Da li se secate ove luddddeeeeeee serije :))) Mislim da je isla kod nas kao `Luda kuca` ili nesto tako... Nocni program `Program plus`
This is pure comedy. It is genius. It is hilarity that transcends the boundary of comedy. Fawlty Towers is the kind of comedy that has you on the floor gasping for air in a puddle of your own tears. John Cleese has created one of the defining characters of comedy in Basil Fawlty. Manuel Sachs is superb as Manuel, the confused waiter from Barcelona. Prunella Scales is brilliant as the tyrannical wife. Connie Booth is very good as Polly, the hassled waitress. Put it all together inside a small hotel in Torquay and you get one of the greatest, most alluring comedies ever to grace the screen. The only bad thing about Fawlty Towers is that they didn't make more.Fawlty Towers will always be tearfully, heart stoppingly, deadly, and disasterously funny.
Inept and manic English hotel owner and manager, Basil Fawlty, isn't cut out for his job. He's intolerant, rude and paranoid. All hell frequently breaks loose as Basil tries to run the hotel, constantly under verbal (and sometime physical) attack from his unhelpful wife Sybil, and hindered by the incompetent, but easy target, Manuel; their Spanish waiter.
A hotel by the sea is run by a stressed and moronic lunatic who can't seem to please his guest, has a shaky marriage with a cruel and self-centered woman, and a Spanish porter who can barely speak English. Fortunately he has an intelligent and attractive maid to help him out of the various situations he gets into.
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