Thursday, April 30, 2009

Elise IQ 156!!!

The front door has barely opened before she comes running towards me beaming.
'What's this?' she asks, forming fingers and thumbs into a pointy shape and peering through the gap.
Before I can answer she declares: 'Equilateral triangle. Three sides the same`.
Of course it is. I should have known. But then I'm not a child genius with a startlingly high IQ.
And Elise Tan-Roberts - aged two years, four months and two weeks - is.
She has just become the youngest member of Mensa, with an estimated IQ of 156.
That puts her two points higher on the scoreboard than Carol Vorderman, and comfortably in the top 0.2 per cent of children her age.
Here's the best bit, though. She seems to be a sweet little girl with charming parents who simply want her to be happy.She was recommended for Mensa and accepted. Only those with an IQ of 148 and above - the top two percent - qualify. The average IQ is 100.
Professor Freeman concluded that Elise's 'superb memory' was the source for her 'excellent learning and progress'.
Reassuringly for mum and dad, she added that they were doing everything right.
Yesterday as Elise danced happily in the sunshine at her local park, Edward, a 34-year-old motor consultant and car-buyer, told me: 'Our main aim is to make sure she keeps learning at an advanced pace...
Home Mail

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