies to blondes. As a generalisation, black looks best on blondes and makes the hair colour stand out even more.
"From a brunette’s perspective I have come to notice that there is a strong emphasis on girls competing against each other, whether it is for the attention of the male species or merely for self satisfaction.
"Being dark haired used to bother me at school because blondes always seemed to get the most attention and were always seen as prettier. Over the years though I have come to the conclusion men are often drawn to brunettes because of their 'Latino' look and their dark eyes," says Mel.
"Blondes definitely do have to be careful with what they wear because it can look really trash"
Obviously different people have different tastes, it might be blonde hair and blue eyes that floats your boat, green eyes and auburn hair or in my case dark brown eyes and dark hair is always a winner.As for clothes, red always goes down well with dark haired girls and chocolate brown compliments the different tones in our hair. There are a few colours that brunettes should steer well clear of.
Especially if you are pale skinned, wearing all black clothing can wash you out and drain what colour you do have in your face. It is a good idea to experiment with colours and see what your friends like and dislike you wearing.
I’ve always found light grey looks nice with dark hair but dark grey, again, washes out the face and your hair seems to mould into the clothing creating a drained look.
Brunettes should always have colour in their outfits. However, as long as they keep dark, dull colours to a minimum then we’ll always look stunning and vibrant.
Overall there is no true war between the hair colours only between the individuals. Before writing this article we thought that there was a definite line dividing the various hair colours and therefore their personalities.
Now, however, we have discovered that this is not the case and that it is the combination of hair colour and dress sense that create how an individual is perceived. Anyway if you don’t like your hair colour - dye it!

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